本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-11
1997-2001: 北京航空航天大学,机电一体化专业,本科。
2004-2008: 昆士兰科技大学 (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering),学士(Bachelor),硕士 (M. Phil.)
2009-2012: 昆士兰大学 (The University of Queensland, Australia), 材料科学与工程 (Material Science and Engineering), 博士(2011年3月至2011年4月:交换学生,大阪大学(Osaka University, Osaka, Japan)。
2012年11月-2013年7月: 博士后研究员,昆士兰大学 (The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)
2013年8月至2014年6月: 研发工程师,斯培利亚 (Nihon Superior Co.,Ltd,Osaka,Japan)
2014年9月至2015年8月: 讲师,江苏科技大学
2020年12月至今: 教授,华侨大学
福建省科技厅引导性项目:钎焊金刚石用异质增强低温焊料的开发研究 (2018-2021),主持。
1.Han Huang, Xuliang Li, Dekui Mu, Brian R Lawn, Science and Art of ductile grinding of brittle solids, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, 161(2021)103675. (IF8.1,机械工程领域顶刊,邀请综述)
2.Qiqi He, Yubin Zhang, Duan Nian, Hui Huang, Dekui Mu, Xinjiang Liao*, Wetting behaviours and interfacial characteristics of Co-binder sintered polycrystalline diamond by Sn-Ti active solder, Powder Technology, 376 (2020) 643–651.
3.Yueqin Wu, Dekui Mu, Hang Huang, Deformation and removal of semiconductor and laser single crystals at extremely small scales, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 2(2020)012006. (EI,邀请综述)
4.Zhuo Liu, Xinjiang Liao, Wei Fu, Dekui Mu*, Xipeng Xu, Han Huang: Microstructures and Bonding Strength of Synthetic Diamond Brazed by Near-Eutectic Ag-Cu-In-Ti Filler Alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 790 (2020) 139711.
5.Han Huang, Xuliang Li, Dekui Mu, Brian R Lawn, Science and Art of ductile grinding of brittle solids, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, 161(2021)103675. (IF8.1,机械工程领域顶刊,邀请综述)
6.Qiqi He, Yubin Zhang, Duan Nian, Hui Huang, Dekui Mu, Xinjiang Liao*, Wetting behaviours and interfacial characteristics of Co-binder sintered polycrystalline diamond by Sn-Ti active solder, Powder Technology, 376 (2020) 643–651.
7.Yueqin Wu, Dekui Mu, Hang Huang, Deformation and removal of semiconductor and laser single crystals at extremely small scales, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 2(2020)012006. (EI,邀请综述)
8.Zhuo Liu, Xinjiang Liao, Wei Fu, Dekui Mu*, Xipeng Xu, Han Huang: Microstructures and Bonding Strength of Synthetic Diamond Brazed by Near-Eutectic Ag-Cu-In-Ti Filler Alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 790 (2020) 139711.
9.Yubin, Zhang, Xinjiang Liao, Qiaoli Lin, Dekui Mu*, Jing Lu, Hui Huang, Han Huang: Reactive Infiltration and Microstructural Characteristics of Sn-V Active Solder Alloys on Porous Graphite, Materials 13(7):1532.
10.Xinjiang Liao, Qiqi He, Qiaoli Lin, Dekui Mu*, Reactive wetting of Sn-V solder alloys on polycrystalline CVD diamond, Applied Surface Science 504 (2020) 144508.
11.D. Mu*, K.Y. Feng, Q.L. Lin, H. Huang, Low-temperature wetting of sapphire using Sn–Ti active solder alloys, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 22175–22182.
12.X.J. Liao, D. Mu*, W. Fu, H. Huang, H. Huang: Low-temperature wetting mechanisms of polycrystalline chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond by Sn-Ti solder alloys, Materials & Design, 182 (2019) 108039.
13.J. Shen, L. Li, X. Wu, H. Chen, W.Z. Huang, D. Mu: Interfacial characteristics of titanium coated micro-powder diamond abrasive tools fabricated by electroforming-brazing composite process, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 84 (2019) 104973.
