本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08
学历: 博士
电子邮件: stoic1978@163.com
台湾政治大学东亚研究所 博士 2006.08-2013.07
台湾政治大学东亚研究所 硕士 2001.08-2005.01
台湾辅仁大学历史学系 学士 1997.08-2001.07
厦门大学公共事务学院政治学系 副教授 2021.1至今
厦门大学公共事务学院政治学系 助理教授 2015.09-2020.12
台湾辅仁大学 兼任助理教授 2014.09-2015.06
台湾中央研究院政治学研究所 博士后研究员 2014.09-2015.09
台湾政治大学选举研究中心 博士后研究员 2013.09-2014.08
上海复旦大学,国际关系与公共事务学院 访问学生研究员 2012.02-2012.04
美国加州大学柏克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)东亚研究所 访问学生研究员 2010.06-2011.06
台湾政治大学国际事务学院两岸政经研究中心 兼任助理研究员 2005.02-2013.07
1. Chang, Chun-Chih, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2020. “Autocracy Login: Internet Censorship and Civil Society in the Digital Age.” Democratization, 27(5): 874-895. (SSCI)
2. 张钧智、耿曙、黄斯嫄,2020,〈当偏好与预期出现落差:两难型政治立场及其影响〉,《台湾研究集刊》,3: 10-19 。(CSSCI)
3. Chang, Chun-Chih, and Chien-Min Chao. 2019. “Specialization without Autonomy: An Informational Approach to the Development of Permanent Committees in China’s National People’s Congress.” Journal of Contemporary China, 28 (115), 64-80. (SSCI)
4.. 庄玉乙、张光、张钧智,2018,〈如何帮助学生在“做中学”:政治学定量研究方法教学的一种实践〉,《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,教学研究增刊:160-166。
5. Hsueh, Meng-Chi, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2016. “Toward an Adaptive Local State Capitalism: Revitalizing Cultural Heritages to Stimulate Local Economic Development.” 《台湾政治学刊》,20 (1): 229-268. (TSSCI)
6. 赵建民、张钧智,2014,〈中国大陆全国人大专门委员会的制度化历程及评估〉,《政治学报》,57:77-100。(TSSCI)
7. 赵建民、张钧智,2013,〈中国大陆建政初期的「党政分工合作」模式之探讨〉,《中国大陆研究》,56 (4):37-65。(TSSCI)
8. Chang, Chun-Chih, and Te-Sheng Chen. 2013. “Idealism versus Reality: An Empirical Test of Postmaterialism in China and Taiwan.” Issues and Studies 49 (2): 63-102. (SSCI)
9. 赵建民、张钧智,2006,〈菁英循环或再生?十二大以来中共技术官僚的发展趋势〉,《中国大陆研究》,49 (2):69-98。(TSSCI)
1. Hsu, Szu-chien, Kellee S. Tsai, and Chun-Chih Chang, eds. 2021. Evolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Asia Center.
1. Hsu, Szu-chien, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2021. “Measuring State–Society Interactions in China’s Evolutionary Governance: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015).” In Evolutionary Governance in China: State-–Society Relations under Authoritarianism, eds. Szu-chien Hsu, Kellee S. Tsai, and Chun-Chih Chang. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Asia Center.
2. Chao, Chien-Min, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2016. “Education and Training in China’s National People’s Congress.” In Parliamentarians' Professional Development: The Need for Reform, eds. Colleen Lewis and Ken Coghill. New York: Springer.
3. 张钧智,2015,〈依法治国下的官僚利益:一个对于时期立法制度改革的理解〉,中国文化大学中山与中国大陆研究所、中共研究杂志社、展望与探索杂志社主编,《习李体制:治理与挑战学术研讨会论文集》,台北:展望与探索杂志社,页26-40。
1. Thung-Hong Lin, Min-Chiao Chang, Ya-Hsuan Chou, Chun-Chih Chang. 2020. “Government-Sponsored Fake News Deteriorates Epidemics of Respiratory Infections: A Global Survey, 2000-2017.” V-dem working paper, series 2020: 32.
