

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

林 霖
Lin Lin


教学研究之外,林霖教授也拥有丰富的业界经验。早在取得博士学位前,即在英国伦敦金融区Vensol Consulting担任企业金融师 (corporate financier),从事财务策略管理及跨国并购顾问工作。曾参与中信集团寰宇万银信托基金的设计、风险基金及创业事业管理、以及协助传统公司转型和上市等投资银行业务。林霖博士对于公司财务策略、创业投资以及投资银行都有相当的国际实务经验。
博士 专业:公司财务(Corporate Finance)
School of Management and Organizational Behaviour, Birkbeck College,University of London, UK.
硕士 专业:会计与财务管理(Accounting and Financial Management)
Department of Accounting and Financial Management, University of Essex, UK.
学士 专业:经济(Economics)台湾大学经济学系
1.Chetthamrongchai, P., Lin, L., Hsiao, H. F., Huang, Y. L. (2018), Change in Bank Equity Stakes before Merger Completion, Journal of Accounting & Marketing, Vol. 6, N0. 1, pp. 1-11.
2.Lin, C., Kao, K. C., Lin, L., Yang, N. T. (2017), Price Limits and the Value Premium in the Taiwan Stock Market, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, Impact factor 0.938, MOST ATier-2), Vol. 41, pp. 26-45.
3.Lin, L., Hung, P. H., Lin, C. Y. (2018), Stock Traders’ Order Aggressiveness and Investment Performance on the Taiwan Stock, Journal of Financial Studies (TSSCI, EconLit), Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 59-96.
4.Lin, L., Hung, Pi-Hsia, Su, Pei-Jhen (2016), The Role of Outstanding Foundation Awards in Fund Families, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI, Impact factor 0.354, MOST B+), Vol. 46, pp. 87-115..
5.Chou, D.W., Lin, L., Hung, P.H., Lin, C. H. (2017), A revisit to economic exposure of U.S. multinational corporations, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI, Impact factor = 0.825), Vol. 39, pp. 273-287.
6.Chen, C. M., Lin, L. Chiu, H. H. (2016) ‘Advertising medium effect on tourist satisfaction’, Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=2.685, 1/68, Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management), Vol. 57, pp. 234-278.
7.Kane, C. M., Lin, S. J., and Lin, L. (2016) ‘The hybrid artificial intelligence model for analyzing the default risk of non-profit financial intermediation’, Journal of Testing and Evaluation (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.45, Rank=14/102 Category: Computer Science), Vol. 44, No.5, pp. 2045-2058.
8.Hao, Y., Chu, H. H., Kao, K. C., Lin, L. (2015), ‘Momentum strategies and investor sentiment in the REIT market’, International Review of Finance (SSCI, Impact Factor = 1.179, MOST B+), Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 41-71.
9.Lin, L., Tai*, V. W., Hsu, C. L., Yang, C. C. (2015) ‘Who Is More Visionary in Mergers: Commercial vs. Investment Banks’, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI, Impact factor = 0.825), Vol. 35, pp. 133-152. (103-2410-H-260-016-)
10.Hsu, W. C., Lin, L., Li, C. Y. (2014), ‘Forecasting Automobile Sales: The Peña-Box Approach’, Transportation Planning and Technology (SSCI, Impact Factor=0.427), 37(6), 568-580..
11.Lai, Y. H., Lin, L., Tai, V. W. (2014), ‘Financial Distress, Return Volatility, and Hedging’, NTU Management Review (TSSCI), Vol.24, No.S1, pp. 61-96. (NSC-99-2410-H-260-042-)
12.Lai*, Y. H., Tai, V. W. Tai, Lin, L (2014) ‘The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Hedging’, Review of Securities and Futures Markets (TSSCI) , Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 155-212.
13.Tai*,V. W., Lai, Y. H., Lin, L (2014) ‘Local Institutional Shareholder and Corporate Hedging Policies’, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI, Impact factor = 0.825), Vol. 28, pp. 287-312. (NSC-99-2410-H-260-042-)
14.Pai, P. F., Hsu, M. F., Lin, L. (2014), ‘Enhancing Decisions with Life Cycle Analysis for Risk Management’, Neural Computing and Applications (SCI. Impact factor = 0.699), 24 (7-8), pp. 1717-1724.
15.Chen, C. M., Chang, K. L., Lin, L. and Lee*, J.L. (2013), ‘Brand switching or reduced consumption? A study of how cigarette taxes affect tobacco consumption’, European Journal of Health Economics (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.096), 15, pp. 991-998.
16.Chen*, C. M., Chang, K. L., Lin, L. and Lee, J.L. (2013), ‘Health Risk Perception and Betel Chewing Behaviour - the Evidence from Taiwan’, Addictive Behaviours (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.021, 35 out of 114 Psychology, Clinical; 7 out of 30 Substance Abuse), 38 (11), pp. 2714-2717.
17.Chen*, C. M., Chang, K. L., and Lin, L. (2013), ‘Re-examining the price sensitivity of demand for cigarettes with quantile regression’, Addictive Behaviours (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.021, 35 out of 114 Psychology, Clinical; 7 out of 30 Substance Abuse), 38 (12), pp. 2801-2804.
18.Lee, J. L., Lin, L., Chen, C. M. (2013), ‘The Price Elasticity of Cigarettes after an Increase in Earmarked Tax’, Taiwan Journal of Public Health (TSSCI), Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 491-501.
19.Wang, Y., Lin*, L., Kuo, H., Piesse, J. (2010), ‘Detecting Corporate Failure’, Chapter 107 in Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, New York: Springer, pp.1593-1606.
