

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-13


Professor's Resume of Teaching and Research
Song Li-zhong, male, was born in September,1963.He was graduated from the Department of History, Beijing Normal University in 1987, the Department of History , Nanjing University in 2002 and 2005, and obtained Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and Doctor's degree in Chinese historysuccessively.
Now he is the professor in the School of Tourism, Fujian Normal University, the Master Tutor of Tourism Management and Human Geography, and the Senior Visiting Scholar ofDurham University, England.
At the same time,he also plays a leading role in Fujian Humanities and Social Science Base - Research Center of Strait Tourism Development, as well as Vice Chairman of the General Branch of Zhigong Party, Fujian Normal University; deputy director of Professional Committee Members of Fujian Province Committee for Culture, Education, Sports, Minhou County’s Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, director of Fujian Tourism Association, and so on; He also acts as a communication assessor of Fund Project for Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science, and academic dissertation external auditor of Ministry of Education, China.
He has published more than 40 papers on journals in his research field, for example, the Guangming Daily, Fudan Journal, Journal of Sichuan University, Tourism Tribune, Progress in Geography, World Regional Studies, China's Social Science Newspaper, published one monograph in the Chinese Social Science Press, and get one outstanding achievement rewards of social science of Fujian Province.
He has presided over or been studying 1 project of national Social Science Fund later period, 1 project of Humanistic and Social Science Planning Fund of the Ministry of Education, 2 projects of Fujian Social Science Planning Fund, 1 project of Provincial soft science subject and 1 major project of Fujian University Humanistic and Social Science Base.Presided over the completion of fujian Provincial Department of Education humanities and social sciences key projects, provincial education science planning projects 1;Participated in many projects of national Social Science Fund and humanities and Social science youth of Ministry of Education.Simultaneously he participated in one fund project of National Social Science, and one youth project of Humanities and Social Science ,the Ministry of Education, China, and so on.
His focuses on social service include presiding over or participating in some transverse projects, for example, Jinjiang’s Cultural Tourism Planning, Putian’s "12.5" Tourism Planning, Shishi’s Tourism Planning, Yongtai county’s tourism planning of the whole domain ,and so on;In addition, he still undertakes the review about cultural tourism planning, consultation of cultural heritage protection and its tourism development, cultural heritage tourism, Chinese and foreign training courses, etc.
His main research fields are as follow:
1. The research of regional cultural tourism planning and its development;
2.The research of cultural heritage safeguarding (including intangible cultural heritage) and its tourism utilization about foreign countries;
3.The researchof domestic and foreign cultural tourism industry
4. The Study on the history of ancient Chinese tourism and leisure thought.
Serving the society:
1. Responsible for the creativity and planning of cultural tourism projects;
2. Research on cultural and tourism integration based on traditional culture
、讲授课程(Teaching Courses
1、本科课程(Undergraduate Courses):《旅游文化学》、《中外旅游史》、《中国历史文化》、《世界遗产概论》等
The Study of Tourism Culture
History of Chinese and Foreign Tourism
Chinese History and Culture Studies
An Introduction to World Heritage
2、研究生课程(Postgraduate Programmes:《旅游文化研究》、《旅游文化研究的跨学科理论与方法》
Tourism Cultural Research
Interdisciplinary Theories and Methods of Cultural Tourism Study
、主持参与课题(Research Projects)
Presided over the research on Cultural Tourism from the Multidimensional Perspective of the project funded by the National Social Science Fund (20FSHB016)
2010-2014: Research of and Reference to Experiences of Tourism Utilization of Intangible Cultural Heritage Abroad, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education ,China( No.10YJA760045),Role: Project Host.
2011-2012: Research of the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry in FujianProvinceBased on the Intangible Cultural Heritage,Sponsored by the Social Science Foundation of Fujian Province,China ( No.2011B092). Role: Project Host.
2017-2018:A study on the development approaches to culture tourism of Fujian-Asean based on the protection of homologous and shared intangible heritage, sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China ( No.FJ2017B050 ), Role: Project Host.