1. 张钧智、吴君宇,2020,〈探索立法审议的影响因素和类型:以1998-2019年全国人大立法议案为例〉,「第六届人大建设与公民参与学术研讨会」(12月25-27日),深圳。
2. Min-Chiao Chang, Chun-Chih Chang, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2020. “The Art of ‘iWar’: Disinformation Campaign as a Strategy of Informational Autocracy Promotion.” Paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September, 12.
3. 张钧智、赵建民,2019,〈立法能力建设与社会参与:1998-2018年全国人大立法议案之分析〉,「第五届人大建设与公民参与学术研讨会」(12月14-15日),广州:中山大学。
4. 张钧智、郭旭一、刘子曦,2019,〈国社关系视角下的政策变迁:一个QCA的研究」(12月6日),「新时代的社会治理:观念、制度与技术」学术研讨会,厦门:厦门大学公共事务学院。
5. 张钧智、李艳霞,2019,〈建构合意空间:以国家社科基金的议题设定为例〉,「五四运动 100 周年国际学术研讨会」(5月2-4日),台北:中央研究院。
6. 张钧智、赵建民,2018,〈自主与专业的角力:改革开放以来全国人大制度化的变迁〉,「第四届人大建设与公民参与学术研讨会」(11月17-18日),广州:中山大学。
7. Chang, Chun-Chih and Thung-Hong Lin. 2018. “Blocking the Spring Out: Internet Coverage, Internet Censorship and Civil Society in 142 Countries during 1995-2016.” Paper was presented at the 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science held by the International Political Science Association, July 21-25, Brisbane, Australia. A revised version was presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of the International Chinese Sociological Association (ICSA), and the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA).
8. 张钧智、耿曙,2017,〈理想与现实落差的情绪政治学:挫折愤怒还是焦虑退缩?〉,「复旦大学国务学院士派工作坊」(10月7日),上海:复旦大学。修改版本曾发表于 「第三届两岸关系天府论坛」(2018年6月23日),成都:四川社科院。
9. 张钧智、郭旭一,2017,〈动员式治理:举办大型事件如何影响市民生活?〉,「台湾政治学会年会」国际研讨会(11月11-12日),台北:政治大学。修改版本曾发表于 「新时代社会建设与民生发展—第五届中国青年社会****论坛”」(2019年5月18-19日),武汉:华中科技大学社会科学院。
10. Chang, Chun-Chih and Chien-Min Chao. 2017. “Building Legislative Capacity via Citizen Participation: The Rise of a Responsive Legislature in China.” Presented at the Thirteenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, July 29-30, Wroxton, Oxfordshire, U.K. A revised version was presented at the 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science held by the International Political Science Association, July 21-25, 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
11. Chun-Chih Chang. 2016. “Comparing Citizens’ Perceptions of Government Responsiveness (PGR) in China and Taiwan.” Presented at the HKU-USC-IPPA Conference on Public Policy, June 10-11, 2016, Hong Kong.
12. 张钧智,2016,〈可欲却不可得:探寻台湾民众统独偏好与预期的差异来源〉,「新民意与新政局:台湾民意与两岸关系」国际研讨会(6月3日),台北:杜克大学亚洲安全研究中心与政治大学选举研究中心。
13. Hsu, Szu-chien and Chun-Chih Chang. 2016. “Measuring State–Society Relations in the Governance of China: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015).” Presented at Conference on “Interactive Governance and Authoritarian Resilience: Evolving State Society Relations in Chin,” hosted by CfCC, NTHU, November 13-14, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. A revised version was presented at the conference of AAS-in-Asia, June 24-27, 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
14. 张钧智、涂志扬,2015,〈公民意识的展现?探讨太阳花学运与公民不服从的心理因素〉,2015「公民意识与代间正义」学术研讨会(8月21-22日),台北:中央研究院人文社会科学研究中心政治思想研究专题中心。
15. Chao, Chien-Min, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2015. “Curbing Bureaucratic Interests in China's Lawmaking Process: A Societal Point of View.” Presented at the International Conference on Public Policy, July 1-4, Milan, Italy.
