

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

龙小宁教授,“****”****,国务院学科评议组成员,China Economic Review 联合主编。西安交通大学管理学学士,对外经济贸易大学国际贸易硕士,美国华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)经济学博士,2001-2011年于Colgate University任教(获终身职),2011年起任厦门大学教授、博导。主要研究领域为制度的经济分析,成果发表于Journal of Law and Economics,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of International Economics,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《管理世界》、《世界经济》等国内外期刊,并合著Foreign Direct Investment in China: Winners and Losers。获斯坦福大学胡佛研究院Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell国家奖金(2005年)、第六届“张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖”(2016年),被评为厦门大学“我最喜爱的十位老师”(2015年)。指导培养过二十余名博士研究生和博士后研究人员,毕业后任教于巴黎经济学院、中山大学、厦门大学等国际、国内高校。

荣 誉
l斯坦福大学胡佛研究院Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell国家奖金(2005年)

l1996/07–2001/05,Washington University in St. Louis,Economics,博士,导师:Marcus Berliant

l2007/07-2011/08,Colgate University,经济系,副教授
l2001/07-2007/07,Colgate University,经济系,助理教授

lLaw and Economics, Xiamen University, 2012-2020
lIntermediate Macroeconomics, WISE, Xiamen University, 2012-2020
lPrinciples of Macroeconomics, WISE, Xiamen University, 2011-2013
lCHIN 481: China in Transition, Colgate University, Spring 2011
lCHIN 482: Topics on Chinese Culture, Colgate University, Spring 2011
lECON 420: Seminar in Law and Economics, Colgate University, 2003-2009
lECON 320: Law and Economics, Colgate University, 2002-2010
lECON 219: Economic Reform and Public Policy in Contemporary China, Colgate University, 2005-2010
lCORE 165: Core Culture---China, Colgate University, 2007-2009
lECON 302: Statistical Analysis for Economists, Colgate University, 2001-2004
ECON 508: Mathematics for Economists (Graduate), Washington University, 1999-2001
lECON 103: Principles of Economics (Micro), Washington University, Spring 1999

Law and economics, economic development,applied microeconomics,Chinese economy

l“中国版Bayh-Dole Act促进高校创新吗?”,与易巍合作,经济学(季刊),2021年第2期,671-692。
l“美国对华反倾销的出口产品种类溢出效应探究”,与方菲菲和Piyush Chandra合作,《世界经济》,2018年第5期,76-98。
l“版权保护能够提升企业绩效吗?——来自德化陶瓷企业的证据”,与王俊合作,《经济学动态》, 2016年6月, 第6期,26-36。
l“法治与改革---基于中国法院系统的历史和实证研究”,与王俊合作,《经济社会体制比较》, 2016年1月, 第1期,205-214。
l“省级行政区划造成的文化分割会影响区域经济吗?”,与高翔合作,《经济学季刊》,2016年1月, 第2期,647-674。
l“交通基础设施与服务业发展——来自县级高速公路和第二次经济普查企业数据的证据”,与高翔、杨广亮合作,《管理世界》, 2015年8月, 第8期,81-96


