

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-11

Zheng Wenbiao
Associate Professor
Institute of overseas Chinese/International Relations
Huaqiao University
No.668, Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Email: wenbiao@hqu.edu.cn
Professional Preparation
Xiamen University (Xiamen, China) Bachelor Sociology
Huaqiao University(Quanzhou, China) Master Philosophy
Huaqiao University(Quanzhou, China) Ph.D. Politics
Research Areas
Overseas Chinese research
International communication research
Deputy Dean
Institute of overseas Chinese/International Relations,Huaqiao University
Contract Research Fellow
Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese of Fujian Province
Standing Director Research
Committee of History of ChineseMedia in Taiwan and Southeast Asian
Visiting Positions
Aug.2012 School of Journalism & Communication Peking University
2012-2013 Department of Policies and Laws
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council
Nov. 2016China Institute Fudan University
Selected Recent Research Projects
1.Research on overseas Chinese website and construction of related database,funded by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, 2011
2.Current situation of overseas Chinese scholars in the world thinktank and its influence on China, funded by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, 2013
3. Research on the overseasonlinepublic opinion inthe issues of Maritime Silk Road,funded by Huaqiao University, 2014
4. Integrated database of key figures of overseas Chinese affairs,funded byOverseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, 2014
5. Empirical study on Chinese national image of overseas Chinese, funded by Huaqiao University, 2014
6. Research on the history and current situation of Fujian overseas Chinese media, funded by Fujian Social Science Project, 2015
Selected Recent Research Articles
1. The current status of overseas Chinese media, Annual Report on Overseas Chinese Study (2011), Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011
2. The problems ofoverseasChinese education in theinternet era, Research onOverseas ChineseAffairs,No.6, 2012
3.History andstatusof Thailandoverseas Chinese media, AroundSoutheast Asia,No.4, 2013
4. Research on current status ofoverseas Chinese web site, Editorial Friend, No.2, 2015
5.Research on the online review ofthe news of Gwadar Port in The Times of India, South AsianStudies, No.3, 2017
Selected Recent Thinktank Reports
1. Analysis on the influence of Operation Emperor in Spain. 2012. Instructed by the Director of the overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council.
2. Analysis on the effect of overseas Chinesewebsites in America. 2017. Instructed by the member of Politburo Standing Committee.
International Conference Papers
1. Application of Internet Technology in the Study of Overseas Chinese Websites,International Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas(ISSCO).2010. Singapore.
2. The current situation, problems of overseas Chinese media, Seminar on Chinese media and overseas Society, 2011. The Philippines.
3. History of Thailand Overseas Chinese Media, The 1st Chinese-Thai Strategic Research Seminar. 2012. Thailand.
4. A study of American overseas Chinese websites from the perspective of political communication,International Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas(ISSCO).2017. Japan.


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