14.M Li, J Chen, Q Lin, Y Wu, D Mu*: Interfacial microstructures and mechanical integrity of synthetic diamond brazed by a low-temperature Cu-Sn-Cr filler alloy, Diamond and Related Materials, 97 (2019) 107440.
15.J. Chen, X. Liao, Q. Lin, D. Mu*, H. Huang, X. Xu. H. Huang: Reactive wetting of binary Sn Cr alloy on polycrystalline chemical vapour deposited diamond at relatively low temperatures, Diamond and Related Materials, 92 (2019) 92-99.
16.J. Chen, D. Mu*, X. Liao, G. Huang, H. Huang, X. Xu, H. Huang, Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of synthetic diamond brazed by Ni-Cr-P filler alloy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 74 (2018) 52-60.
17.X. Liao, D. Mu*, J. Wang, G. Huang, H. Huang, X. Xu, H. Huang, Formation of TiC via interface reaction between diamond grits and Sn-Ti alloys at relatively low temperatures, International. Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 66 (2017) 252-257.
18.D.Mu, S.D. McDonald, J. Read, H. Huang and K. Nogta: Critical Properties of Cu6Sn5 in Electronic Devices: Recent Progress and A Review. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. 20,55-76 (2016).
19.G. Zeng, S.D. McDonald, D. Mu, K.Nogita, Y. Terada, H. Yasuda, Q.F. Gu, K, Nogita: Ni segregation in the interfacial (Cu, Ni)6Sn5 intermetallic layer of Sn-0.7 Cu-0.05 Ni/Cu ball grid array (BGA) joints. Intermetallics, 54, 21-27 (2014).
20.Y. F. Yang, D. Mu, Q.C. Jiang: A simple route to fabricate TiC-TiB2/Ni composite via thermal explosion reaction assisted with external pressure in air. Materials Chemistry and Physics,143, 480-485 (2014).
21.Y. F. Yang, D. Mu: Simultaneous dehydrogenation and synthesis of TiB2-TiC through self-propagation high-temperature synthesis from TiH2-B4C powder blends. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34 (2014) 3184-3188.
22.Y. F. Yang, D. Mu: Effects of Ni additions on the formation of Ti5Si3 prepared by self-propagation high-temperature synthesis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34, 2177-2185 (2014).
23.D. Mu, H. Huang, S. D. McDonald, J. Read and K. Nogita: Investigating the Mechanical Properties, Creep and Crack Pattern of Cu6Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 on Diverse Crystal Planes. Material Science and Engineering A, 566, 126 (2013).
24.D. Mu*, H. Huang, S. D. McDonald and K. Nogita: Creep and Mechanical Properties of Cu6Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 at Elevated Temperatures. Journal of Electronic Materials, 42, 304 (2013).
25.Y. F. Yang, D. Mu: Dehydrogenation process and its effect on formation mechanism of TiC during self-propagation high-temperature synthesis from TiH2-C. Powder Technology, 249 208-211 (2013).
26.D. Mu*, H. Yasuda, H. Huang and K. Nogita: Growth orientation and mechanical properties of Cu6Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 on poly-crystalline Cu. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 536, 39 (2012).
27.D. Mu, H. Huang and K. Nogita: Anisotropic mechanical properties of Cu6Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)6Sn5. Materials Letters, 86, 46 (2012).
28.K. Nogita, D. Mu, S. D. McDonald, J. Read and Y.Q. Wu: Effect of Ni on phase stability and thermal expansion of Cu6-XNiXSn5. Intermetallics, 26, 78 (2012).
29.D. Mu*, J. Read, Y. F. Yang and K. Nogita: Thermal expansion of Cu6Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)6Sn5. Journal of Material Research, 26, 2660 (2011).
30.D. Mu*, H. Tsukamoto, H. Huang and K. Nogita: Formation and mechanical properties of intermetallic compounds in Sn-Cu high-temperature lead-free solder joints. Material Science Forum, Vol. 654, 2450 (2010).
电子邮箱:dekui.mu@hqu.edu.cn; dekui.mu@uqconnect.edu.au
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