

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

李静,博士,教授、博士生导师,福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者(2014年),厦门市微机电学会常务理事。研究成果获“第十三届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文(一等奖)”(2018年),所指导博士生获“福建省优秀博士学位论文”(2017年)。带领多个学生团队先后获得“首届全国高校“人工智能+”创新创业创造大赛(特等奖)”(2019)、“第五届全国移动互联创新大赛(国家级)一等奖”(2019)、“第九届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛(国家级)一等奖”(2019)、“The 1st China-Malaysia Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition(国家级)一等奖”(2019,马来西亚)等奖项。近五年来,已在Nano Energy, JACS, Adv. Func. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A等国际知名SCI学术刊物发表了20多篇相关论文,已获授权专利6项。主持了国家自然科学基金、福建省科技计划重点项目、福建省自然科学基金、厦门市科技计划项目以及横向合作等多项课题;参加了“ 973重大科学计划研究项目”、“课题与国家重点研发专项”等相关课题。
Email: lijing@xmu.edu.cn
2003/09-2009/06, 厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院物理系,凝聚态物理,博士
1999/07-2002/07, 新加坡国立大学,化学系/材料与工程研究所,材料科学,硕士
1. Ruihao Chen,Yong Hui,Binghui Wu,Yongke Wang,Xiaofeng Huang,Zhongyuan Xu,Peng-Peng Ruan,Wuyong Zhang,Fangwen Cheng,Weijie Zhang, Jun Yin*,Jing Li* and Nanfeng Zheng*, Moisture-tolerant and high-quality α-CsPbI3films for efficient and stable perovskite solar modules,J. Mater. Chem. A, DOI: 10.1039/D0TA01968B, 2020.
2. Zhongyuan Xu, Ruihao Chen, Yazhuo Wu, Ruiqin He, Jun Yin*, Wei Lin, Binghui Wu,Jing Li*and Nanfeng Zheng*, Br-containing alkyl ammonium salt-enabled scalable fabrication of high-quality perovskite films for efficient and stable perovskite modules,J. Mater. Chem. A,7, 26849-26857, 2019
3. Yingjian Yu#(contributed equally), Yucheng Wang#(contributed equally), Shan Zhang, Pengyang Zhang, Shi Xue, Yannan Xie,* Zhiyou Zhou*,Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang,The construction of integrated Si-based micro proton exchange membrane fuel cells with improved performances,Nano Energy, 61, 604-610, 2019.
4. Jun Yin,* Yichuan Lin, Chunquan Zhang, Jing Li,* and Nanfeng Zheng*,Growth-Dynamic-Controllable Rapid Crystallization Boosts the Perovskite Photovoltaics’ Robust Preparation: From Blade Coating to Painting,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(27), 23103?23111,2018,
5. Yichuan Lin, Xiaoqin Ye, Zhiming Wu, Chunquan Zhang, Yulong Zhang, Haifeng Su, Jun Yin* andJing Li*, Manipulation of the crystallization of perovskite films induced by a rotating magnetic field during blade coating in air,J. Mater. Chem. A,6, 3986-3995, 2018.
6. Rongcheng Ban, Yingjian Yu, Meng Zhang, Jun Yin,* Binbin Xu, De-Yin Wu,Min Wu, Zhang,§ Huiling Tai,Jing Li,*andJunyong Kang,Synergetic SERS Enhancement in a Metal-Like/Metal Double-Shell Structure for Sensitive and Stable Application,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (15), 13564–13570,2017.
7. JunYin, HuiQu, Jing Cao, HuilingTai, Jing Li*and Nanfeng Zheng*,Vapor-assisted crystallization control toward high performance perovskite photovoltaics with over 18% efficiency in the ambient atmosphere,J. Mater. Chem. A,4 (34), 13203-13210,2016.
8. Jing Cao,Xiaojing Jing(equally first contributed author),Juanzhu Yan,Chengyi Hu,Ruihao Chen,Jun Yin,Jing Li*, andNanfeng Zheng*, Identifying the Molecular Structures of Intermediates for Optimizing the Fabrication of High-Quality Perovskite Films,J.Am. Chem. Soc., 138 (31), pp 9919–9926,2016.
9. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Zhenguo Wu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Juntao Li, Libo Zhao, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High stability induced by the TiN/Ti interlayer in 3D Si/Ge nanorod arrays as anode in Micro Lithium Ion Battery,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,8(12), 7806–7810, 2016.
10. Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Xionggui Lin, Shibo Sun, Jinping Gu,Xu He,Chuanhui Zhang,Wei Lin, Donghai Lin, Xinli Liao, Binbin Xu, Suntao Wu,Mingsen Zheng,*Jing Li,*Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin,ZIF-8 Cooperating in TiN/Ti/Si Nanorods as Efficient Anodes in Micro-Lithium-Ion-Batteries,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 3992-3999,2016.
11. Jun Yin, Jing Cao, Xu He, Shibo Sun,Jing Li*, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Liwei Lin, Improved stability of perovskite solar cells in ambient air by controlling mesoporous layer,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,3, 16860–16866,2015.
12. Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He, Hongtao Yang, De-Yin Wu, Min Wu, Junyong Kang, Zhihao Wu* andJing Li*, Multiple coupling in plasmonic metal/dielectric hollow nanocavity arrays for high sensitive detection,Nanoscale,7, 13495-13502, 2015.
13. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Binbin Chen, Wei Lin, Binbin Xu, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High performance 3D Si/Ge Nanorods Array anode buffered by TiN/Ti interlayer for sodium ion batteries,Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1386–1392, 2015.(featured article in frontispiece)
14. Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Xu He, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu,Jing Li,*and Junyong Kang*, Plasmonic enhanced self-cleaning activity on asymmetric Ag/ZnO SERS substrates under ultraviolet and visible irradiation,J. Mater. Chem. A,2 (21), 7747 – 7753, 2014.(featured article in front cover page)
15. Jun Yin , Yang Li , Shengchang Chen ,Jing Li , *Junyong Kang , Wei Li , Peng Jin , Yonghai Chen , Zhihao Wu , * Jiangnan Dai , Yanyan Fang , and Changqing Chen, Surface Plasmon enhanced hot exciton emission in deep UV emitting AlGaN multiple quantum wells,Advanced Optical Material, 2(5), 451–458, 2014.(featured article in frontispiece)

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