2010-2011:A study on utilization models of Intangible cultural heritage tourism of fujian province Based on international experiences, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China ( No.JA10084S), Role: Project Host.
Presiding over the Joint Project of Fujian Provincial Innovation Strategy (Soft Science) on the Spatio-temporal evolution of Fujian ancient Kiln sites and Tourism Development Mode under the background of rural Revitalization (2020R0049)
hosting the major project : Investigation of Fujian Haisi Cultural Tourism Resources and research on the integration mode of cultural tourism of Fujian Provincial University Humanistic and Social Science Research Base
2013-2014:A Comparative study on the international cooperation model of tourism discipline and its reference to the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,ChinaFJJKCG13-089, Role: Project Host.
2006-2007: A Study on Fujian tourism culture based on local Chronicles, Sponsored by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Education Department of Fujian Province,China(JB06083), Role: Project Host.
2009-2012: Imperial Examination System and Taiwan Society, Sponsored by National Social Science Foundation (No.09BZS050),Role: The chief participant.
Articles (Cultural and Heritage Tourism)
YANG Xiu-cheng,SONG Li-zhong,WANG Qian, Disparity of domestic and inbound tourism scales and the system of rank-scale distribution in Fujian, Journal of Guilin University of Technology,2020,40(3):643-652.
WANG Qian,SONG Li-zhong,YANG Xi-ucheng,LIN Cui-sheng,Study on Regional Difference of Domestic Tourism Income and Influencing Factors in Shanxi Province,Journal of Hainan Normal University(NaturalScience),2020,33(3):343-353.
WANG Qian,SONG Li-zhong,YANG Xiu-cheng,SONG Jing,A Study on Spatial Distribution of Traditional Villages and Their Tourism Development Models in Yangquan,Shanxi Based on GIS,Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2020.34(3):117-127.
Yang Xiu-cheng,Song Li-zhong,Zhong Yao-yue,Wang Dong-lin.The Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Health and Wellness Tourism Resources in Fujian Province,Journal of Fujian Normal University ( Natural Science Edition),2019,35(5):106-116.
Jiang Jie, Sa Rina,Song Lizhong. A Study on the influence of insurance poverty alleviation policy perception on farmers' entrepreneurial intention under the background of rural revitalization,Fujian Tribune,2018,(08):19-27.(CSSCI)
Song Lizhong,Song Jing.The Dual Structures of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Theirs Tourism Utilization as Well as Its Enlightenment In BaliIsland,Indonesia, Cultural Heritage,2019,(01):9-19.(CSSCI)
Song Lizhong Lu Yu,Yan Guorong, Zhang Weixian. The Research on the Coordination Mechanism about the Recreational Use and Ecological Conservation of National Parks and Theirs Inspirations in European and American, Fujian Tribune,2017,(08):155-164.(CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Review of Study on Intangible Heritage Tourism abroad and Its Inspirations—Based on Investigation of ATR, TM in the Latest Twenty Years,World Regional Studies, 2014,23(4):136-147.(CSSCI)
Song Lizhong,TAN Shen. A Path Analysis of the Development of Tourism Products Concerning Compound-type Cultural Heritage, Tourism Tribune, 2012,27 (10):93-101. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong,Li Fen,Wang Hui,The Operation Areas and Business Strategies of Pleasure-Boat Industries in European Inland River and Its Inspirations, World Regional Studies,2011,20(2):107-118. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong. The Key : The Balance and Unification between Safeguarding and Uses of Intangible Cultural Heritage, China's Social Science Newspaper (The Cultural Industry Edition) ,December 20, 2011.
Song Lizhong, Zhou shenglin,Tan Shen. A Review on the progress of women's leisure research of western Countries in the last ten years.Journal of Beijing International Studies University,2009,(9)68-76.
Song Lizhong,Hu Min-jie,Chen Qing-xia.The Sacred and the Profane : A Paradox about Positioning Religious Sites as Tourism Resorts:A Case Study of Meizhou Island,Putiian,China, Tourism Forum,2013,6(2):11-15.
