

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-11

Jing-Cao Dai, Professor of Chemistry, received his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry in 1983 from Xiamen University and Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry in 2002 from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his postdoctoral training for two years (2004-2005) from Dr. John D. Corbett’s group in Ames Lab-DOE and Dept. of Chemistry of Iowa State University. During 1983 to 1985, he had been as a junior research fellow in Institute of Marine Coatings & Paint (Qingdao, China) worked on synthesis of organometallics and preparation of marine coatings. Since 1987 he joined in the Huaqiao University faculty where he is presently Tongjiang Distinguished Professor in Materials Chemistry. He published more than 100 peer reviewed papers and received several academic honors include: travel award for presentation at 10th International Clay Conference (1993, Adelaide, Australia), Huaqiao University's distinguished research scientist award (1996-1998), the first class academic award of Fujian Provincal Government (2005), Who's Who in the World (2009),certificate appreciation for valuable contribution and dedicated service in the peer review of manuscripts submitted to ACS journals by ACS journals publishing group (2011), and the 7th Xiamen award fortop talent by Xiamen Government (2013). He serviced as a member for several Huaqiao University’s scientific committees (Science Panel of the 9th Academic Degree Appraisal Committee, Search Committee for Hire of New Faculty), professional societies (Chinese Chemistry Society, AIPEA, Chinese Materials Research Society, Chinese Society of Composite Materials, American Chemical Society, AAAS) and journal editorial boards (Global J. Inorg. Chem., ISRN Inorg. Chem., and Adv. in Chem.). His currently research interests covered of design synthesis and structures of novel inorganic materials, Zintl phases and intermetallics, and clay materials chemistry.
Contact Info. E-mail: jcdai@hqu.edu.cn; Phone: **

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 华侨大学