欧阳高亮OUYANG GaoliangPh.D.
Laboratory of Stem Cells and Tumor Metastasis
1993, BSc., Nanchang University
2001, Ph.D., Xiamen University
1993-1996: Assistant, Jiangxi Medical College
2001-2003: Assistant Professor, Xiamen University
2006-2008: Research Scholar, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA
2003-2010: Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University
2010-Present: Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University
2006.2-2008.1 在美国加州大学伯克利分校研究****
2010.8-至今厦门大学生命科学学院教授 博士生导师
研究领域(Research Area)
Tumor metastasis involves dissemination of cancer cells to distant organ sites and their subsequent adaptation to and remodeling foreign tissue microenvironments. We have discovered that matricellular proteins (Periostin, OPN, etc) contribute to cell survival, EMT, stemness maintenance, angiogenesis and pre-metastatic niche formation during tumor metastasis. Our current work demonstrated that matricellular proteins play a critical role in remodeling tissue microenvironments during inflammation and tumor progression. We will continue to investigate the functions of matricellular proteins in stem cell niches and in inflammatory and metastatic microenvironments.
代表性论著(Selected Publications)
1.Wang Z, Xiong S,Mao Y, Chen M, Ma X, Zhou X, Ma Z, Liu F, Huang Z, Luo Q,Ouyang G*. Periostin promotesimmunosuppressive pre-metastatic niche formation to facilitate breasttumor metastasis.J Pathol, 2016. doi:10.1002/path.4747.(*Corresponding author).
2.Fan C, Lin Y, MaoY, Huang Z, Liu AY, Ma H, Yu D, Maitikabili A, Xiao H, Zhang C, Liu F, Luo
Q,Ouyang G*. MicroRNA-543suppresses colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by targeting KRAS, MTA1 and HMGA2.Oncotarget, 2016. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7989.
3.Li Y, Wu S, Xiong S,Ouyang G*.Deficiency of periostin protects mice against methionine-choline-deficient diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.J Hepatol, 62: 495-497,2015.
4.Huang Y, Liu W, Xiao H, Maitikabili A, Lin Q, Wu T, Huang Z, Liu F,Luo Q,Ouyang G*. Matricellular
protein periostin contributes to hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.AmJ Pathol, 185: 786-797, 2015.
5.LinY, LiuAY, FanC, ZhengH, LiY, ZhangC, WuS, YuD, HuangZ, LiuF, LuoQYangCJ,OuyangG*.MicroRNA-33b inhibits breast cancer metastasis by targeting HMGA2, SALL4and Twist1.Sci Rep, 5: 9995, 2015.
6.Huang Z, Wu T, Liu AY*, Ouyang G*. Differentiation andtransdifferentiation potentials of cancer stem cells.Oncotarget, 6:39550-39563, 2015.
7.Qiu H, Fang X, LuoQ*,Ouyang G*. Cancer stemcells: a potential target for cancer therapy.Cell Mol Life Sci, 72:3411-3424, 2015.
8.Wu T, Luo Q*,Ouyang G*. Periostin: a potentchemotactic factor for recruiting tumor-associated macrophage.ProteinCell, 6: 235-237, 2015.
9.Zhou L, Liu F,Wang X*,Ouyang G*. The rolesof microRNAs in the regulation of tumor metastasis.Cell Biosci, 5: 32, 2015.
10.Wu T, Wu S,Ouyang G*. Periostin: a new extracellular regulator of obesity-inducedhepatosteatosis.Cell Metab, 20: 562-564, 2014. (Preview)
11.Liu AY, Zheng H,Ouyang G*. Periostin, a multifunctional matricellular protein in inflammatory andtumor microenvironments.Matrix Biol, 37: 150-156, 2014.
12.Conway SJ, Izuhara K, Kudo Y, Litvin J, Markwald R,Ouyang G, Arron JR, Holweg CT, Kudo A*. The role of periostin in tissue remodeling across health and disease.Cell Mol Life Sci, 71: 1279-1288, 2014. (Allauthors contributed equally).
13.Wu T,Ouyang G*.Matricellular proteins: multifaceted extracellular regulators in tumordormancy.Protein Cell, 5: 249-252, 2014.
14.Liu AY, Cai Y, Mao Y, Lin Y, Zheng H, Wu T, Huang Y, Fang X, Lin S,Feng Q, Huang Z, Yang T, Luo Q*,OuyangG*. Twist2 promotes self-renewal of liver cancer stem-like cells byregulating CD24.Carcinogenesis, 35: 537-545,2014.
15.Li X, Zhang W, Liu L, Zhu Z,Ouyang G, An Y, Zhao C, Yang CJ*. In vitro selection of DNA aptamers for metastatic breastcancer cell recognition and tissue imaging.Anal Chem, 86: 6596-603, 2014.
16.Wang X, Liu J, Wang Z, Huang Y, Liu W, Zhu X, Cai Y, Fang X, Lin S,Yuan L,Ouyang G*. Periostincontributes to the acquisition of multipotent stem cell-like properties in human mammary epithelial cells and breast cancer cells.PLoSOne, 8: e72962, 2013.
17.Liu AY,Ouyang G*. Tumorangiogenesis: glioblastoma stem cells as a new source of pericytes.CurrBiol, 23: R565-R568, 2013. (Dispatch)
18.Wang Z,OuyangG*. Periostin: a bridge between cancer stem cells and their metastaticniche.Cell Stem Cell, 10: 111-112, 2012. (Preview)
19.Fang X, Cai Y, Liu J, Wang Z, Wu Q, Zhang Z, YangCJ, Yuan L,Ouyang G*. Twist2contributes to breast cancer progression by promoting anepithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem-like cell self-renewal.Oncogene,30: 4707-4720, 2011.
20.Ruan K, Bao S,OuyangG*. The multifaceted role of periostin in tumorigenesis.Cell Mol Life Sci, 66: 2219-2230, 2009.
21.Song G#,Ouyang G#, Mao Y, Ming Y, Bao S, Hu T. Osteopontinpromotes gastric cancer metastasis by augmenting cell survival and invasion through Akt-mediated HIF-1aup-regulation and MMP9 activation.J Cell Mol Med, 13: 1706-1718, 2009. (#These authors contributedequally to this work).
22.Ouyang G*, Liu M, Ruan K, Song G, Mao Y, Bao S. Upregulatedexpression of periostin by hypoxia in non-small-cell lung cancer cells promotes cell survival via the Akt/PKB pathway.Cancer Lett,281: 213-219, 2009.
23.Song G, Cai QF, Mao YB, Ming YL, Bao SD,Ouyang GL*. Osteopontin promotes ovarian cancer progression and cell survival and increases HIF-1αexpression through PI3-K/Akt pathway.Cancer Sci, 99:1901-1907, 2008.
24.Bao S,OuyangG, Bai X, Huang Z, Ma C, Liu M, Shao R, Anderson RM, Rich JN, Wang XF*. Periostin potently promotes metastatic growth of colon cancer byaugmenting cell survival via the Akt/PKB pathway.Cancer Cell,5: 329-339, 2004.
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