


王元良 姓名:王元良 所在单位:公共卫生学院 性别:男 学历学位:博士 职称:副教授 个人简介:王元良,男,1978年出生,副教授,生物化学与分子生物学专业博士,硕士研究生导师。2008年毕业于加州大学河滨分校生物化学专业,获博士学位;2010年于加州大学圣地亚哥分校从事博士后研究。 科研情况:表观遗传毒理学;分子毒理学 教学情况:主要承担毒理学和卫生学的教学工作 发表论文: 1.Yang, H., Lin, Q., Chen, N., Luo, Z., Zheng, C., Li, J., Zheng, F., Guo, Z., Cai, P., Wu, S.*, Wang, Y.L.*, Li, H*. LncRNA NR_030777 Alleviates Paraquat-induced Neurotoxicity by Regulating Zfp326 and Cpne5. Toxicol Sci (2020). (Impact Factor: 3.942) (Accepted) 2.Liu, S., Yang, R., Yin, N., Wang, Y.L., Faiola, F. Environmental and human relevant PFOS and PFOA doses alter human mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal, adipogenesis and osteogenesis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 169, 564-572 (2019). (Impact Factor: 3.974) 3.Vo Ngoc, L., Wang, Y.L., Kassavetis, G., Kadonaga, J.T. The punctilious RNA polymerase II core promoter. Genes Dev 31(13), 1289-1301 (2017). (Impact Factor: 9.462) 4.Yin, N., Yao, X., Qin, Z., Wang, Y.L., Faiola, F. Assessment of Bisphenol A (BPA) neurotoxicity in vitro with mouse embryonic stem cells. J Environ Sci 36, 181-7 (2015). (Impact Factor: 2.937) 5.Duttke, S., Doolittle, R.F., Wang, Y.L., Kadonaga, J.T. TRF2 and the evolution of the bilateria. Genes Dev 28(19), 2071-6 (2014). (Impact Factor: 12.639) 6.Wang, Y.L., Duttke, S., Chen, K., Johnston, J., Kassavetis, G., Zeitlinger, J., Kadonaga, J.T. TRF2, but not TBP, mediates the transcription of ribosomal protein genes. Genes Dev 28(14), 1550-5 (2014). (Impact Factor: 12.639) 7.Wang, Y.L., Faiola, F., Martinez, E. Purification of multiprotein histone acetyltransferase complexes. Methods Mol Biol 809, 427-43 (2012). 8.Parry, T.J., Theisen, J.W., Hsu, J.Y., Wang, Y.L., Corcoran, D.L., Eustice, M., Ohler, U., Kadonaga, J.T. The TCT motif, a key component of an RNA polymerase II transcription system for the translational machinery. Genes Dev 24(18), 2013-8 (2010). (Impact Factor: 12.889) 9.Wang, Y.L., Faiola, F., Xu, M., Pan, S., Martinez, E. Human ATAC is a GCN5/PCAF-containing acetylase complex with a novel NC2-like histone fold module that interacts with the TATA-binding protein. J Biol Chem 283, 33808-15 (2008). (Impact Factor: 6.69) 10.Liu, X., Vorontchikhina, M., Wang, Y.L., Faiola, F., Martinez, E. STAGA recruits Mediator to the MYC oncoprotein to stimulate transcription and cell proliferation. Mol Cell Biol 28, 108-21 (2008). (Impact Factor: 5.656) 11.Fu, R.H., Wang, Y.L., Sung, H.Y. Cloning, characterization and functional expression of a new beta-D-fructofuranosidase (Os beta fruct2) cDNA from Oryza sativa. Biotechnol Lett 25, 455-9 (2003). (Impact Factor: 1.25)

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