

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

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E-mail: huangl@xmu.edu.cn

理学博士, 中国表面工程协会电镀分会常务理事, 中国电子学会高级会员,福建省表面工程协会副理事长,《The Open Electrochemistry Journal》 编委,《福建表面工程》编委会副主任
新型锂离子动力电池关键材料及表界面过程研究; 金属与合金电沉积

Chong-Heng Shen, Qin Wang, Fang Fu,Ling Huang*, ZhouLin, Shou-Yu Shen, Hang Su, Xiao-Mei Zheng, Bin-Bin Xu, Jun-Tao Li, Shi-Gang Sun, Facile Synthesis of The Li-Rich Layered Oxide Li1.23Ni0.09Co0.12Mn0.56O2 with Superior Lithium Storage Performance and New Insights into Structural Transformation of the Layered Oxide Material during Charge-Discharge Cycle: In Situ XRD Characterization, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2014, 6(8): 5516-5524.
Xiao-Mei Zheng, Ling Huang, Yao Xiao, Hang Su, Gui-liang Xu, Fang Fu, Jun-Tao Li, Shi-Gang Sun,A dicranopteris-like Fe-Sn-Sb-P alloy as a promising anode for lithium ion batteries,Chemical Communications, 2012, 48(54):6854-6856
Y X Wang, L Huang, L C Sun, S Y Xie, G L Xu, S R Chen, Y F Xu, J T Li, S L Chou, S X Dou and S G Sun, Facile synthesis of a interleaved expanded graphite-embedded sulphur nanocomposite as cathode of Li–S batteries with excellent lithium storage Performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry,2012,22, 4744–4750
Y He, L Huang, X Li, Y Xiao, G L Xu, J T Li, S G Sun, Facile synthesis of hollow Cu2Sb@C core-shell nanoparticles as a superior anode material for lithium ion batteries,Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21(46):18517-18519
Ling Huang, Yang Yang, Lian-Jie Xue, Hong-Bing Wei, Fu-Sheng Ke, Jun-Tao Li, Shi-Gang Sun, Electrodeposition and electrochemical properties of novel ternary tin–cobalt–phosphorus alloy electrodes for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 11 (2009) 6–9.
Ling Huang, Xiao-Mei Zheng, Yun-Shi Wu, Lian-Jie Xue, Fu-Sheng Ke, Guo-Zheng Wei, Shi-Gang Sun, Electrodeposition and lithium storage performance of novel three-dimensional porous Fe–Sb–P amorphous alloy electrode, Electrochemistry Communications, 11(2009) 585–588.
Ling Huang, Hong-BingWei , Fu-Sheng Ke, Xiao-Yong Fan, Jun-Tao Li, Shi-Gang Sun, Electrodeposition and lithium storage performance of three-dimensional porous reticular Sn–Ni alloy electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 54 (2009) 2693–2698.
Fu-Sheng Ke, Ling Huang, Hong-Bing Wei, Jin-Shu Cai, Xiao-Yong Fan, Fang-Zu Yang, Shi-Gang Sun, Fabrication and properties of macroporous tin–cobalt alloy film electrodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 170 (2007) 450–455.
Fu-sheng Ke, Ling Huang, Hong-hong Jiang, Hong-bing Wei, Fang-zu Yang, Shi-gang Sun, Fabrication and properties of three-dimensional macroporous Sn–Ni alloy electrodes of high preferential (110) orientation for lithium ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 9 (2007) 228–232.
Fu-Sheng Ke, Ling Huang, Jin-Shu Cai, Shi-Gang Sun,Electroplating synthesis and electrochemical properties of macroporous Sn–Cu alloy electrode for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 52 (2007) 6741–6747.
Ling Huang, Hong-Bing Wei, Fu-Sheng Ke, Jin-Shu Cai, Xiao-Yong Fan, Shi-Gang Sun,Infrared irradiation-assisted one-step synthesis of nanosized tin dioxide particles and particle size effect on lithium storage performance, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 308 (2007) 87–92
Ling Huang, Eun-Sung Lee, Kwang-Bum Kim. Electrodeposition of monodisperse copper nanoparticles on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite electrode with modulation potential method, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 262 (2005) 125–131.
Ling Huang, Fang-Zu Yang, Shi-Gang Sun, Shu-Kai Xu, Shao-Min Zhou, Studies on structure and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution of nanocystalline Ni-Mo-Fe alloy electrodeposite electrode. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 21(2003)382-386
Ling Huang, Fang-Zu Yang,Shu-Kai Xu and Shao-Min Zhou. Studies of structure and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution on electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-Mo alloy electrodes, Transactions of the Institute of Metal finishing, 79(2001)136-139.
Ling Huang, Fang-Zu Yang,Shu-Kai Xu and Shao-Min Zhou. Electrochemical nucleation and growth of copper on HOPG in presence of PEG and chloride ions as additives, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 84(2006) 47-51.

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