20.Yang, S.Y, Lin*, L, Chou, D.W., and Cheng, H.C. (2010), ‘Merger Drivers and the Change of Bidder Shareholders’ Wealth’, Service Industries Journal (SSCI. Impact Factor = 1.017), Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. p851-871.
21.Lin*, L. and Huang, C. Y. (2009), ‘Optimal Size of the Financial Services Industry in Taiwan: A DEA-Option Based Merger Simulation Approach’, Service Industries Journal (SSCI. Impact Factor = 1.017), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 527-541. (NSC-94-2416-H-260-018)
22.Lin*, L., Yang, S. Y., Doong, S. C., Lin, Y. Y. (2008), ‘Impacts of Earnings Management and Methods of Payment on the Performance of Acquiring Companies around Merger’, Reviews of Securities and Futures Market (TSSCI), Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 103-140. (NSC 95-2416-H-260-013)
23.Chou, D.W, Lin, L., Lin, Y.C., and Wang, Y. (2008), ‘The Sources of Value Premiums -- Fundamental Analysis Approach’, Management Review (TSSCI), Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 103-112.
24.Lin*, L., Kuo, H. C., Lin, Y. L. (2008), ‘Merger and Optimal Number of Firms: An Integrated Simulation Approach’, Applied Economics (SSCI. Impact Factor = 0.522), Vol. 40, No. 18, pp. 2413-2421. (NSC-94-2416-H-260-018)
25.Hu, Y. P., Lin*, L., Kao, J. W. (2008), ‘Time-varying Inter-market Linkage of International Stock Markets’, Applied Economics (SSCI. Impact Factor = 0.522), Vol. 40, No. 19, pp. 2501-2507.
26.Wang, C.A., Lin*, L., Li, M.Y. (2008), ‘“Governance Premium”? Evidences from the Nine Emerging Markets of Asia’, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 6-14.
27.Li*, M. Y. L., Sheu, H. J., Lin, L., and Tang, Y. C. (2007), ‘Market Conditions and Abnormal Returns of IPO – An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s High-tech Companies’, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (ECONLIT), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 51-64 (February).
28.Juan, C.W., Chen, J.C., Lin, H.J., Lin, B.Y.J., Lin, L., Lin, Y.P., Chen, H.C. (2007), “Taiwan’s emergency physician manpower resources and distribution study”, Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 9, No.1, Supplement, S26-S34. (in Chinese)
29.Lin*, L. and Kao, C. M. (2007), ‘Market Response to Corporate Failure and Earnings Management by Acquiring Companies in Stock-for-stock Mergers’, Empirical Economics Letters (ECONLIT), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 421-429.
30.Piesse, J., Lee, C. F., Kuo, H. C., and Lin*, L. (2006), ‘Corporate Failure: Definitions, Methods, and Failure Prediction Models’, Chapter 22 in Encyclopaedia of Finance, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.477-490.
31.Piesse, J., Lee, C. F., Lin*, L., and Kuo, H. C. (2006), ‘Merger and Acquisition: Definitions, Motives, and Market Response’, Chapter 27 in Encyclopaedia of Finance, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.541-554.
32.Lin*, L., Yang, S. Y., and Wu, C. Y. (2005), ‘The Impact of ADR on Returns of Underlying Stocks in the Emerging Markets: A Global Perspective’, Empirical Economics Letters (ECONLIT), Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 275-288. (NSC-93-2416-H-260-016)
33.Lin*, L., Piesse, J., Chou, D. W. (2005), ‘Acquiring Firm Characteristics and Stock Market Efficiency: A Case Study Approach’, International Journal of Services Technology and Management (ABI), Vol. 6, No. 6., 576-598.
34.Tseng*, F. M. and Lin, L. (2005), ‘A Quadratic Interval Logit Model for Forecasting Bankruptcy’, OMEGA (SSCI. Impact Factor = 0.663), Vol. 33, pp.85-91. (NSC-91-2416-H-260-014)
35.Lin*, L., Hu, Y., and Piesse, J. (2005), ‘The Structural Changes of Exchange Rates Around 1997 Asian Crisis: Evidence from Eight Major Asian Countries’, Empirical Economics Letters (ECONLIT), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 51-60.
36.Thirtle*, C., Lin, L., Holding, J. Jenkins, L., and Piesse, J. (2004), ‘Explaining the Decline in UK Agricultural Productivity Growth’, Journal of Agricultural Economics (SSCI. Impact Factor = 0.587), Vol. 55, No.2, pp. 343-366.
37.Lin, L. and Piesse*, J. (2004), ‘Identification of Corporate Distress in UK Industrials: A Conditional Probability Analysis Approach’, Applied Financial Economics (FLI), Vol. 14(2), 73-82. (NSC-91-2416-H-260-014)
38.Lin*, L. and Piesse, J. (2004), ‘Financial Risk Assessment in Takeover and the Change of Bidder Shareholders’ Wealth’, International Journal of Risk Assessment & Management (ABI), No. 4, Vol. 4, pp. 332-347.
39.Thirtle*, C., Lin, L., Piesse, J. (2003), ‘The Impact of Research-Led Agricultural Productivity Growth on Poverty Reduction in Africa, Asia and Latin America’, World Development (SSCI. Impact Factor: 1.298. ECONLIT), Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1959-1975
40.Irz*, X., Lin, L., Thirtle, C., Wiggins, S. (2001), ‘Agricultural Productivity Growth and Poverty Alleviation’, Development Policy Review (ECONLIT), Vol.19, No.4, pp. 449-466.

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