Dr. Zhenyu Liu, born in July 1961, Longyan, Fujian Province, China, is a Professor of Information Systems, School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. From September 1978 to May 1985 he studied automatic control engineering and management engineering, majoring in industrial automation and management information systems separately, at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
1.Graduate University:Freiburg University, Germany
School(Department):School of Economics(Dept. of Information Systems)
2.Specialized Field: Business Information Systems
3.Admission Date:July 1994
Graduate Date:January 1998
1.Graduate University:Huazhong University of Science and Technology
School(Department):Dept. of Economics and Management Engineering
2.Specialized Field:MIS
3.Admission Date:Sept. 1982
Graduate Date:Feb. 1985
4.Degree:Master of Engineering
1.Graduate University:Huazhong University of Science and Technology
School(Department):Dept. of Automatic Control Engineering and Computer Engineering
2.Specialized Field:Industrial Automation
3.Admission Date:Oct. 1978
Graduate Date:July. 1982
4.Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
> 1999年12月至现在,厦门大学管理学院就职;职位:教授
> 1992年12月至1999年11月,厦门大学计算机与信息工程学院就职;职位:副教授
> 1985年5月至1992年11月,厦门大学计算机与信息工程学院就职;职位:讲师
>Sept. 1999 to Now, Xiamen University; Professor
>Dec. 1992 to Oct. 1999, Xiamen University; Associate Professor
>May 1985 to Nov.1992, Xiamen University; Assistant Professor
>> 期刊论文(MORE) [1] Jiang, Ming (1); Liu, Zhenyu (1). Research on solid waste transfer strategy based on internet of things. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. 2018.22(7):1104-1108
[2] Chung-Yean Chiang,Mark Hanna,Zhenyu Liu,Xiangyu Lu. Obtaining collaboration benefits: the role of collaboration-specific investment and absorptive capacity in China. Operations Management Research. 2018.11(9):1-14
[3] 叶 笛,刘震宇,林东清. 管理信息系统开发中用户和开发者间知识共创性问题研究. 管理学报. 20014.1(1):101-106
[4] 庄伟卿,刘震宇. 基于结构成本的产业类型与组织际信息系统拓扑结构匹配研究. 运筹与管理. 2013.(6):215-224
[5] 庄伟卿,刘震宇. 一种基于结构方程模型的模糊综合评价算法的改进与系统实施. 统计与决策. 2013.(12):11-13
[6] Liu Zhenyu,Zhuang Weiqing. Governance of global supply chains vulnerability by busines. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2013.(1):1-20
[7] 庄伟卿,刘震宇. 信息能源危机与经济增长关联性分析. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2013.(2):86-94
[8] Zhuang WeiQing,Liu Zhenyu. Construction of interorganizational information platform. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its. 2013.(1):240-248
[9] 陈思恩,刘震宇,刘震宇,张耕. MSF模型在企业研发流程中的应用. 现代管理科学 . 2012.(12):25-27
[10] Ting Shao, Liu Zhenyu. How to maintain the sustainability of an e-commerce firm? From the perspective of social network. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 2012.(4):212-222
>> 其他出版物论文(MORE) [1] Wenqiang Huang, Sien Chen, Zhenyu Liu. Multimodal Event Summarization in Social Media Using Topic Models and Graph-based Ranking. Proceeding of POMS 2017. USA:Producation and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2017:138-203
[2] Lou,Yiying, Zhenyu Liu. RESEARCH ON INCENTIVE MECHANISM FOR INFORMATION SHARING IN SUPPLY. Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016). Taiwan:AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)., 2016:39-51
