

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

研究方向:国际高等教育, 教学法, 教育社会学
PhD Education University of Southampton (UK) (2009) 博士 教育学 南安普顿大学(英国)(2009)

MA Education, University of Bath (UK) (2005)硕士 教育学 巴斯大学(英国)(2005)

BA Law, Guangzhou University (1998)学士 法学 广州大学(1998)
2017 Citizenship education ‘goes global’: extra-curricular learning inan overseas campus of a British civic university,International Journal of Lifelong EducationDOI:10.1080/**.2017.** [online first, 20 Sep]

2016 “Mobile student to mobile worker: the role of universities in the ‘war for talent’?” British Journal of Sociology of Education, Special Issue: ‘The Competition Fetish in Higher Education: Sociological Perspectives’. With Lowe.J (online first) (SSCI)

2016 Rethinking the relationship between learner, learning contexts, and technology: a critique and exploration of Archer's morphogenetic Approach, Learning, Media and Technology, 41:3, 501-520, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.978336 (SSCI)

2016 Capital limits: social class, motivations for term-time job searching and the consequences of joblessness among UK university students, Journal of Youth Studies, 1-18 [online first, 6 Dec] with Roberts, S. (SSCI)

2016 “International students’ employability: what can we learn from it?” In Graduate Employability in Context: Theory, Research and Debates, Ed by M. Tomlinson Palgrave Macmillan [Forthcoming]

2015 “A Capabilities Approach to Social Justice and Higher Education in China” in Social Justice and Higher Education Reform in China, ed by J. Morgan and B. Wu 2014 Taylor and Francise, with J. Lowe

2015 Academic sojourners or global educators: teaching experiences of Western academics in a UK university branch campus in China, in Spotlight on China II: Chinese Education in the Globalized World, ed by: SB Guo, Y G, Sense Publishers 2015, with J. Lowe

2013 A critical account of employability construction through the eyes of Chinese postgraduate students in the UK, Journal of Education and Work, 26 (5), 473-493

2013 "Natural, practical and social contexts of e-learning: a critical realist account for learning and technology." Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(3): 280-291. (SSCI)

2011 Learners’ Reflexivity and the Development of an E-learning Community among Students in China, ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology, 19 (1) 5-17

2009 ‘Making our way through the e-world: the learning experiences of Chinese adult e-learners’, Journal of Education, Information and Cybernetics, 1 (2),37-44
“Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive Vibrant Europe”– European Commission Horizon 2020 H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2015 [As second co-ordinator]“为了更包容和有活力的欧洲而促进终身学习”欧盟2020新视野研究基金

“International Students Perception and Experience of Crime and Safety – a Pilot study of Chinese students in two universities in Nottingham” Nottinghamshire Police Commisioned Project 2015 [as principal investigator]“国际学生对安全问题的印象与经历-对在诺丁汉两所大学就读的中国学生的实验研究”–英国诺丁汉郡警署特别资助研究项目

“The role of university as a promoter of global citizenship” University of Nottingham IGS (Integrated Global Society) Seedcorn funding 2013 [as co-investigator]“国际大学在培养全球公民中的角色” –诺丁汉大学融合全球社会研究基金

“Post-graduate employment transitions in the international context: exploring the case of Chinese students studying at the University of Southampton” University of Southampton Annual Adventure Research Grant 2010 [as principal investigator]“国际学生在全球劳动力市场的就业分析-英国南安普敦大学中国学生的实例分析” -南安普敦大学年度研究基金

“Employability as part of a project of the self or employment as a means to an end?: Understanding students’ pursuit of ‘earning while learning’ ” University of Southampton Annual Adventure Research Grant 2011 [as co-investigator]“培养就业能力作为实现自我的项目-理解在读学生兼职工作的经历” – 南安普敦大学年度研究基金
点击次数:539 登录次数:7
最后地点: 最后登陆:2019/10/10 15:33:44

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