

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-13

1、《从民间到经典 》 三联书店2004年版
4、《 “关索”形象的文化意蕴——历史、文学与民间信仰互动之个案浅析》《江西师范大学学报》2005年第6期
13、《关公信仰的地域特色与现代风貌》 《中国宗教》2010第7期
17《明清白话小说创作思想的演进》《中国社会科学报》文学版 2017年2月27日
专著《从民间到经典》获福州市第六届社会科学优秀成果三等奖 (2007年)

Personal Academic Resume
Haiyan Liu: born in 1975, Pingxiang, Jiangxi province, full professor, doctor supervisor.Her main research direction focus on literature of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and religious literature.In 2002, she graduated from Fujian Normal University with a doctor's degree.From 2002 to 2004, she worked in the Postdoctoral Research Station of Chinese literature faculty , Nankai University.From 2012 to 2013, as a domestic visiting scholar of the Ministry of Education as an outstanding young teacher, she was a visiting scholar in the Department of Philosophy (Religious Studies) of Nanjing University.From 2015 to 2017, she served as a Chinese language teacher assigned by Hanban and taught at Opatija Tourism Management Faculty in Croatia.
Chief books
1、From Folk to Classic——Historical discussion on the formation and evolution of Guan Yu's image and Guan Yu's worship, Sanlian Bookstore Press, 2004.
2、Han mo ying fengWenchang Dijun and Guan Sheng Dijun, Religious Culture Press, 2006.
3、A Study on the Textual Evolution and Comments of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Fujian People Press, December 2010
4、The Dimensions of Text Research and Cultural Interpretation, People Press, September 2015
Key publications
1On the Tendency of Advocating Tang and Discrediting Song in the Poetry Circle in the Early Ming Dynasty. Literary Heritage, No. 2, 2001
2Narrative Reconstruction and Criticism in the Sequel to the Water Margin, Studies of Fiction in Ming and Qing Dynasties, No.4, 2001
3、 Review and Prospect of Research on the Small Character Annotation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chinese Culture Forum, 2002 (1)
4The Cultural Implication of the Image of "Guan Suo" -- A Case Study of the Interaction between History, Literature and Folk Belief. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Society Edition), No.6, 2005
5The check and discriminate of Xie Zhaozhe's three Notes novels, Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Society Edition), No.6, 2006
6The Dissemination and Acceptance of Guan Yu's image and Guan Yu’s Worship, Nankai Journal(Philosophy and Society Edition), 2006 (1)
7Intertextual Criticism in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Taking Comments on Scene Description as an Example. Rhetoric Learning, No.2, 2006
8The Evolution and Transmission of the Images of the Five Tiger Generals in Stories of the Three Kingdoms in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties -- Also on the Relationship between the Pinghua of the Three Kingdoms and the Text of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the Early Period. Studies of Fiction in Ming and Qing Dynasties, No.4, 2008
9The Characteristics and Regional Features of Guan Di in Taiwan's Temple. Fujian and Taiwan Cultural Exchange, No. 1, 2008
10Dou 'e's Self and its Redemption, Chinese Construction, No.7-8, 2010
11Review of Yu Xiangdou's Novel Editing and Criticism from the Perspective of Pinglinben, Journal of Minjiang University(Philosophy and Society Edition), No.4, 2010
12The Theoretical Contribution of the Small Character Annotation to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Jiajing Renwu Ben, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Society Edition), No.5, 2010
13Regional Characteristics and Modern Style of Guan Gong's Belief, Chinese Religion, No.7, 2010
14Three Issues in the Early Engraving Print of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Document Review, No.2, 2011
15The Textual Evolution and Textual Criticism of the Story of "Seven Captures of Meng Huo" in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Studies of Fiction in Ming and Qing Dynasties, 2015, No.1
16Cultural Implication and Humanistic Care of Buddhist Fairy Tales, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), No.5, 2015
17The Evolution of Vernacular Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese Journal of Social Science, Literature, February 27, 2017
18Bells dance in Croatia, Guangming Daily, March 15, 2017
19Comments forms and Editing Activities of Novels printed Ming in Jianyang in Ming dynasty, Nankai Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), No. 1, 2019
20Chinese Classics in the National Central Library of Rome, Guangming Daily, January 14, 2021, page 13
Major Projects
1、the National Social Science Youth Project in 2006;Creation and Criticism of Vernacular Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties (Project No. 06CZW009)
2、the ancient books collation project of Fujian Provincial Department of Education, Collation of Feishouzhai Ben The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (2016-2018).
3、the Humanities and Social Science Planning Project of the Ministry of Education in 2020, Collection and Research of Chinese Classics in the Central National Library of Rome, Italy.
4、the major project of Fujian Social Science Research Base in 2019:Research on Folk Belief and Cultural Identity of Guan Emperor in Fujian and Taiwan
She has participated in projects such as "Fujian Book Engraving and the Development of Popular Literature in Ming Dynasty", "Study on the Relationship between Jianyang Book Engraving and Regional Culture", "Imagination beyond the Territory: Study on the Relationship between Geographical Books and Chinese Ancient Novels" and so on
Main prizes
1From Folk to Classics won the third prize of the sixth social science outstanding achievements in Fuzhou (2007)
2、Second Prize of 2009-2010 Young Teacher Skills Competition (2010)
Main courses
1、Undergraduate Compulsory Course: Ancient Literature, Literature of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties
2、Undergraduate elective courses: Hakka Religion and Culture in Fujian and Taiwan, Appreciation of Novels of Pre-Tang Dynasty, Image of Guan Yu and Worship of Guan Yu
3、Postgraduate courses: Studies on Ancient Novels, Studies on Ming and Qing Dynasties Poems, Studies on criticism of Ancient Novels , Chinese Religion and Literature
4、MOOCs: The Evolution of Ancient Chinese Novels https://www.icourse163.org/course/FJNU-
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