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中文简历Hanqiu Xu Professional Ranks and Titles Professor
Position Institute Head
Research Interests Primary research interests are focused on remote sensing applications to urban environments and regional ecological system. The current main areas of research include:monitoring of land use/cover dynamics; assessment of urbanization process; analysis of regional ecosystem (e.g., deforestation, urban heat island effect, and water quality); cross comparison between different satellite sensor data; and thematic feature extraction from remotely sensed imagery.
E-mail hxu@fzu.edu.cn, hxufzu@139.com
Telephone +86-
Biograhpy Dr. Hanqiu Xu is currently a Professor at College of Environment and Resources and the Head of the Institute of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Fuzhou University. He holds a Ph.D. in Geoscience from University College Cork, National University of Ireland. He is a member of the Editorial Board of The Open Remote Sensing Journal, and the Vice President of the Remote Sensing Society of Fujian Province, China. Professor Xu has been listed in International Educators of the Year for 2007 by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, and in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 9th and 11th Editions, respectively. His research interests include feature extraction from satellite imagery and remote sensing of urban heat island dynamics, where he has made significant contributions to the field of thematic feature extraction from remotely sensed imagery. He has proposed several remote sensing indices, including Modified Normalised Difference Water Index (MNDWI), Indexed-based Built-up Land Index (IBI), Normalised Difference Impervious Surface Index (NDISI), Urban-heat-island Ratio Index (URI) and Remote Sensing based Ecological Index (RSEI), published in the International Journals. The MNDWI has been applied worldwide in mapping or extracting open water features from satellite imagery. This has led the paper to the top 1% of the most cited papers in Geosciences of ESI (Essential Science Indicators). The MNDWI is listed in the ENVI software package as a spectral tool for processing water features. The URI is accepted by China National Technical Criterion for Ecosystem Status Evaluation, used as a criterion for thermal evironment evaluation. With the IBI and NDISI, he is able to reveal an exponential relationship between urban built-up land and land surface temperature, which was always thought to be a simple linear relationship. One of his paper was recognized as 2017 Google Scholar Classic Papers in the area Remote Sensing , where it is the first most-cited paper with 804 cites over the period from 2006 to 2017 (Google Scholar Classic Papers are highly-cited papers that have stood the test of time). Education PhD: National University of Ireland (Cork)MSc: China University of Geosciences/Fuzhou University Experience Journal Referee (international): Remote Sensing of Environment, , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE JSTARS, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Environmental Science and Technology, Remote Sensing Letter, Sensors, Landscape and Urban Planning, Land Use Policy, International Journal of Environmental Studies Teaching The courses currently taught for PhD/MSc students are:Digital image processing for remotely-sensed data Thematic applications of remote sensing technology Land use/cover dynamics Urban geography Earth observation systems Reasearch Project * A remote sensing study on interaction among urban expansion, land-use change and urban heat island, funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China. * Remote sensing of water erosion and soil loss in County Changting, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China* Study on urban heat island development in China's hottest city and the strategy of its mitigation, funded by the Bureau of Fuzhou Urban and Rural Planning* Remote sensing of ecosystem of the Jinjiang Watershed, Fujian Province, funded by Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology. * Dynamics of water quality of the Fuzhou portion of the Min River based on remote sensing technology, funded by the Fujian Bureau of Education. * Cross comparison between ASTER and Landsat ETM+ imagery, funded by the Nature Science Foundation of Fujian province. * Spatiotemporal dynamics and corresponding eco-environmental effects of the central cities in Haixi Economic Region, funded by Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology. * Monitoring and updating of the land use dynamics of Fuqing County using GIS, RS and GPS technologies. A national key project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. * Creation of a regional spatial land use database using multi-spatial resolution satellite imagery with its application in regional sustainable development, supported by the Keio University of Japan. * Monitoring and assessment of the urban developments in coastal cities of Fujian province based on multi-temporal and spatial resolution remotely sensed data, funded by the Ministry of Education of China special for the key teachers in Chinese Universities. * A computerized management system for land resources of Luoyuan County and remote sensing applications, funded by Luoyuan County Government. * A computerized management system for land resources of Longhai County, funded by Longhai County Government. * Applications of GIS, RS and GPS in Fujian Province. A provincial key project funded by Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology. * Urban expansion and its impact on heat environments of Fuzhou City, funded by Fujian Provincial Department of Education. Awards * Award: Top 100 Most Impactive Papers Selected from China's Journals (2018) by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China* 2017 Google Scholar Classic Papers in the area Remote Sensing (first most-cited