

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-07



Educated in China, the United States, and Singapore, she received her BA (with Highest Honors) and MA (with a GPA of 4.0 and her thesis nominated for the Best Thesis Award of the Year) in communications from California State University and her Ph.D. in communication studies from the School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. She was the first ever Ph.D in communications to graduate from NTU. Currently a professor and Ph.D. adviser in the School of Journalism & Communication at Xiamen University, she teaches courses such as Mass Communication Theories, Research Methods, Intercultural Communication, Mass Media & Mass Culture, and Media & Society,New Frontiers in Communication Theory and Research, and Canonic Texts in Communication. All her teaching is done in English. She has conducted research under the auspices of social science research grants at the national, ministerial and university levels. Her research findings have been widely published both at home and abroad, in Chinese and in English, among which are 16 journal (including SSCI-indexed journals) articles.

Invitation to Enroll as Ph.D. Students(诚邀海外留学生申请攻读博士学位)
From Professor Chen Yanru, School of Journalism & CommunicationXiamen University, People’s Republic of China
Basic Requirements for Prospective Foreign Ph.D students
1) the applicant must be a foreign citizen (citizen from a country other than China) who is preferably fluent and well versed in standard academic English or academic Chinese;
2) the applicant must hold a Master’s degree in communications or related fields from a university recognized by the Xiamen University authority; applicants who can produce written evidence of their academic research and writing ability such as theses and other published papers will be given priority;
3) when making the application, the applicant should specify the field applying to as “communication and social development”(传播与社会发展)which is currently headed by Professor Chen Yanru;
4) the specific area and topic for Ph.D. research is negotiable upon entering the Ph.D. program
5) for matters concerning application and admission procedures, possible funding
such as scholarship and affairs related to student accommodation on Xiamen University campus, known as the most beautiful among university campuses in China, please refer to and consult the Xiamen University Admissions Office and Graduate School. Information about ways to reach them is available on the Xiamen University website.

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