

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-13

基本信息Personal information
电子邮箱:kyleyuechina@163.com, kkyue@fjnu.edu.cn
研究方向Research Interests
教 育:
工 作:
2018.01~2019.12:丹麦奥胡斯大学(Aarhus University),VILLUM Postdoc Fellow
岳楷,博士,研究员,博士生导师。主要从事森林生态和全球变化生态相关领域的研究,重点关注森林生态系统生物地球化学循环过程、生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系及这些生态过程对全球变化的响应。目前发表论文60余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Ecology Letters、Global Change Biology、Functional Ecology和Global Ecology and Biogeography等生态学领域主流期刊上发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,其中包括一项“优秀青年科学基金项目”。担任Plos One学术编辑,为Ecology Letters、Global Change Biology、Functional Ecology、Plant and Soil和Ecosystems等30余个SCI收录期刊审稿。
代表性论文Main author Peer-reviewed Articles
25. Yue K, Fornara DA, Ni XY, Li W, Peng Y, Liao S, Tan SY, Wang DY, Wu FZ*, Yang YS. Nitrogen addition changed plant biomass allocation but not allometric relationships among different organs across the globe. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtaa100.
24. Peng X, Deng YE*, Liu L, Tian X, Gang ST, Wei ZC, Zhang XD, Yue K*. The addition of biochar as a fertilizer supplement for the attenuation of potentially toxic elements in phosphogypsum-amended soil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277: 124052.
23. Yue K, Ni XY, Fornara DA, Peng Y, Liao S, Tan SY, Wang DY, Wu FZ*, Yang YS. Dynamics of calcium, magnesium, and manganese during litter decomposition in alpine forest aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystems, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s10021-020-00532-5.
22. 刘博文,张丽,吴福忠,倪祥银,徐振锋,谭波,岳楷*.高寒森林不同生境凋落叶分解过程中水溶性组分动态特征.生态学杂志,2020, 39(4): 1130-1140.
21. Yue K*, Jarvie S, Senior AM, Van Meerbeek K, Peng Y, Ni XY, Wu FZ, Svenning J-C. Changes in plant diversity and its relationship with productivity in response to nitrogen addition, warming, and increased rainfall. Oikos, 2020, 129(7): 939-952. (Editor’s Choice)
20. Liang ZY, Wu FZ, Ni XY, Tan B, Zhang L, Xu ZF, Hu JY, Yue K*. Woody litter increases headwater stream metal export ratio in an alpine forest. Forests, 2019, 10: 379.
19. Yue K#, Peng Y#, Fornara DA, Van Meerbeek K, Vesterdal L, Yang WQ, Peng CH, Tan B, Zhou W, Xu ZF, Ni XY, Zhang L, Wu FZ*, Svenning J-C. Responses of nitrogen concentrations and pools to multiple environmental change drivers: a meta-analysis across terrestrial ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2019, 28(5): 690-724.
18. Yue K, Yang WQ, Tan B, Peng Y, Huang CP, Xu ZF, Ni XY, Yang Y, Zhou W, Zhang L, Wu FZ*. Immobilization of heavy metals during aquatic and terrestrial litter decomposition in an alpine forest. Chemosphere, 2019, 216: 419-427.
17. Yue K, García-Palacios P, Parsons SA, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Tan B, Huang CP, Wu FZ*. Assessing the temporal dynamics of aquatic and terrestrial litter decomposition in an alpine forest. Functional Ecology, 2018, 32(10): 2464-2475.
16. Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Peng CH, Tan B, Xu ZF, Zhang L, Ni XY, Zhou W, Wu FZ*. Individual and combined effects of multiple global change drivers on terrestrial phosphorus pools: a meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 630: 181-188.
15. Yue K, Fornara DA, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Peng CH, Liu ZL, Wu FZ*.Influence of multiple global change drivers on terrestrial carbon storage: additive effects are common. Ecology Letters, 2017, 20(5): 663-672.
14. Yue K, Fornara DA, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Li ZJ, Wu FZ*, Peng CH*.Effects of three global change drivers on terrestrial C:N:P stoichiometry: a global synthesis. Global Change Biology, 2017, 23(6): 2450-2463.
13.岳楷, 杨万勤, 张川, 彭艳, 黄春萍, 吴福忠*. 高寒森林不同生境对凋落叶分解过程中灰分动态的影响. 生态学报, 2017, 37(9): 3096-3105.
12. Yue K#, Peng Y#, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng X, Wu FZ*. Stimulation of terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage by nitrogen addition: a meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19895.
11. Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng CH, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Tan Y, Wu FZ*.Foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest meta-ecosystem on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 566-567: 279-287.
10. Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Xu ZF, Tan B, Wu FZ*.Dynamics of multiple metallic elements during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river. Annals of Forest Science, 2016, 73(2): 547-557.
9. Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Wu FZ*. Chromium, cadmium, and lead dynamics during winter foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2016, 48(1): 79-91.
8. Yue K, Wu FZ, Yang WQ, Zhang C, Peng Y, Tan B, Xu ZF, Huang CP*. Cellulose dynamics during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest meta-ecosystem. Forests, 2016, 7(8): 176.
7. Yue K, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Wu FZ*. Degradation of lignin and cellulose during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river. Ecosphere, 2016, 7(10): e01523.
6.岳楷, 杨万勤, 彭艳, 黄春萍, 张川, 吴福忠*. 高寒森林溪流对凋落叶分解过程中木质素降解的影响. 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(9): 893-901.
5. Yue K, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Fang JM, Wu FZ*.Study type and plant litter identity modulating the response of litter decomposition to warming, elevated CO2, and elevated O3: a meta-analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2015, 120: 441-451.
4.岳楷, 杨万勤, 彭艳, 张川, 黄春萍, 吴福忠*. 岷江上游高山森林冬季河流中凋落叶碳、氮和磷元素动态特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2015, 21(2): 301-307.
3.岳楷, 杨万勤, 彭艳, 张川, 黄春萍, 吴福忠*. 岷江上游高山森林凋落叶在冬季河流中的质量损失特征. 长江流域资源与环境, 2015, 24(7): 1177-1184.
2. Yue K, Ye M*, Zhou ZJ, Sun W, Lin X. The genus Cordyceps: a chemical and pharmacological review. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2013, 65(4): 474-493.
1. Yue K, Ye M*, Lin X, Zhou ZJ. The artificial cultivation of medicinal caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ascomycetes): a review. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2013, 15(5): 425-434.
主要获奖Main Awards
3. 2018年: 第七届“梁希青年论文奖(二等奖)”(中国林学会)
2. 2017年: 校级优秀博士论文(四川农业大学)
1. 2017年:第六届“梁希优秀学子奖”(中国林学会)
科研项目Research Projects
3. 国家自然科学基金委与欧盟委员会“中欧人才项目”,,林下小气候在森林对气候变暖响应滞后效应中的作用,2021/02~2022/01,2.5万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,**,森林生态学,2020/01~2022/12,130万元,在研,主持
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,**,高寒森林溪流可溶性有机碳输入/输出动态特征,2019/01~2021/12,22万元,在研,主持
研究生培养Graduate Students Supervision

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