



陈炳智,男,中共党员,1986 年 02 月生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,现为福建农林大学食品科学学院食品安全系教师。2009 年本科毕业于福建农林大学生物学基地班专业,2012
年硕士毕业于福建农林大学微生物学专业,2015 年博士毕业于福建农林大学微生物学专业。2017 年 8 月至 2018 年 2 月赴台湾海洋大
学生命科学学院食品科学系访学。目前已参与发表学术论文 28 篇,主持国家自
然科学基金项目 1 项、福州市农业局项目 1 项、科技创新专项基金 1 项,参与国
家自然科学基金项目 2 项、973 项目 1 项、国家科技支撑计划项目 1 项。二、研究方向和领域:
国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(No. CARS24)国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2014CB138302)

1. Qianhui Huang, Xing Han, Irum Mukhtar, Lingling Gao, Rongmei Huang, Liping Fu, Junjie Yan,
Yongxin Tao, Bingzhi Chen, Baogui Xie, Identification and expression patterns of fvexpl1,
an expansin-like protein-encoding gene, suggest an auxiliary role in the stipe morphogenesis of
Flammulina velutipes, Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 2018, 28(4): 622-629.
2. Jun Liu#, Bingzhi Chen#, Xibin Qiu, Lingdan Lian, Zemin Huang, Baogui Xie*,

Yuji Jiang*, First report of Lecanicillium aphanocladii causing rot of Tremella
fuciformis in China, Plant Disease, 2018, 102(3): 675
3. 陈炳智, 钟咏汕, 陈晓宁, 吴国虹, 林韶森, 谢宝贵, 江玉姬*, 乙烯利和
1-MCP 在草菇采后保鲜中的作用, 食药用菌, 2018, 26(1): 40-43
4. 钟咏汕, 陈晓宁, 林程, 魏奇, 林俊毅, 江玉姬, 刘斌, 陈炳智*, 不同浸泡时间对银耳营养物质损失的影响, 福建农业学报, 2017, 32(12):
5. Bingzhi Chen#, Binrong Ke#, Liyun Ye#, Shanshan Jin, Fan Jie, Lili Zhao, Xiaoping
Wu*, Isolation and varietal characterization of Ganoderma resinaceum from areas of Ganoderma
lucidum production in China, Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 224: 109-114
6. 陈炳智, 傅俊生, 龙莹, 张磊, 章小寅, 张翔, 胡锋黎, 江玉姬, 谢宝贵*, 基于
担孢子形成过程四分体随机分离规律揭示草菇的有性生活史, 菌物学报, 2017, 36(4): 466-472
7. Cheng-long Yang#*, Xiao-ping Wu#*, Bingzhi Chen#, Si-shan Deng, Zhang-e Chen, Ying-ying
Huang, Shan-shan Jin, Comparative analysis of genetic polymorphisms among
Monascus strains by ISSR and RAPD markers, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017,
97(2): 636-640 (#, Co-first author)
8. Zhi-Qiang Wen#*, Bingzhi Chen#, Xiao Li#, Bing-Bing Li, Cheng-Huan Li, Qing-Hua
Huang, Qi-Hui Zhang, Wei-hao Dai, Yu-Ji Jiang, Streptomyces tremellae sp. nov.,
isolated from a culture of the mushroom Tremella fuciformis, International journal of systematic
and evolutionary microbiology, 2016, 66(12): 5028-5033 (#, Co-first author)
9. Wei Wang, Lingdan Lian, Ping Xu, Tiansheng Chou, Irum Mukhtar, Aron Osakina, Muhammad Waqas,
Bingzhi Chen, Xinrui Liu, Fang Liu, Baogui Xie*, Arend F. van Peer*, Advances in understanding
mating type gene organization in the mushroom forming fungus Flammulina velutipes, G3-
GENES GENOMES GENETICS. 2016, 6(11): 3635-3645
10. Jun-Jie Yan, Bin Xie, Lei Zhang, Shao-Jie Li, Arend F. van Peer, Ta-Ju Wu,
Bing-Zhi Chen, Bao-Gui Xie*, Small GTPases and stress responses of vvran1 in the straw mushroom
Volvariella volvacea, International Journal of Molecular