paper with 804 cites) * Sep 2017 Award: 2017 Chen Zhongqi Best Paper Prize in Geophysics by Chinese Geophysics Association* Sep 2018 Award: 2018 Leading 5000 - Best Paper of China's Leading Journals* Sep 2016 Award: 2016 Leading 5000 - Best Paper of China's Leading Journals* Sep 2014 Award: 2014 Leading 5000 - Best Paper of China's Leading Journals* Aug 2014 Award: 2013 Best Paper Prize of China Environmental Science* Sep 2013 Award: Best Paper Prize in Recent Five Years (2008~2012) of Acta Ecologica Sinica* Jan 2011 Award: The 2nd Class Prize of the Fujian Provincial Natural Science Award (2010), by Fujian Provincial Government* Jan 2005 Award: The 3rd Class Prize of the Fujian Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2010), by Fujian Provincial Government* Award: Top 100 Most Impactive Papers Selected from China's Journals (2009) by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China* May 1991 Scholarship: Research Studentship (1992-1996), by National University of Ireland* Nov 1987 Award: Best Paper Prize awarded by Geologcial Society of China Books Journal Publications Listed only the first-author publications in international journals. For the publications in China's journals, please see the CV in Chinese.Xu, Hanqiu, Shi, Tingting, Wang, Meiya, Fang, Canying, & Lin, Zhongli. Predicting effect of forthcoming population growth–induced impervious surface increase on regional thermal environment: Xiong'an New Area, North China. Building and Environment, 2018, 136: 98–106. Xu, Hanqiu, Wang, Yifan, Guan, Huade, Shi, Tingting, & Hu, Xisheng. Detecting Ecological Changes with a Remote Sensing Based Ecological Index (RSEI) Produced Time Series and Change Vector Analysis. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(20): 2345.Xu, Hanqiu, Wang, Meiya, Shi, Tingting, Guan, Huade, Fang, Canying, & Lin Zhongli. Prediction of ecological effects of potential population and impervious surface increases using a remote sensing based ecological index (RSEI). Ecological Indicators, 2018, 93: 730-740.Xu, Hanqiu, Hu, Xiujuan, Guan, Huade, Zhang, Bobo, Wang, Meiya, Chen, Shanmu, & Chen, Minghua. A Remote Sensing Based Method to Detect Soil Erosion in Forests. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(5):513Xu, Hanqiu, Hu, Xiujuan, Guan, Huade, & He, Guojin. Development of a fine-scale discomfort index map and its application in measuring living environments using remotely-sensed thermal infrared imagery. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 150: 598-607.Xu, Hanqiu. Dynamic of soil exposureintensity and its effect on thermal environment change. International Journalof Climatology, 2014, 34(3): 902-910. SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu. Rule-based impervious surface mapping using high spatial resolution imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(1): 27-44. SCI.Xu, Hanqiu, & Zhang, Tiejun. Assessment of consistency in forest-dominated vegetation observations between ASTER and Landsat ETM+ images in subtropical coastal areas of southeastern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 168(1): 1-9. SCI.Xu, Hanqiu, Huang, Shaolin, & Zhang, Tiejun. Built-up land mapping capabilities of the ASTER and Landsat ETM+ sensors in coastal areas of southeastern China. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(8): 1437-1449. SCI, EI. Xu, Hanqiu. Analysis of impervious surface and its impact on urban heat environment using the Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (NDISI). Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2010, 76(5): 557-565, SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu, Dingfeng, & Wen Xiaole. Urban expansion and heat island dynamics in the Quanzhou region, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2009, 2(2): 74-79, SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu, Lin, Dongfeng, Tang Fei. The impact of impervious surface development on land surface temperature in a subtropical city: Xiamen, China. International Journal of Climatology, 2013, 33(8): 1873-1883. SCI.Xu, Hanqiu. A new index for delineating built-up land features in satellite imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 29(14): 4269-4276, SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu. Extraction of urban built-up land features from Landsat imagery using a thematic-oriented index combination technique. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2007, 73(12): 1381-1392, SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu. Modification of Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) to enhance open water features in remotely sensed imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2006, 27(14): 3025–3033, SCI, EI (ESI: top 1% of the most cited papers in Geosciences).Xu, Hanqiu. Evaluation of two absolute radiometric normalization algorithms for pre-processing of Landsat imagery. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2006, 17(2): 146-150, SCI.Xu, Hanqiu and CHEN Benqing. Remote sensing of the urban heat island and its changes in Xiamen City of SE China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(2): 276-281, SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu. Assessment of the SFIM Algorithm. Chinese Geographical Science, 2004, 14(1): 48-56, SCI.Xu, Hanqiu. An assessment of land use changes in Fuqing County of China using remote sensing technology. Chinese Geographical Science, 2002, 12(2), 126-135, SCI.Xu, Hanqiu, Wang, Xiaoqin, & Xiao, Guirong. A remote sensing and GIS integrated study on urbanization with its impact on arable lands: Fuqing City, Fujian Province, China. Land Degradation & Development, 2000, 11(4): 301-315,SCI, EI.Xu, Hanqiu, MacCarthy I. Markov chain analysis of vertical facies sequences using a computer software package (SAVFS): Courtmacsherry Formation (Tournaisian), southern Ireland. Computers & Geosciences, 1998, 24(2): 131-139, SCI.

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