Song Lizhong. Temporal and Spatialevolution, Dynamic Factors of Recreational Busin ess District in Fuzhou and its in Spirations,Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ( Philosophy and Social Sciences),2009, 12 ( 1):57 – 62.
Hu Min-jie, Song Lizhong. A Review on the research of Inland river tourism in China and foreign countries,Progress in Geography, 2012 ,(10):1399-1406.(communication author, CSCD).
16.李芬、宋立中、王会《扬州市旅游景区空间结构优化整合策略研究》,《扬州大学学报》(人文社会科学版)2011年第3 期。(北大核心)
Li Fen,Song Lizhong,Wang Hui.On the Strategies in Optimizing the Spatial Structure of Yangzhou Tourist Attractions,Journal of Yangzhou University (Humanities & Social Sciences),2011,15(3):56-61.
Zhou Sheng-lin,Song Lizhong,Tanshen.A review and prospect about rivers tourism research abroad,Journal of Beijing international studies university,2011,(3):8-16.
Hu Min-jie,Song Lizhong.Development Strategies of Rural Tourism Based on Perspective of “New Tourism”:A Case Study of the Rural Area around Fuzhou, Fujian,Tropical Geography,2012,32(3):307-312.(CSSCI)
Tan Shen,Song Lizhong, Zhou Sheng-lin.An Analysis of the Development Patterns and Theirs Implications of Foreign Cultural Tourism Destinations Based on Stakeholder Perspectives, Journal of Beijing International Studies University,2010,(3):20-28.
Lin Cui-sheng,Song Lizhong,Wang Ya-jun.A Study of the Formation Mechanism of Residents’Perception on the Impacts of Mazu Cultural Tourism Festival in Fujian,Tourism Forum,2014,7(1):32-39.
21.谭申、宋立中、周胜林《近十年境外文化遗产地旅游动机研究述评》,《旅游论坛》2011年第2 期,第17-23页。(CSSCI扩展板)
Tan Shen,Song Li-zhong, Zhou Sheng-lin. A Review onResearch of Tourist’s Motivation in Foreign Cultural Heritage Sites in Recent Decade.Tourism Forum, 2011,(2):17-23.(CSSCI)
Articles(Culture History of Ming and Qing Dynasties)
Song Lizhong,Chen Yan-zhao.A Study on the Cultural Space in the cities of Jiangnan’s Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties:from the Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2015,(4):126-135. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.Recluse and Elegance: A Probe into the Flower Culture of Literati in Jiangnan’s Area in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Fudan Journal(Social Sciences),2010,(2):82-91. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Discussion on the Non-traditional Consumption Ideas of Literati in Jiangnan Area in the late Ming dynasty and early qing dynasty,. Guangming Daily ,February 4, 2011, the 3rd Edition.
Song Lizhong, A Contemporary Interpretation of Leisure Ideas of Jiangnan’s Literati Group in the Late Ming Dynasty, Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2012,(6):139-145. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong. A preliminary study on tourism ideas of the traveler, Chendi in the lateMing dynasty,Fujian Tribune,2014,(8):110-117.(CSSCI)27.宋立中《诗文证史方法浅议》,《光明日报·理论版》2003617日,B3版。(校定A类)
Song Lizhong. A Brief Discussion on the Research Method of Using Poetry and Literature to Prove History. Guangming Daily, June 17, 2003,B3 Edition.
Song Lizhong.The Professional Career and Historical Fate of Shanghai Tanci Actresses in Late Qing,Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition),2010,(1):80-86. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.Wedding Consumption and its Characteristics in the South of Yangtze River in Ming and Qing Dynasty, Academic Journal of Suzhou University(Philosophy and Social Science),2005,(1):90-96. CSSCI
Song Lizhong.A Probe into the Reasons of Marriage Custom Changes in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early the Republic of China in Jiangnan’s Area, Zhejiang Social sciences, 2004,(2):167-173. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Probe into the Development of City Entertainment Sectors in Jiangnan’s Area during the Qing Dynasty, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2008,(2):129-142. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.The Narrative of and Discussion on Women’s Tourism Practices in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Jiangnan’s Aera, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2009,(6):114-122. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.Conflict of Women's "Tourism" in the South of the Yangtze during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties with Traditional Ethics,Collection of Women’s Studies,2010(1):39-48. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong .A Study on Management Spaces,Service Forms of Pleasure Boat Industry and its Changes in the South of the Yangtze River Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition),2007,33(4):50-57. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Probe into Fashion Consumption Phenomenon in the South of Yangtze River Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Sociology Meanings,Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences),2007,(1):46-51.