[3] Chen,Sien, Zhenyu Liu. The construction of judge system events based on Data Mining Technology. PROCEEDINGS OF THE POMS 26th Annual Conference. Washington D.C., U.S.A.:POMS 2015 Proceedings CD, 2015:78-90
[4] Chen Sien,Liu Zhenyu. Change Support in Cross-Organizational Dynamic Process-Aware Software Architecture. Proceedings of the ELEVENTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS. 美国:ALFRED UNIV, ONE SAXON DR,, 2012:247-259
[5] 黄飞飞,刘震宇. 基于收益共享的电子商务渠道费用模型研究. 中国信息系统研究:新兴技术背景下的机遇与挑战. 上海:同济大学出版社, 2011:376-382
[6] 刘震宇,邓利斌. 网络环境下伙伴企业之间利益分配的基本分析. 中国信息系统研究:新兴技术背景下的机遇与挑战. 上海:同济大学出版社, 2011:388-394
[7] Liu Zhenyu,Zhang Qunhong. The Effects of Interorganizational Systems on Relational Governance in the manufacturer-supplier relationship. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Corporate Governance. 天津:St.Plum-Blossom press PTY Ltd, 2011:737-746
[8] Zhuang Weiqing,Liu Zhenyu. Information measurement model based on ordinal utility,. Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on Future Computer Sciences and Application. USA:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, 2011:154-157
[9] Liu Zhenyu,Zhang Qunhong. The Effects of Interorganizational Systems on Relational Governance in the Manufacturer-supplier Relationship. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. USA:ST PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD, STE 4, LEVEL 3, 695 BURKE RD, HAWTHORN EAST, VC 3123, AUSTRALIA, 2011:737-746
[10] Junli Wang,Zhenyu Liu. An analysis of regional product by Three Strata of Industry based on K-means method. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information (BMEI). Wuhan:IEEE Xplore, 2011:361-364
>> 学术专著(MORE) [1] 刘军,刘震宇. 电子商务系统建设与管理. 北京:电子工业出版社. 2011
[2] 阎虎勤,刘震宇. 中国经济增长与通胀坐标系. 北京:中国财政经济出版社. 2011
[3] 刘震宇,陈松劲,江剑锋,郑捷庆,廖忠传,康晓兵,毛晶莹,杨威. 电子商务网络成长的研究. 北京:科学出版社. 2008
[4] 刘震宇. 企业之间的联系与通信. 北京:中国人民大学出版社. 2002
[5] Zhenyu Liu. The Economic Analysis of the Growth of Network Products. Germany:Peter Lang Verlag. 1998
[6] 骆振华,刘震宇. 科技经济的统筹方法. 厦门:厦门大学出版社. 1997
>> 科研基金(MORE) [1] <<财会云学习平台>>(电子商务)构架研究,主持人,其他 , 项目编号:061, 2012.02-2017.02
[2] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持人,中央其他部委项目 , 项目编号:0000-X07173, 2006.05-2009.05
[3] 面向中小企业制造业信息化的ASP应用研究,主持人,福建省科技厅重大项目 , 项目编号:2004HZ01,2004HZ02, 2004.10-2010.10
[4] 电子商务环境下组织之间协调机制的研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目 , 项目编号:**, 2004.01-2005.01
[5] 电子商务系统成长的研究,主持人,国家社会科学基金一般项目 , 项目编号:02BJY110, 2002.07-2003.07
[6] The coordination mechanism of electronic commerce,主持人,国际合作研究项目 , 项目编号:DAAD 2000, 2000.09-2000.12
[7] 组织际信息系统对企业的影响,主持人,福建省科技厅其他项目 , 项目编号:福建省优秀留学回国人员项目, 1999.08-2002.08
[8] 大型超市MIS的开发,主持人,其他 , 项目编号:厦门大学中青年骨干教师项目, 1999.03-1999.03
[9] 福建省信息网络系统与经济社会协调发展的研究,主持人,福建省科技厅重点项目 , 项目编号:闽科软1995, 1995.09-1999.09
>> 科研获奖(MORE) [1] 基于QDF的电子服务流程优化模型, 第一, 其他, 一等奖, 论文, 2011.07
[2] 互联网企业投资的跟进者策略分析, 第二, 厦门市社会科学优秀成果奖, 三等奖, 论文, 2007.12
[3] 企业际电子商务网络中的二元关系分析, 第一, 厦门市社会科学优秀成果奖, 三等奖, 论文, 2005.09
[4] 福建省科技、经济、社会协调发展的研究, 第三, 其他, 二等奖, 电子出版物, 1994.12
[5] 厦门卷烟厂“七。五”技改工程的系统工程研究, 第三, 其他, 二等奖, 电子出版物, 1989.09