1925.9 生于香港
1945.10-1949.1 广州岭南大学物理系学习
1949.1-1950.1 因病休学
1950.3-1986.5 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所(及其前身),历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、室主任、博士生导师、中国科学院长春分院学术委员会委员等职
1984 国家学位委员会批准为博士研究生导师
1985-1987 吉林大学兼职教授
1985-1987 长春地质学院兼职教授
1985-1990 浙江大学兼职教授
1986.6- 厦门大学化学系教授
1986.6-1988.6 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所兼职研究员
1993.11 中国科学院院士
1995.10 五邑大学名誉教授
1998.9-1998.10 德国Duisburg大学客座教授
2000-2003 中山大学客座教授
2002.5 东北大学名誉教授
2002.11 机械工业材料质量检测中心/上海材料研究所检测中心客座研究员
An Atlas of High Resolution Spectra of RareEarth Elements for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy,Benli Huang, Xiaoru Wang, Pengyuan Yang, Hai Ying, Sheng Gu, Zhigang Zhang,Zhixia Zhuang, Zhenhua Sun, Bing Li The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,UK, 2000
“High Irradiance Laser Ionization MassSpectrometry”, Chapter 5 of Handbook on Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation, Dataand Analysis, and Applications Wei Hang, Lizhi Chen, Quan Yu, Rongfu Huang,Lingfeng Li, Yiming Lin, Jian He, and Benli Huang Nova Science Publishers Inc.,2009, ISBN: 978-1-60741-580-0, Editor: J. K. Lang, NY 11788, USA
Two-Dimensional Separation in LaserIonization Orthogonal Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Huang RF, Lin YM, LiLF, Hang W, He J, Huang BL ,Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82(7): 3077-3080
Semi-quantitative analysis of geologicalsamples using laser plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Tong QG, Yu Q, JinXZ, He J, Hang W, Huang BL Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2009,24(2): 228-231
低压微波消解─ICP-AES法测定聚氯乙烯塑料及其制品中的Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg, 金献忠, 陈建国, 杭纬, 黄本立,分析试验室, 2007,26(8): 80-83
碱土金属的强短脉冲供电空心阴极灯激发常规炬管电感耦合等离子体离子荧光光谱初步研究, 张绍雨, 弓振斌, 黄本立, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2006,26(2): 331-335
Double hydride generation gaseous phaseenrichment with flow injection on-line automatic preparation for ultratraceamounts of total selenium determination by atomic fluorescence spectrometry, GuoXM, Li SP, Huang BL ,Spectroscopy Letters, 2005, 38(2): 131-143
高效液相色谱-原子荧光光谱联用中的连续数字信号采集和处理, 洪煜琛, 王秋泉, 严华, 梁敬, 郭旭明, 黄本立, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2003,23(2): 354-357
Speciation of rare earth elements in soil bysequential extraction then HPLC coupled with visible and ICP-MS detection, WangQQ, Huang BL, Guan ZW, Yang LM, Li B,Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2001, 370(8): 1041-1047
“Plasma Spectrochemistry in the People’sRepublic of China”, 1982Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, January 1982, Orlando, FL, USA. (Invited)
“Studies on Sample Introduction for ICP-AES”,2nd Japan-China Joint Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, November 1985, Tokyo. (Plenary)
“Studies on Hydride Generation in Non-aqueousMedia”, 9th Australian Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, April 1967, Sydney. (Invited)
“Recent Studies on ICP Sample Introduction”,XXV Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale (CSI), June 1987, Toronto. (Invited)
“Can Ethanol Take a Role in AtomicSpectroscopy?” 1st Changchun InternationalSymposium on Analytical Chemistry, August 1990, Changchun, China.(Invited)
“Flow Injection-Electrochemical HydrideGeneration Technique for Atomic Spectroscopy”, XXVII CSI, June 1991, Bergen,Norway.(Invited)
“Flow Injection-Electrochemical HydrideGeneration Technique for AAS”, VII All Soviet Union Seminar on GFAAS, June1991, Leningrad.(Invited)
“Study on Operating Parameters for HollowCathode Lamp as an Ionic Line Emission Source”, 4th Asian Chemical Congress,August 1991, Beijing.(Invited)
