

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-14

志长福建农林大学根系中心教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者,福建省青年五四奖章获得者,福建省“闽江****”****。先后主持十三五国家重点研发计划子任务、国家自然科学基金面上项目和福建省自然科学基金等项目。迄今以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature Plants、Plant Physiology、New Phytologist等权威 SCI 期刊发表论文15篇。

2015.12 -至今,福建农林大学,教授

Email: zcchen@fafu.edu.cn


一、大豆与根瘤菌共生的养分交换机制。豆科作物-根瘤菌共生固氮是农业生态系统中非常重要的氮来源。充分发挥豆科作物共生固氮潜力,对保障我国农业可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。营养物质的交换是豆科作物与根瘤菌共生的基础。根瘤菌为豆科作物提供氮源,豆科作物为根瘤菌提供碳源及矿质养分,二者“公平交易,互惠互利”。然而,目前对于二者养分交换的分子机制仍缺乏研究。本课题组通过研究大豆根瘤养分转运蛋白的生物学功能,来解析养分交换的机制,并挖掘其提高共生固氮的潜能。最近的研究进展发现大豆GmVTL1a是根瘤特有的铁转运蛋白,负责从宿主细胞向共生体中运输二价铁,从而满足根瘤菌固氮过程对铁的大量需求,该研究解析了铁养分进入共生体的过程及其参与共生固氮的机制(Liuet al., New Phytologist, 2020,Cover page)。

二、植物镁营养高效的生物学机制。镁是植物生长发育的必需营养元素之一,参与植物各种生理生化反应。一旦镁供应不足,植物生长将受到抑制,最终导致农作物产量及品质的下降。本课题组主要从事植物镁离子的营养功能及其运输机制的研究,近年来在解析镁参与的养分转运、逆境胁迫、光合固碳及糖分配等方面做出了一定的学术贡献,为养分高效作物遗传改良和优化土壤养分管理提供理论依据。最近的研究进展发现水稻OsMGT3介导的叶绿体镁昼夜震荡规律,并解析了其调控光合碳固定的机制,为作物光合养分高效育种提供了基因资源(Li et al., Nature Plants, 2020)。

(Chen et al., Semin.Cell Dev. Biol., 2018)

Li, J., Yokosho, K., Liu, S.,Cao, H.R., Yamaji, N., Zhu, X.G., Liao, H., Ma, J.F.* and Chen, Z.C.* (2020).Diel magnesium fluctuations in chloroplasts contribute to photosynthesis in rice.Nature Plants, 6: 848-859. (IF:13.256)
Liu, S.,#Liao, L.L.,#Nie, M.M., Peng, W.T., Zhang, M.S., Lei, J.N., Zhong, Y.J., Liao, H. and Chen, Z.C.* (2020). A VIT-like transporter facilitates iron transport into nodule symbiosomes for nitrogen fixation in soybean.New Phytologist, 226(5):1413-1428. (IF:8.512)
Zhang, L.D., Peng, Y.Y., Li, J., Tian, X.Y. and Chen, Z.C.* (2019). OsMGT1 confers resistance to magnesium deficiency by enhancing the import of Mg in rice.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(1): 207. (IF:4.556)
Peng, Y.Y.,#Liao, L.L.,#Liu, S., Nie, M.M., Li, J., Zhang, L.D., Ma, J.F. and Chen, Z.C.*(2019). Magnesium deficiency triggers SGR-mediated chlorophyll degradation for magnesium remobilization.Plant Physiology, 181: 262-275.(IF:6.902)
Peng, W.T.,#Qi, W.L.,#Nie, M.M., Xiao, Y.B., Liao, H. and Chen, Z.C.* (2019). Magnesium supports nitrogen uptake through regulating NRT2.1/2.2in soybean. Plant and Soil, 457(1): 97-111.(IF:3.299)
Peng, W.T., Zhang, L.D., Zhou, Z.,Fu, C.,Chen, Z.C.*andLiao, H.(2018)Magnesium promotes root nodulation through facilitation of carbohydrate allocation in soybean. Physiologia Plantarum, 163: 372-385. (IF:4.148)
Chen, Z.C.,*Peng, W.T., Li, J. and Liao, H. (2018) Functional dissection and transport mechanism of magnesium in plants. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 74:142-152.(IF:6.691)
Chen, Z.C., Yamaji, N., Horie, T., Che, J., Li, J., An, G. and Ma, J. F.* (2017) A magnesium transporter OsMGT1 plays a critical role in salt tolerance in rice.Plant Physiology,174:1837-1849.(IF:6.902)
Chen, Z.C., Liao, H.*(2016) Organic acid anions: Aneffective defensive weapon for plants against aluminum toxicity and phosphorus deficiency in acidic soils. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 43: 631-638. (IF:5.065)
Chen, Z.C., Yamaji,N., Kashino-Fujii, M. and Ma, J.F.*(2016) A cation-chloride cotransporter gene is required for cell elongation and osmoregulation in rice. Plant Physiology, 171: 494-507. (IF:6.902)

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