

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08






2016.8 至今 厦门大学, 化学工程与生物工程系,副教授.
2017.7-2017.9 法国Genoscope研究中心, 法国CEA资助访问****.
2014.7-2014.9 德国汉堡科技大学,德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)项目访问****,导师 An-Ping Zeng教授.
2011.9-2012.9,美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),博士后,导师Alexander M. Klibanov教授.
2009.9 -2016.7,厦门大学, 化学工程与生物工程系,助理教授.

2014年11月,作为主要指导老师指导本科学生参加国际生物分子设计大赛(Biomolecular Design Competition, Biomod), 获国际金奖.
研究方向: 要从事生物催化与转化、酶工程及手性化合物制备领域研究。 ? 体外合成生物学:多酶耦联体系的可控组装与协同催化,无细胞催化体系. ? 海洋生物技术:海洋微生物资源开发,海洋极端酶研究,基因组挖掘. ? 手性药物:生物催化制备多手性中心化合物,医药中间体. ? 仿生材料:仿生矿化、抗菌抗病毒材料等. 每年计划招生2名研究生,欢迎生化工程、化工、生物和化学专业背景学生报考。

国家基金面上项目“耐盐氨基酸脱氢酶的抗逆机制研究与元件优化组装” (No.: **).
国家青年基金项目“海洋微生物依赖NADH胺脱氢酶的底物特异性研究与催化性能调控” (No.: **).
福建省自然基金项目“高苯丙氨酸脱氢酶的底物识别机制研究和催化性能调控” (No.: 2018J01013).
中央高校基本科研业务费项目“有机相胺脱氢酶电极可控组装研究及其在食品有机胺检测中的应用” (No. ).
福建省自然基金项目“胺脱氢酶构建多酶耦联新体系催化制备手性氨基醇” (No.:2012J01049).
中央高校基本科研业务费项目“多酶耦联生物分子机器制备手性氨基酸” (No.).
国家基金委重点项目“多酶生物分子机器的可控组装与制备药物的生物化工基础” (No.: **).
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“地衣芽孢杆菌胞外聚合物合成的调控机制研究” (No.: **)
国家基金面上项目“深海细菌Pseudomonas marincola的氧化还原酶高通量挖掘、特异性研究与应用” (No.:**).
国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项“基于海洋微生物发酵的新产品开发技术研究与应用”子项目苹果酸脱氢酶制备关键工程化技术研究与应用(No.: -6).
国家基金面上项目“并用NADH和NADPH生物转化甘油制备1,3-丙二醇的合成生物系统研究” (No.:**).
国家基金面上项目“关键基因对微生物胶体稳定性的影响机制与细菌细胞的絮凝行为调控” (No.: **).
福建省产学合作重大项目“生物转化生物柴油副产物粗甘油生产1,3-丙二醇的新技术开发” (No.: 2010H6023).
厦门市科技计划项目“海洋微藻生产功能保健食品DHA关键技术研发”(No. 6).
福建省科技重大专项“微藻提取DHA的技术开发”(No.: 6).
1.Peng Lin, Yong-hui Zhang, Hong Ren, Yi-xuan Wang, Shi-zhen Wang*,Bai-shan Fang*.Assembly of graphene oxide-formate dehydrogenase composites by nickel-coordination with enhanced stability and reusability. Engineering of Life Science, DOI: 10.1002/elsc...
2.Shi-zhen Wang, Yong-hui Zhang, Hong Ren, Ya-li Wang, Wei Jiang, Bai-shan Fang. Strategies and perspectives of assembling multi-enzyme systems. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2017, 37: 1024-1037.
3.Hong Ren, Yong-hui Zhang, Jie-ru Su, Peng Lin, Bo Wang, Bai-shan Fang*, Shi-zhen Wang*.Encapsulation of amine dehydrogenase in hybrid titania nanoparticles by polyethylenimine coating and templated biomineralization. Journal of biotechnology, 2017,241:33–41.
4.Yong-hui Zhang, Ya-li Wang, Bei-chu Lin, Shi-zhen Wang*, Bai-shan Fang* Engineering bi-functional enzyme complex of formate dehydrogenase and leucine dehydrogenase by peptide linker mediated fusion for enhancing cofactor channeling. Engineering in life science,2017,17:989-996.
5.Ji-xue Lu,Yong-hui Zhang, Dong-fang Sun, Wei Jiang, Shi-zhen Wang*, Bai-shan Fang*.The development of leucine dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme cascade improves the biosynthsis of L-tert-leucine.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016,180:1180-1195.
6.Chun-jie Zhu, Bai-shan Fang*, Shi-zhen Wang. Effects of culture conditions on the kinetic behavior of 1,3-propanediol fermentation by Clostridium butyricum with a kinetic model. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 212: 130-137.
7.Yong-hui Zhang, Hong Ren, Ya-li Wang, Kai-Nan Chen, Bai-shan Fang*, Shi-zhen Wang*. Bioinspired immobilization of glycerol dehydrogenase by metal ion-chelated polyethyleneimines as artificial polypeptides. Scientific Report, 2016, 6, 24163doi:10.1038/srep24163.