l“Memories of Colonial Law: The Inheritance of Human Capital and the Location of Joint-Ventures in Early-Reform China,” with Peter Murrell and Li Yang, China Economic Review, 58, December 2019,pp.1-32.
l“Public Interest or Regulatory Capture: Theory and Evidence from China’s Airfare Deregulation,” with Kai Li and Wei Wan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 161, May 2019,pp.343-365.
l“Horizontal and Vertical Conflict: Experimental Evidence” with Sebastian Galiani, Camila Navajas Ahumada and Gustavo Federico Torrens, Kyklos, 72(2), 2019, pp.239-269.
l“China’s patent promotion policies and its quality implications” with Jun Wang, Science and Public Policy, 46(1), 2019, pp.91–104.
l“How to evaluate and respond to IP provisions under the TPP”, Journal of WTO and China, 2018, 8(3), pp.36-62.
l“What explains Chinese private entrepreneurs' charitable behaviors?—A story of dynamic reciprocal relationship between firms and the government” with Jin Yang, China Economic Review 2016, 40, pp.1-16.
l“How do Firms Respond to Minimum Wage Regulation in Developing Countries? Evidence from Chinese Private Firms” with Jin Yang, China Economic Review 2016, 38, pp.267-284.
l“Collective Leadership, Career Concern, and the Housing Market in China: The Role of Standing Committee,” with Nan Gao & Colin Xu, Review of Development Economics 2016, 20(1),pp. 1-13.
l“Local Judicial Protectionism in China: An Empirical Study of IP Cases,” with Jun Wang, International Review of Law and Economics 2015, 42, pp. 48-59.
l“Institutional Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in China,” with Jin Yang and Jing Zhang, World Development 2015, 66, pp. 31-48.
l“Cultural Border, Administrative Border, and Regional Economic Development: Evidence from Chinese Cities?” with Xiang Gao, China Economic Review 2014, 31, pp.247-264.
l“Productivity Spillovers from FDI in the People’s Republic of China: A Nuanced View,” with Galina Hale and Hirotaka Miura. Asian Development Review 2014, 31(2), pp. 1–32.
l“Anti-dumping Duties and Impact on Exporters: Firm Level Evidence from China,” with Piyush Chandra. World Development 2013, 51,pp.169-186.
l“VAT rebates and export performance in China: Firm-level evidence,” with Piyush Chandra. Journal of Public Economics 2013, 102(1), pp. 13-22.
l“Industry strategic variety and performance: The role of market and institutional forces in the Chinese industrial enterprises”, with Linghua Qin and Runtian Jing. Journal of Management Development 2013, 32(7), pp. 690 - 704.
l“What do Revolving Door Laws do?” with Marc Law. Journal of Law and Economics 2012, 55(2), pp. 421-436.
l“Patterns of China’s Industrialization: Concentration, Specialization, and Clustering,” with Xiaobo Zhang. China Economic Review 2012, 23(3), pp.593-612.
l“Control Modes and Outcomes of Transformed SOEs in China: An Empirical Test,” with Jun Xia, Shaomin Li, and Justin Tan. Management and Organization Review 2012, 8(2), pp.283-309.
l“Revolving Door Laws and State Public Utility Commissioners,” with Marc Law. Regulation and Governance, 2011, 5(4), pp.405-424.
l“Did Foreign Direct Investment Put an Upward Pressure on Wages in China?” with Galina Hale. IMF Economic Review, 2011, 59(3), pp.404-430.
l“Cluster-Based Industrialization in China: Financing and Performance,” with Xiaobo Zhang. Journal of International Economics, 2011, 84(1), pp.112-123.
l“Tournaments and Managerial Incentives in China’s Listed Firms: New Evidence” with Takao Kato. China Economic Review, 2011, 22(1), pp. 1-10.
l“Are there Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment in China?” with Galina Hale. Pacific Economic Review. 2011, 16(2), pp.135-153.
l“Does the Rights Hypothesis Apply to China?” with Journal of Law and Economics, 2010, November, 53(4), Lead Article.
l“Foreign Direct Investment and Incentives to Innovate and Imitate” with Irene Brambilla and Galina Hale. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2009, December, 111(4), pp.835-861.
l“The Transformation of Collectively Owned Enterprises and its Outcomes in China, 2001-2005” with Jun Xia and Shaomin Li. World Development, 2009, October, 37(10),pp.1651-1662.
l“CEO Turnover, Firm Performance, and Enterprise Reform in China: Evidence from Micro Data,” with Takao Kato. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2006, 34, pp.796-817.
l“Executive Turnover and Firm Performance in China,” with Takao Kato. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2006, 96(2),pp.363-367.
l“Executive Compensation, Firm Performance, and Corporate Governance in China: Evidence from Firms Listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges,” with Takao Kato. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2006, 54(4), pp.945-983.
l“Salaries, Plea Rates, and the Career Objectives of Federal Prosecutors,” with Richard Boylan. Journal of Law and Economics, 2005, 48(2): pp.627-651.
l“A Classroom Exercise: Voting by Ballots and Feet,” with Roger Hewett, Charles A. Holt, Georgia Kosmopoulou, Christine Kymn, Shabnam Mousavi, and Sudipta Sarangi. Southern Economic Journal, 2005, 72(1), pp.253-263.
l“Measuring Public Corruption in the American States: A Survey of State House Reporters,” with Richard Boylan. State Policy and Politics Quarterly, 2003, 3(4), pp.420-438.
l“Firm Size and Monitoring,” with Richard Boylan. Economics Bulletin, 2003, 4(34), pp.1-5.


