

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

陈小麟 Xiaolin Chen
教授 博导

履历 厦门大学助教(1982-1987)





BSc, Xiamen University (1982)

Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (1982-1987)

Lecturer, Xiamen University (1987-1993)

Associate Professor, Xiamen University (1993-1999)

Visiting Scholar, The University of Sydney (1996-1997)

Professor, Xiamen University (1999-)

研究方向 动物生态与保护生物学;鸟类保护遗传与分子生态学;滨海湿地水鸟保护

Animal ecology and conservation biology; avian conservation genetics and molecular ecology conservation of coastal wetland waterbirds

代表性论文 Lei Wei, Fang Wenzhen, Zhou Xiaoping, Lin Qingxian, Chen Xiaolin. Population genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of MHC class II DAB genes in the vulnerable Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes).(2016).Conservation Genetics 17: 1459–1468.
Lei Wei, Fang Wenzhen, Zhou Xiaoping, Lin Qingxian, Chen Xiaolin. (2016).Major histocompatibility complex class II DAB alleles associated with intestinal parasite load in the vulnerable Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes). Ecology and Evolution 6: 4421–4434.
Dai Yufei, Lin Qingxian, Fang Wenzhen, Zhou Xiaoping, Chen Xiaolin. (2015).Noninvasive and nondestructive sampling for avian microsatellite genotyping: a case study on the vulnerable Chinese Egret (Egretta eulophotes). Avian Research 6: 24.
Zhou Xiaoping, Lin Qingxian, Fang Wenzhen, Chen Xiaolin.(2015). The complete mitochondrial genomes of sixteen ardeid birds revealing the evolutionary process of the gene rearrangements. BMC Genomics 15:573.
Huang Xunhe, Zhou Xiaoping, Lin Qingxian, Fang Wenzhen, Chen Xiaolin.(2013). PCR-RFLP technique for species identification of molted feathers in six species of co-occurring Ardeids. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 817-819.
Wang Zeng, Zhou Xiaoping, Lin Qingxian, Fang Wenzhen, Chen Xiaolin. (2011).New primers for sex identification in the Chinese Egret and other ardeid species. Molecular Ecology Resources 11:176-179.
Li Li,Zhou Xiaoping,Chen Xiaolin.(2011).Characterization and evolution of MHC Class II B genes in ardeid birds. Journal of Molecular Evolution 72:474-483.
Chen Xiaolin, Dickman C R and Thompson M B. (2004). Selective consumption by predatiors of different body regions of prey: is rate of energy intake important? Journal of Zoology(London) 264:189-196.
Chen Xiaolin, Chen Zhihong, Fang Wenzhen. (2000). New record of the White-faced Heron, Egretta novaehollandiae in Xiamen (Amoy), China. Emu 100: 340.
陈小麟, 方文珍, 林清贤, 周晓平. (2012).福建省滨海湿地水鸟.北京:高等教育出版社.Chen Xiaolin, Fang Wenzhen, Lin Qingxian, Zhou Xiaoping. (2012). Fujian coastal wetland waterbirds. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

开设课程 动物生物学Animal biology

生物多样性与保护 biodiversity and conservation

科研课题 海岛易危黄嘴白鹭MHC基因多样性及其进化适应机制的研究.93万. 国家自然科学基金. 2015-2018
厦门翔安机场鸟情动态监测及其对飞行安全影响分析. 205万. 厦门市机场建设指挥部. 2016-2018

海岛濒危鹭类的遗传多样性研究. 33万. 国家自然科学基金. 2010-2012

福建省滨海湿地保护与生态恢复工程技术研究中心. 100万. 福建省科技厅福建省科技平台项目. 2010-2013

岩鹭繁殖生态及栖息地选择的研究. 23万. 国家自然科学基金 .2006-2008

荣誉奖励 陈小麟.(2009). 高等学校国家级教学名师奖

陈小麟.(2013). 中国野生动物保护协会“斯巴鲁生态保护贡献奖”
林圣彩,陈小麟,周大旺,宋思扬,等. (2014).《遵循人才培养规律的生物学本科教学改革与实践》项目获国家级教学成果二等奖

陈小麟,宋思扬,林圣彩,陈美,沈明山. (2009).《依托学科优势的生物科学专业改革与实践》项目获国家级教学成果奖二等奖


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