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熊大兴,教授。从事统计物理与复杂系统交叉领域的研究工作;自2010 年以来以主要作者发表学术论文20余篇,其中14 篇发表在美国物理学会Physical Review系列期刊上;2019年出版Springer 旗下非线性系统与复杂系丛书英文专著章节一章;已主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1 项,青年和理论物理专项各1 项。曾入选福建省高校****培育计划;获得福建省****基金资助;入选福建省特支计划青年拔尖人才。自2017 年以来担任国家基金通讯评审专家;Physical Review 系列期刊审稿人。近几年参加国际学术会议6 次;担任组委会成员1 次;作一般口头报告4 次。


(22) Jianjin Wang, Sergey V. Dmitriev, and Daxing Xiong (通讯作者), Thermal transport in long-range interacting Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains, Physical Review Research 2, 013179 (2020).

(21) Shunjiang You, Daxing Xiong (通讯作者), and Jiao Wang (通讯作者), Thermal rectification in the thermodynamic limit, Physical Review E 101, 012125 (2020);

(20) Daxing Xiong and Sergey V. Dmitriev, chapter: Effects of Discrete Breathers on Thermal Transport in the \phi^4 Lattice in book: Kevrekidis P., Cuevas-Maraver J. (eds) A Dynamical Perspective on the \phi^4 Model. Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, vol 26. Springer, Cham (2019);

(19) Daxing Xiong and Yong Zhang, One-dimensional superdiffusive heat propagation induced by optical phonon-phonon interactions, Physical Review E 98, 012130 (2018);

(18) Iman Evazzade, Mahmood Rezaee Roknabadi, Mohammad Behdani, Fatemeh Moosavi, Daxing Xiong, Kun Zhou, Sergey V. Dmitriev, Interaction of longitudinal phonons with discrete breather in strained grapheme, The European Physical Journal B 91, 163 (2018);

(17) Daxing Xiong, Observing golden-mean universality class in the scaling of thermal transport, Physical Review E 97, 022116 (2018);

(16) Danial Saadatmand, Daxing Xiong, Vitaly A. Kuzkin, Anton M. Krivtsov, Alexander V. Savin,and Sergey V. Dmitriev, Discrete breathers assist energy transfer to ac-driven nonlinear chains, Physical Review E 97, 022217 (2018);

(15) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者), Danial Saadatmand, and Sergey V. Dmitriev, Crossover from ballistic to normal heat transport in the phi-4 lattice: If nonconservation of momentum is the reason, what is the mechanism? Physical Review E 96, 042109 (2017);

(14) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者), Felix Thiel, and Eli Barkai, Using Hilbert transform and classical chains to simulate quantum walks, Physical Review E 96, 022114 (2017);

(13) Daxing Xiong, Heat perturbation spreading in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-beta system with next-nearest-neighbor coupling: Competition between phonon dispersion and nonlinearity, Physical Review E 95, 062140 (2017);

(12) Daxing Xiong, Anomalous temperature-dependent heat transport in one-dimensional momentum-conserving systems with soft-type interparticle interaction, Physical Review E 95, 042127 (2017);

(11) Daxing Xiong, Underlying mechanisms for normal heat transport in one-dimensional anharmonic oscillator systems with a double-well interparticle interaction, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2016) 043208;

(10) Daxing Xiong, Crossover between different universality classes: Scaling for thermal transport in one dimension, Europhysics Letters 113, 14002 (2016);

(9) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者), and Jun Zhang, Discrete breathers: possible effects on heat transport, Letters on materials (俄罗斯SCI) 6, 27 (2016);

(8) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者), Yong Zhang, and Hong Zhao, Temperature dependence of heat conduction in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-beta lattice with next-nearest-neighbor coupling, Physical Review E 90, 022117 (2014);

(7) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者), Yong Zhang, and Hong Zhao, Heat transport enhanced by optical phonons in one-dimensional anharmonic lattices with alternating bonds, Physical Review E 88, 052128 (2013);

(6) Daxing Xiong (兼通讯作者) and Hong Zhao, A trade-off formula in designing asymmetric neural networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theory 46, 435002 (2013);

(5) Jun Zhang, Daxing Xiong, Lingnan Chen, Qilong Kang, and Birong Zeng, Interaction of pyrrolizine derivatives with bovine serum albumin by fluorescence and UV-Vis spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 96, 132 (2012);

(4) Daxing Xiong, Jiao Wang, Yong Zhang, and Hong Zhao, Nonuniversal heat conduction of one-dimensional lattices, Physical Review E 82, 020102 (R) (2012) [快速通讯];

(3) Daxing Xiong and Hong Zhao, Estimates of storage capacity in the q-state Potts-glass neural network, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theory 43, 445001 (2010);

(2) Daxing Xiong, Jiao Wang, Yong Zhang, and Hong Zhao, Heat conduction in two-dimensional disk models, Physical Review E 82, 030101(R) (2010) [快速通讯];

(1) Daxing Xiong and Hong Zhao, q-state Potts-glass neural network based on pseudoinverse rule, Physical Review E 82, 026114 (2010);

4、美国物理学会Physical Reivew Letters/Applied/E期刊审稿人;还为Proceedings A, Physics Letters A、Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter、International Journal of Modern Physics B等杂志审理过稿件

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