

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

办 公 室:厦门大学海韵园物机大楼685

教育经历:2013/6: 美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校,博士
2013/8-2016/6:美国加州大学Riverside分校, 访问助理教授

抽象代数 (2020年秋季,中文课程)
线性代数 (2020年春季,中文课程)
抽象代数 (2019年秋季,双语课程)
线性代数 (2018年春季,中文课程)
抽象代数 (2017年秋季,双语课程)
顶点算子代数及其表示 (2016年秋季)

MAT 201/211: Abstract Algebra I (2020/9-2021/2, online course)
MAT 104: Linear Algebra I (2019/4-2019/8)
MAT 105: Linear Algebra II (2019/4-2019/8)
CST 102: Linear Algebra (2017/4-2017/8)
FSC 104: Single Variable Calculus (2017/4-2017/8)

Math 8B: Introduction to College Mathematics for Sciences
Math 9A: First Year Calculus I
Math 9B: First Year Calculus II
Math 9C: Sequences and Series
Math 10A: Calculus of Several Variables
Math 22: Calculus for Business
Math 31: Applied Linear Algebra
Math 46: Ordinary Differential Equations
Math 133: Geometry
Math 140: Number Systems and Polynomials

美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校
Math 3: Precalculus (2012 Summer session)


主持项目:1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (Grant No.** ): 2020.01-2023.12.
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (Grant No. **): 2017.01-2019.12.
3. 厦门大学校长基金(Grant No. ): 2017.01-2019.12.

论文:· On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type for cyclic orbifold vertex algebras. Co-authors: D. Adamovic, C. H. Lam, V. Pedic; Journal of Algebra, 2019, 539: 1–23.
· 6A-Algebra and its representations. Co-authors: C. Dong, X. Jiao; Journal of Algebra, 2019, 533: 174–210.
· Simple Whittaker modules over free bosonic orbifold vertex operator algebras. Co-author: J. Hartwig; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2019, 147(8): 3259–3272.
· FI m FIm -modules over Noetherian rings. Co-author: L. Li; Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,2019, 223(8): 3436–3460.
· The 3-permutation orbifold of a lattice vertex operator algebra. Co-authors: C. Dong, F. Xu; Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2018, 222(6): 1316–1336.
· 2-Permutations of lattice vertex operator algebras: Higher rank. Co-authors: C. Dong, F. Xu; Journal of Algebra, 2017, 476: 1–25.
· Filtrations and homological degrees of FI-modules. Co-author: L. Li; Journal of Algebra, 2017, 472: 369–398.
· 2-cyclic permutations of lattice vertex operator algebras. Co-authors: C. Dong, F. Xu; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2016, 144 (8): 3207–3220.
· Fusion rules for the vertex operator algebra $V^{A_4}_{L_2}$. Co-authors: C. Dong, C. Jiang, Q. Jiang, X. Jiao; Journal of Algebra, 2015, 423: 476–505.
· $\mathbb{Z}_2$-graded weak modules and regularity. Co-author: C. Dong; Communication in Mathematical Physics, 2012, 316(1): 269–277.
· Class of representations of skew derivation Lie algebra over quantum torus, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2008, 3(1): 119–131
· .

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