l“科技创新与实体经济发展”,《建设现代化经济体系研究》(第四章),刘志彪、陈东主编, 2018年11月,中国财政经济出版社。
l“法治经济和法治化的营商环境”,与张兴祥合作,《新编社会主义政治经济学教程》(第十四章),洪银兴主编, 2018年9月,人民出版社。
l《中国特色社会主义法治经济建设》,与靳涛、赵建、张兴祥合著, 2017年11月,经济科学出版社。
l“中国发展的发展:趋势、原因及成效”,与王俊合作,《中国特色社会主义政治经济学重大理论问题研究》,洪银兴主编, 2017年10月,江苏人民出版社。


l“The China experience: An institutional approach, ” as Chapter 15 in edited volume A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics, 2018,pp.135-143, edited by Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK·Northampton, MA, USA
l“Evaluating patent promotion policies in China: consequences for patent quantity and quality,” with Jun Wang, as Chapter 9 in edited volume Economic Impacts of Intellectual Property-Conditioned Government Incentives, 2016, pp. 235-257, edited by DanPrud’homme and HefaSong, Springer Singapore.
l“Industrial Diversification in People's Republic of China,” with Justin Yifu Lin and Xiaobo Zhang, Chapter 8 in collected volume “Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experience”, 2014
l“Foreign Direct Investment in China: Winners and Losers” with Galina Hale. World Scientific Publishing Co., 2012.
l“If You Try, You’ll Get By: Chinese Private Firms’ Efficiency Gains from Overcoming Financial Constraints,” with Galina Hale, Chapter 8 in The Evolving Role of China in Global Economy, 2012, pp. 313-341, edited by Yin-Wong Cheung and Jakob de Haan, The MIT Press.
l“What are Sources of Financing for Chinese Firms,” with Galina Hale, Chapter 13 in The Evolving Role of Asia in Global Finance, 2011,pp.313-341, edited by Yin-Wong Cheung, Vakas Kakkar, and Guonan Ma, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (An earlier version appears in the HKIMR Working Paper Series.)
l“Industrial Clusters and Firm Financing in China,” with Xiaobo Zhang (presented at the Association of Comparative Economics Society, January 2009), International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Papers (IFPRI DP).
l“Where to Find Positive Productivity Spillovers from FDI in China: Disaggregated Analysis,” with Galina Hale, Hirotaka, Miura, and Theodore Moran, HKIMR Working Paper Series.
l“Negative Effects of Personal Bankruptcy on Home Owners: Lost Homes and Reduced Credit Access.” Conference Proceedings of the Federal Reserve System’s 2005 Research Conference “Promises and Pitfalls.” 2005.


l“Grease or Graft: Evidence from Anti-Corruption Campaign in China,” with Xiaoyong Huang
l“The impact of globalization on youth education: Empirical evidence from China’s WTO accession,” with Faqin Lin
l“Privatization, Corruption and Firm Performance: Evidence from Privatizing State-owned and Collectively-owned enterprises in China,” with Jin Yang
l“Economic Autonomy and City Growth in China,” with Yunsen Li and Marc Law
l“Tax Competition among Chinese Counties,” with Weixian Cai and Yanli Zhu

l“Formal and Informal Financing of Chinese Private Firms over the Decades: The Role of Political Connections, Property Rights, and Firm Size,” with Robert Cull, Lixin Colin Xu, and Jin Yang
l“Labor Regulation, Human Capital, and Economic Complexity: Using Micro Data to Explain the China-India Gap,” with Wei Li and Lixin Colin Xu.
l“Chinese Courts in Transition: Evolution, Causes, and Effects,” with Jun Wang
l“FDI Spillover Effects in Republican Era China,” with Li Yang

l“Does Infrastructure Development Promote Financial Efficiency? Evidence from High-Speed Rail and Venture Capital Investment in China”, with Jing Zhang
l“Where Have All the Children Gone? Unintended Consequences of Birth Control Policies in China”, with Xiaojia Bao
l“Innovation Network in China,” with Shuheng Lin and Hanxin Lin
l“High-Speed Rail and Patent Citations in China,” with Sifan Zhou and Wei Yi
l“IP Protection in China,” with Jiaming Mao and Na Li
l“Legal Protection for Sale: Evidence from Chinese IP Cases,” with Kung-pin Chen and Na Li
l“Regional Competition in Institutions,” with Yanli Zhu
l“Effects of Urban Management System in China,” with Puyang Sun

l国际粮油组织政策研究所项目,6227-001-43-01 和 1201-00-43-01,外国直接投资对中国地方就业及赋税的影响,2010/10-2011/06,1.5万美元,已结题,主持
l国际粮油组织政策研究所项目,4021-001-4301 和 1201-000-4302,中国产业集群与企业融资研究,2008/12-2009/06,1.5万美元,已结题,主持

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