

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

Ryan Gene Hornbeck






2003, BA. Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis

2007, MSc. Anthropology, University of Oxford

2013, DPhil. Anthropology, University of Oxford

2009-2010 Lecturer, School of International Education, Jianghan University (江汉大学)

2011-2016 Research Faculty, Thrive Center for Human Development, Fuller Graduate Schools

2017-Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Ethnology


(In press) Barrett, J. L. & Hornbeck, R. G. “Experimental Methods.” International Encyclopediaof Anthropology. Oxford, UK: Wiley.

2017 Hornbeck, R. G., Barrett, J. L., & Kang, M. (Eds.). Religious Cognition in China. New York, NY: Springer.

2017 Hornbeck, R. G. “Moral Cognition Empowers Spiritual Experience in Chinese World ofWarcraft.” In R. G. Hornbeck, J. L. Barrett, & M. Kang (eds.), Religious Cognition in China. New York, NY: Springer International.

2017 Barrett, J. L., Hornbeck, R. G., Bleeker, B. D., Barrett, S., & Hao, C. “Ritual Imbalance in Contemporary China: A Ritual Form Theory Analysis.” In R. G. Hornbeck, J. L. Barrett, & M. Kang (eds.), Religious Cognition in China. New York, NY: Springer International.

2017 Hornbeck, R. G. “Anthropology.” Zondervan Dictionary of Christianity and Science. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

2016 Hornbeck, R. G. “Explaining Time Spent in Multiplayer Online Games: Moral Cognition in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Games and Culture 11 (5): 463-488.

2015 Hornbeck, R. G. & J. L. Barrett. “Testing Ritual Form Hypothesis in a Chinese Cultural Context.” Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (4): 530-541.

2015 Hornbeck, R. G. & Sears, R. “Mysticism and Mind: Using Cognitive Science of Religion to Explore the Origins of Mystical Experience.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (2): 59-80.

2015 Hornbeck, R. G. & Sears, R. [Russian] “Mysticism and Mind: Using Cognitive Science of Religion to Explore the Origins of Mystical Experience.” (trans. By T.V. Malevich). Philosophy of Religion. An Almanac. 2015.

2013 Hornbeck, R. G. & Barrett, J. L. “Refining and Testing ‘Counterintuitiveness’ in Virtual Reality: Cross-Cultural Evidence for Recall of Counterintuitive Representations.” International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 23 (1): 15-28.

2008 Hornbeck, R. G. & Barrett, J. L. “Virtual Reality as a ‘Spiritual’ Experience: a Perspective from the Cognitive Science of Religion.” Northern Lights 6 (1): 75-90.


2011 Templeton World Charities Foundation Research Grant, “Testing Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition in China” Co-PI with Justin L. Barrett ($1.7 million).

2010 Excellent Foreign Teacher of Wuhan City:Dedication to Work Award (杰出贡献奖)

2010 Mover of Jianghan University Award (感动江大新闻人物)

2010 Jianghan University Most Popular Foreign Teacher Award (最受欢迎的外籍教师)

2008 John Templeton Foundation Junior Research Grant, “Testing Minimally Counterintuitive Theory in Virtual Reality” ($33,775)


2016. “What Makes a Videogame ‘Spiritual’? A Perspective from the Cognitive Science of Religion.” Renda Lecture Series of Studies of Religion. Beijing, CN: December 9.

2015 “Spirituality in Virtual Worlds.” Society for Scientific Study of Religion. Newport Beach, CA. October 23-25

2014 “Mysticism and Mind: Using Cognitive Science of Religion to Explore the Origins of Mystical Experience.” Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, RU. May 22-24.

2014 “The Cognitive Foundations of Spiritual Experiences in Video Games.” Is Religion Natural? The Chinese Challenge Conference at Hong Kong Disneyland, HK. April 23.

2014 “Teleological Reasoning and the Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition. Beijing, CN.” Xiamen University. Beijing, CN. March 20.

2014 “Teleological Reasoning and the Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition. Beijing, CN.” Zhejiang University. Hangzhou, CN. March 14.

2014 “Teleological Reasoning and the Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition. Beijing, CN.” Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Beijing, CN. March 11.

2014 “Teleological Reasoning and the Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition. Beijing, CN.” Beijing University. Beijing, CN. March 9.

2014 “Teleological Reasoning and the Naturalness Theory of Religious Cognition.” Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, CN. March 6.

2013 “Some Predictors and Positive Effects of Spiritual Experiences in Video Games.” International Positive Psychology Association World Congress on Positive Psychology. Los Angeles, CA. June 27-30.

2012 “Spiritual Experiences in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 10.

2012 “Collective Effervescence in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Southern California Working Group on Culture, Cognition, and Religion. Pasadena, CA. February 3.

2011 “Cognitive Science of Religion: A Brief Introduction.” Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology. Beijing, CN. December 21.

2011 “Cognitive Science of Religion: A Brief Introduction.” Beijing University. Beijing, CN. December 20.

2011 “Cognitive Science of Religion: A Brief Introduction.” Beijing Forestry University. Beijing, CN. December 19.

2011 “Moral Cognition in Massively Multiplayer Online Games.” University of Oxford. March 4.

2010 “Introduction to the Cognitive Science of Religion.” Wuhan University. Wuhan, CN. December 23.

2010 “Introduction to the Cognitive Science of Religion.” Jianghan University. Wuhan, CN. December 15.

2009 “Testing ‘Minimally Counterintuitive Theory’ in Virtual Reality.” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. October 23-25.

2009 “A System for Coding, Quantifying, and Comparing Emotional Experiences.” Culture, Cognition & Construction Conference. London, UK. May 22-23.


Conferences Organized:

2014 Is Religion Natural? The Chinese Challenge Conference. Hong Kong Disneyland, HK. April 23.

Panels Organized:

2012 Cognitive Science of Religion in China. Society for Scientific Study of Religion. Phoenix, AZ. November 9.

Conferences Chaired:

2014 Developing Virtue, East & West Conference. California State University at Fullerton. Fullerton, CA. June 19-20.


2014 Poster Session Contributor. “Combat Role Predicts Moral Cognition in Chinese World of Warcraft.”Fuller School of Psychology 50th Anniversary Conference. Pasadena, CA. February 20-21.


2014 “Moral Cognition in World of Warcraft.” Fuller School of Psychology 50th Anniversary Conference. Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. February 21.“Moral Cognition Predicts Time Spent in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Thrive Center Reflectorium. Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. December 9.

2012 “Chinese World of Warcraft and Morality.” Center for Missiological Research Colloquium. Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. January 25.

2011 “Spiritus Ex Machina in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Center for Anthropology and Mind. Oxford Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. May 11.

2011 “Spiritus Ex Machina in Chinese World of Warcraft.” Center for Anthropology and Mind. Oxford Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. February 2.

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