16. 赵建民、张钧智,2015,〈为何需要「依法治国」?一个对于习李体制下立法制度建设的理解〉,「习李体制:治理与挑战」学术研讨会(5月27日),台北:文化大学中山与中国大陆所。
17. Chang, Chun-Chih. 2015. “Gatekeepers of Departmental Interests: Explaining Committee Composition in China’s National People’s Congress.” Presented at the TUSA and U.C. Berkeley Doctoral Workshop on Asian Studies, January 12-17, Taipei, Taiwan. 修改版本曾发表于 「中国公共管理与政治学工作坊」(8月1-2日),广州:华南理工大学公共管理学院。
18. Chang, Chun-Chih, Chi Huang, and Lu-Huei Chen. 2014. “Economic Conditions, Economic Values, and Political Participation in East Asia.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 28-31, Washington, D.C.
19. Hsueh, Meng-Chi, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2014. “Less Cost, More Efficient: Analyzing the Institutional and Organizational Tactics of Creating Cultural Heritage Parks in Xi’an.” Presented at the Conference of “Researching Local Governance in Contemporary China: Assessing the State of the Field,” May 16-17, Taipei, Taiwan.
20. 张钧智,2014,〈民主的幻灭?台湾民众政治疏离感与民主态度之分析〉,「『台湾选举与民主化调查』2014年国际学术研讨会:公民参与面面观:TEDS2013调查资料的分析」(3月22-23日),台北:政治大学选举研究中心。
21. Chao, Chien-Min, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2012. “Specialization, Autonomy and Legislative Capacity in a Rubber Stamp Legislature: The Case of China.” Presented at the 22nd World Congress of Political Science held by the International Political Science Association, July 8-12, Madrid, Spain. A revised version was presented at the Eleventh Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, July 26-27, 2014, Wroxton, Oxfordshire, U.K.
22. Chang, Chun-Chih, Lu-Huei Chen, and Te-Sheng Chen. 2011. “Supporting for Greenpeace? An Empirical Test on Postmaterialism in China and Taiwan.” Presented at the Conference of Peace and Democracy in Korea and Taiwan: Comparative Perspectives, hosted by Peace & Democracy Institute, Korea University, November 26, Seoul, Korea.
23. Chang, Chun-Chih, and Lu-Huei Chen. 2011. “A Comparison of Institutional Confidence in China and Taiwan.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1-4, Seattle, Washington.
24. Chang, Chun-Chih. 2011. “Developmental State? An Examination of Embedded Autonomy in China.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, March 31-April 3, Honolulu, Hawaii.
25. Chao, Chien-Min, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2010. “Fair Trade? Institutionalization, Specialization, and Autonomy in Reforming China’s Legislature.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 4-7, Washington, D.C.
26. 张钧智,2008,〈探索新制度主义的制度变迁:流派比较的观点〉,「2008中国政治学会年会暨学术研讨会」论文(9月27日),嘉义:中正大学政治系。
27. 张钧智,2008,〈中国大陆建政初期的党政分工决策模式:以三反运动为例〉,「中国大陆决策研究研讨会」论文(4月25日),台北:中研院政治所筹备处。
28. Chao, Chien-Min, Yeau-Tarn Lee, and Chun-Chih Chang. 2007. “Political Erosion in Taiwan’s Transition to Democracy: Leadership, Institutions, and Political Culture.” Presented at the Conference of “Taiwan’s Democracy and Future: Economic and Political Challenges,” April 13-14, Atlanta, Georgia. A revised version was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 28-31, 2008, Boston, MI.
29. 张钧智、刘明浩,2005,〈台湾社会分歧与民众统独立场〉,「台湾民意与两岸关系研讨会」论文(9月24日),台北:杜克大学亚洲安全研究中心与政治大学选举研究中心。
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