8.Wei Jiang, Shi-zhen Wang, Yuan-peng Wang, Bai-shan Fang*. Key enzymes catalyzing glycerol to 1,3-propanediol.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2016, 9 :57
9.Bai-shan Fang, Wei Jiang, Qiang Zhou, Shi-zhen Wang*. Codon-optimized NADH oxidase gene expression and gene fusion with glycerol dehydrogenase for bienzyme system with cofactor regeneration. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**.
10.Shi-zhen Wang, Long-hui Qiu, Hong-fei Dai, Xiao-fei Zeng, Bai-shan Fang*.Highly pure 1,3-propanediol: Separation and purification from crude glycerol-based fermentation. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2015,15:788–796
11.WeiJiang,Dong-fangSun,Ji-xueLu,Ya-liWang,Shi-zhenWang,Yong-huiZhang,Bai-shanFang*. A cold-adapted leucine dehydrogenase from marine bacteriumAlcanivorax dieselolei: characterization and L-tert-leucine production. Engineering in Life Sciences,2016, 16: 283–289
12. Wei Jiang, Shi-zhen Wang (Co-first author), Zhong-li Yang, Bai-shan Fang*.B12–independent glycerol dehydratase and its reactivase from Clostridia butyricum: Optimizing cloning by uniform design logic. Engineering in life science, 2015,15:519–524.
13.Wei Jiang, Yuan Zhuang, Shi-zhen Wang, Bai-shan Fang. Directed evolution and resolution mechanism of 1, 3-propanediol oxidoreductase from Klebsiella pneumoniae toward higher activity by error-prone PCR and bioinformatics. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10: e**.
14. Bai-shan Fang, Jin Niu, Hong Ren, Ying-xia Guo, Shi-zhen Wang*. Mechanistic study ofmanganese-substituted glycerol dehydrogenase using a kinetic and thermodynamic analysis. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e99162
15. Shi-zhen Wang, Hong-fei Dai, Zheng-ping Yan, Chun-jie Zhu, Ling-feng Huang, Bai-shan Fang*.1,3-Propanediol adsorption on a cation exchange resin: Adsorption isotherm, thermodynamics and mechanistic studies. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2014, 14: 485–492.
16. Shi-zhen Wang, Jing Wang, Xiao-fen Zhou, Ying-xia Guo, Bai-shan Fang*. The improvement of stability, activity and substrate promiscuity of glycerol dehydrogenase substituted by divalent metal ions. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2013,18:796–800.
17. Yi-Qiang Peng, Shi-zhen Wang, Ling Lan, Wei Chen, Bai-Shan Fang*.Resin adsorption application for product separation and catalyst recycling in coupled enzymatic catalysis to produce 1,3-propanediol and dihydroxyacetone for repeated batch. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2013, 13: 479–486.
18. Wei-wei Wen, Shi-zhen Wang(Co-first author), Xiao-fen Zhou, Bai-shan Fang*, Central carbon metabolism in marine bacteria examined with a simplified assay for dehydrogenases. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013,170: 473–482.
19. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu*, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang. Chemo-enzymatic asymmetric synthesis of S-citalopram by lipase-catalyzed cyclic resolution and stereoinversion of quaternary stereogenic center. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2013,36:1031–1037.
20. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang*, Kinetic and thermodynamic study of lipase-catalyzed remote resolution of a chiral tertiary alcohol. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2012,65:57–62.
21. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang*, Lipase-catalyzed remote kinetic resolution of citalopram intermediate by asymmetric alcoholysis and thermodynamic analysis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2012,35: 1043–1048.
22. Shi-zhen Wang and Bai-shan Fang*, Microplate bioassay for determining substrate selectivity of Candida rugosa lipase, Journal of Chemical Education, 2012, 89: 409–411.
23. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang*, Kinetic modeling of lipase catalyzed remote resolution of citalopram intermediate in solvent-free system, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 45:113–119.
24. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang*, Separation of citalopram diol intermediate from its acetate using solvent extraction, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009,68: 65–69.
25. Shi-zhen Wang, Jian-ping Wu, Gang Xu, Li-rong Yang*, Resolution of citalopram intermediate by enzyme-catalyzed enantioselective transesterification in organic media, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008,28: 1584–1589 (in Chinese) .
26.Yingxia-Guo, Shi-zhen Wang, Zhaoshou-Wang, Rong Chen, Bai-shan Fang*. Chemical modification of the glycerol dehydrogenase by divalent metal ions. Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Sciences), 50: 883-889,2011(in Chinese)
27.Wei-wei Wen, Xiao-feng Zhou, Shi-zhen Wang, Bai-shan Fang*. Analysis of central carbon metabolism in Pseudomonas balearicabased on key oxidoreductases detecting, Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Sciences),52:145-148, 2013(in Chinese)
28.Ji-xue Lu, Shi-zhen Wang, Bai-shan Fang. Advances in biomolecular machine: methane monooxygenases. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology,31,1015-1023,2015 (in Chinese).
29. Shi-zhen Wang,Zheng-ping Yan,Long-hui Qiu,Bai-shan Fang. Metabolic evolution of Lactobacillus pentosus for lactic acid production from raw glycerol.Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China),2015,8. (in Chinese)
30. Shi-zhen Wang, Hong Ren, Yong-hui Zhang, Hong-chun Li, Yuan-jing Wang, Bai-shan Fang.The structure identifying of coenzyme oxidase NAD(P)H based on bioinformatics. Biophysics, 2,30-37,2014. (in Chinese)
31.Shi-zhen Wang, Ya-li Wang, Hong-chun Li, Hao Li, Bai-shan Fang*.Enzyme promiscuity study of glycerol dehydrogenase based on molecular docking.Biophysics,3,18-24,2015. (in Chinese)
32. Lan-lan Zhang,Shi-zhen Wang,Chun-jie Zhu,Bai-shan Fang*. The study of immobilizationof Clostridium butyricum and conversion glycerol to 1,3-propanediol.Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), 53, 80-85, 2014(in Chinese)
1.王世珍,方柏山,任红.一种海洋菌株催化不对称还原制备手性胺的方法. 中国发明专利, 授权号:ZL9.6
3.王世珍,方柏山,林鹏.一种利用氧化石墨烯-金属离子配位固定化酶的方法. 中国发明专利,申请号:8.1
5.王世珍,方柏山,任红,林鹏. 一种多酶耦联体系制备手性胺的方法. 中国发明专利,申请号:6.0
6.王世珍,方柏山,张永辉,林鹏.一种聚乙烯亚胺金属配位固定化的多酶体系及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,申请号:5.8
7.王世珍,任红,方柏山.一种包埋胺脱氢酶的聚乙烯亚胺-氧化钛及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:9.8

相关话题/厦门大学 化学化工学院