

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-13

1.2012/9–2016/6, 福建师范大学, 应用数学, 博士, 导师:许力
2.2007/2–2008/7, 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学, 计算机科学与技术, 硕士,导师:穆怡
3.2001/9–2005/7, 福建师范大学, 计算机, 学士
1. 2017/12 至今, 福建师范大学,数学与信息学院,副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,**,WSNs连通性与拓扑容错性问题的研究,2018/01-2020/12,21万元,在研,主持
2. 福建省自然科学基金项目, 2016J01289, 无线传感器网络容错拓扑控制机制与基于定位的故障诊断修复算法研究, 2016/04-2019/03, 4万元, 在研, 主持
3. 国家自然基金面上项目, **, 基于随机模型的多处理机系统可靠性研究, 2015/10-2019/12, 48万元, 在研, 参加
4. 福建省教育厅项目, JB11027, 无线传感器网络拓扑容错技术研究, 2011/06-2013/06, 0.8万元, 已结题, 主持
(1)Zhang X , Xu L , Lin L , Wang Xiaoding, The (t, k) -Diagnosability of Balanced Hypercube under the PMC Model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, 2018,3(4): 230-243
(2)Wang Xiaoding,Xu Li*,Zhou Shuming,A Straight Skeleton Based Connectivity Restoration Strategy in the Presence of Obstacles for WSNs,Sensors, 2017, 17(10):2299-
(3)Wang Xiaoding,Xu Li*,Zhou Shuming,Wu, Wei,Hybrid Recovery Strategy Based on Random Terrain in Wireless Sensor Networks,Scientific Programming,2017.01.01,2017:1~19
(4)Wang Xiaoding,Xu Li*,Zhou Shuming,Liu, Joseph K.,A Resolving Set based Algorithm for Fault Identification in Wireless Mesh Networks,Journal of Universal Computer Science,2015.01.01,21(3):384~405
(5)Wang Xiaoding,Xu Li*,Zhou Shuming,Restoration Strategy Based on Optimal Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2015.01.01,11(7)
(10) Xu Li*,Chen Jianwei,Wang Xiaoding, Cover-free family based efficient group key management strategy in wireless sensor network,Journal of Communications,2008.01.01,3(6):51~58
(11) Zhang Yihui ,Xu Li*,Wang Xiaoding, A cooperative secure routing protocol based on reputation system for Ad hoc networks,Journal of Communications,2008.01.01,3(6):43~50
(1)Zeng Y, Li X, Wang Xiaoding, Reliable Topology Control Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks,Chinese Conference on Trusted Computing & Information Security. 2017.
(2)Xiao J, Li X, Lin L, Wang Xiaoding, A Privacy-Preserving Approach Based on Graph Partition for Uncertain Trajectory Publishing,International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Computing. 2017.
(3)Xu Li*,Pan Penggui, Wang Xiaoding,Wu Wei,Physical-layer network coding and connected dominating set based routing protocol in wireless multi-hop network,2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, INCoS 2012,Spl.Independentei 313, 060042, Bucharest,2012.9.19-2012.9.21
相关话题/福建师范大学 数学