“Recent Developments and Prospect in AtomicSpectroscopy”, IV Beijing International Conference and Exposition on InstrumentalAnalysis (BCEIA IV), October 1991, Beijing.(Keynote)
“SomeUnconventional Hydride Generation Techniques for Atomic Spectroscopy”,International Symposium of Overseas Chinese Scholars on Analytical Chemistry,October 1992, Wuhan, China. (Plenary)
“HyphenatedTechniques in Atomic Spectroscopy—The Best of both Worlds”, BCEIA V, October1993. Beijing.(Keynote)
“InductivelyCoupled Plasma—A Useful Source for Atomization, Excitation and Ionization”, 5thAsian Chemical Congress, Training Course on Atomic Spectroscopy, November 1993,Kuala Lumpur.(Invited)
“Spectrometersfor ICP-AES”, ditto. (Invited)
“Footprintson the Sands of Time—Two Decades of ICP Spectrochemistry”, 2nd ChangchunInternational Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, August 1994, Changchun, China.(Plenary)
“Electricaland Fluorescence Excitation Characteristics of the High Current MicrosecondPulsed HCLs”, 3nd Asian Conference on Analytical Chemistry, August 1995, Seoul. (Keynote)
“SomeConsiderations on Echelle Spectrometers for Spectrochemical Analysis”, BCEIAVI, October 1995, Beijing.(Keynote)
“Pulsing—AnApproach to Sensitivity Enhancement for Atomic Spectroscopy”, SecondInternational Symposium of Worldwide Chinese Scholars on Analytical Chemistry,November 1995, Shenzhen, China. (Plenary)
“HighCurrent Microsecond Pulsed Hollow Cathode Lamp Excited ICP-Ionic FluorescenceSpectrometry — A Preliminary Report”, Fifth Eurasia Conference on ChemicalSciences, December 10-14, 1996, Guangzhou (Canton), China.(Invited)
“HighCurrent Microsecond Pulsed Hollow Cathode Lamp Excited Atomic/IonicFluorescence Spectrometry— An Overview”, BCEIA VII, October 1997, Shanghai. (Keynote)
“RecentAdvances in Instrumentation for Analytical Atomic Optical and MassSpectrometry—Some Selected Examples”, Third International Symposium ofWorldwide Chinese Scholars on Analytical Chemistry, December 1998, Hong Kong, China.(Plenary)
“HighCurrent Microsecond Pulsed Glow Discharge-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry — AHappy Marriage”, XXXI Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, September5-10, 1999, Ankara, Turkey. (Invited)
“AnalyticalSpectroscopy— Where do we go from here?” BCEIA VIII, October 25-28, 1999, Beijing. (Plenary)
“Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy - Stepping into the New Century”, Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition, May 27-31, 2000, Calgary, Alberta,Canada. (Invited)
“AnalyticalSciences: Crossing the New Century-Some Retrospect and Considerations”,Regional Conference For Young Chemist 2001 (RCYC 2001), April 3-4, 2001, Penang,
“Studies onSome Less Conventional Vapor Generation Techniques with Atomic Spectrometry —An Update”, XXXII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, July 8-13, 2001, Pretoria, South Africa. (Invited)
“Ethics: AnEssential Ingredient of the Graduate Curriculum”, IUPAC International Congresson Analytical Sciences 2001, August 6-10, 2001, Tokyo, Japan.(Invited)
“AtomicSpectroscopy: A Dying Horse?” AnalyticaChina 2002 Symposium, September 3-6,2002, Pudong, Shanghai.(Plenary)
“Atomic/IonicFluorescence Spectroscopy — Searching for a Niche”, BCEIA VIII, October 13-16,2003, Beijing.(Invited)
“Metallomics:Challenges and Opportunities to Atomic Spectroscopy”, AnalyticaChina 2004Symposium, September 7-9, 2004, Pudong, Shanghai.(Plenary)
“AtomicFluorescence Spectroscopy: From Wood to China—AnOverview”, International Congress on Analytical Sciences-2006, June 25-30,2006, Moscow,Russia. (Keynote)