Song Lizhong. On the Consumption of Fresh-flowers in the South of the Yangtze River in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Socio-economic Significances, Jounral of Yunnan Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences edition),2007,29(3):45-53. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Study on the Real Condition of Jiangnan’s Hotel Industry and Its Change during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou ( Social Science),2006,23(2):97-104.
Song Lizhong.The Research of Jiangnan’s Festivals Consumption and Their Economic and Cultural Significances during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Academic Journal of Suzhou University (Philosophy and Social Science),2006,(5):85-89. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong. A Study on Marriage Based on the Property and Its Reasons in Jiangnan’s Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jianghai Academic Journal,2005,(2):140-146. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Probe into Consumption Policies in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Their Influences on Service Industry in Jiangnan’s Area, Journal of Southern Yangtze University(Humanities & Social Sciences),2006,5(4):44-54.
Song Lizhong.Marriage Based on the Property and Its DeviationCentered on the Jiangnan’s Area during the Qing Dynasty, Social Science Front, 2003, (6):133-137. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.Unmarried Women’s Behavior of Autonomous Mate Selection in "Three Words" during the Late Ming Dynasty and Jiangnan’s Society, The Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies,2009,(2):155-166.(CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.A Simple Discussion on Weak Intervention of Politics of Harem and Consort Clan in the Ming Dynasty,Journal of Historical Science,2001,(6):145-147. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong.“White ants” and the remarriage of widow: Forced remarriage and marriage by capture of Qing Dynasty in jiangnan’s Aera,Chinese literature and history,2004,(3):53-58. (CSSCI)
书评(Book Reviews
Song Lizhong & Fan Jinming. Bozhong Li:Proto-Industrialization in Jiangnan,(1550-1850), New History(Chinese Taibei),2001,12(4):193-205.(TSSCI)
Song Lizhong. Pei-gang Zhang:the Agriculture and Industrialization——A preliminary exploration of industrialization problems in agricultural country,Huazhong university of science and technology press, 2002, 259 pp,Academia Bimonthly,2003,(4):205-207. (CSSCI)
Song Lizhong. Elegance and flashiness: Jiangnan’s Daily Lives and Its Consumption Culture, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press,2010.
四、教学与科研奖励(Awards Received
On December, 2011,the 9th“Outstanding Achievement” Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Fujian Province,China,by Elegance and flashiness:Jiangnan’s Daily Lives and Its Consumption Culture(Monograph)
On September, 2012, the Teaching Excellence Award of Fujian Normal University Undergraduate.
On September, 2012, the honorary title of excellent teacher of the united front system in Fujian Normal University.


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    郑雅频,女,1981年出生,讲师,硕士。主要从事区域旅游规划与开发方面的教学和科研工作。承担的教学课程主要有《旅游政策与法规》、《导游学》及《旅游规划与开发》等课程。近年来曾参与《福建省潜在滨海旅游区选划研究》(国家海洋局908专项子课题)、《福建省红色旅游规划》、《闽江游旅游开发研究》及《莆田市旅 ...
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    姓名:曾春水学历:博士职称:讲师研究方向:区域发展与产业布局E-mail:zcs025@163.com通信地址:福州大学城福建师范大学旗山校区旅游学院310邮编:350117曾春水,男,1987年8月出生,福建泉州人,讲师。在北大核心期刊论文公开发表16篇,其中以第一作者身份在《地理研究》、《经济地 ...
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