Sciences, 2016, 17(9), 1527
11. Bingzhi Chen#, Arend F. van Peer#, Junjie Yan, Xiao Li, Bin Xie, Juan Miao,
Qianhui Huang, Lei Zhang, Wei Wang, Junsheng Fu, Xiang Zhang, Xiaoyin Zhang, Fengli Hu,
Qingfang Kong, Xianyun Sun, Feng Zou, Hanxing Zhang, Shaojie Li*, Baogui Xie*, Fruiting
body formation in Volvariella volvacea can occur independently of its MAT-A-controlled
bipolar mating system, enabling homothallic and heterothallic life cycles, G3: Genes| Genomes|
Genetics, 2016, 6 (7): 2135-2146 (封面文章)
12. Yuanping Lu, Guangmei Wu, Lingdan Lian, Lixian Guo, Zhiyun Yang, Wei Wang,
Binzhi Chen, Baogui Xie*, Cloning and expression analysis of Vvlcc3, a novel and functional
laccase gene possibly involved in stipe elongation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
2015, 16, 28498–28509
13. Yuanping Lu, Lingdan Lian, Lixian Guo, Bin Xie, Wei Wang, Bingzhi Chen, Arend Frans
van Peer, Shaojie Li, Taju Wu, Baogui Xie*, The accordant trend of both parameters (rgs
expression and cAMP Content) follows the pattern of development of fruiting body in
Volvariella volvacea, Current Microbiology, 2015, 71(5): 579-584
14. Wei Wang, Bingzhi Chen, Lei Zhang, Junjie Yan, Yuanping Lu, Xiaoyin Zhang, Yuji Jiang, Taju Wu,
Arend Frans van Peer, Shaojie Li, Baogui Xie*, Structural variation (SV) markers in the
Basidiomycete Volvariella volvacea and their application in the construction of a
genetic map, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(7): 16669-16682
15. Wei Wang, Fang Liu, Yuji Jiang, Guangmei Wu, Lixian Guo, Renliang Chen, Bingzhi
Chen, Yuanping Lu, Yucheng Dai, Baogui Xie*. The multigene family of fungal laccases and
their expression in the white rot basidiomycete Flammulina velutipes. Gene, 2015,
563(2): 142-149
16. Fang Liu#, Wei Wang#, Bing-Zhi Chen, Bao-Gui Xie*, Homocitrate synthase expression in
lysine content in fruiting body of different developmental stages in Flammulina velutipes,
Current Microbiology, 2015, 70(6): 821-828 (#, Co-first author)

17. Yongxin Tao, Arend F. van Peer*, Bingzhi Chen, Zhihong Chen, Jian Zhu, Youjin Deng, Yuji Jiang,
Shaojie Li, Taju Wu, Baogui Xie*, Gene expression profiling reveals large regulatory switches
between succeeding stipe stages in Volvariella volvacea, PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(5): e97789
18. 陈志宏, 陶永新, 陈炳智, 王威, 卢园萍, 邓优锦, 谢宝贵*, 与草菇菌柄伸长
相关的 bZIP 转录因子基因克隆与表达分析, 基因组学与应用生物学, 2014, 33(3): 585-590
19. 刘靖宇, 江玉姬, 谢宝贵, 陈炳智, 严俊杰, 草菇子实体不同成熟阶段的比较蛋白质组学分析, 菌物学报, 2014, 33(1): 55-68
20. Bingzhi Chen#, Fu Gui#, Baogui Xie*, Youjin Deng, Xianyun Sun, Mengying Lin, Yongxin Tao,
Shaojie Li*, Composition and expression of genes encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes in
the straw-degrading mushroom Volvariella volvacea, PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(3)
21. 陈炳智, 谢宝贵*, 胡良韬, 邓优锦, 江玉姬, 刘新锐, 贵甫, 草菇基因组中的
tRNA 分析, 基因组学与应用生物学, 2013, (05): 594-599
22. 陈志宏, 陈炳智, 谢宝贵*, 刘新锐, 金福菇菌种液氮保藏条件的优化研究,食药用菌, 2013, 21(1): 30-31
23. Li Meng, Junjie Yan, Baogui Xie*, Yu Li*, Bingzhi Chen, Shuyan Liu, Dan Li, Zhiyun Yang,
Xiancheng Zeng, Youjin Deng, Yuji Jiang, Genes encoding FAD-binding proteins in
Volvariella volvacea exhibit differential expression in homokaryons and heterokaryons,
Microbiological Research, 2013, 168(8): 533-546
24. Yongxin Tao, Baogui Xie*, Zhiyun Yang, Zhihong Chen, Bingzhi Chen, Youjin Deng, Yuji Jiang,
Arend F.van Peer, Identification and expression analysis of a new glycoside hydrolase
family 55 exo-β-1,3-glucanase-encoding gene in Volvariella volvacea suggests a role in
fruiting body development, Gene, 2013, 527(1):154-160
25. Bing-Zhi Chen, Fu Gui, Bao-Gui Xie*, Feng Zou, Yu-Ji Jiang, You-Jin Deng, Sequence
and comparative analysis of the MIP gene in Chinese straw mushroom, Volvariella volvacea, Genome,
2012, 55(9): 667-672

26. 刘靖宇, 江玉姬, 谢宝贵*, 陈炳智, 廖伟, 邓优锦, iTRAQ 结合 2D LC-MS/MS 技术在草菇不同生长发育时期蛋白质组分析中的应用,
微生物学通报, 2012, 39(6): 853-864
27. 刘靖宇, 江玉姬, 谢宝贵*, 陈炳智, 廖伟, 邓优锦, 应用 iTRAQ 结合 2D LC-MS/MS 技术分析草菇同核和异核菌丝蛋白质组, 食用菌学报, 2012,
20(1): 1-6
28. 刘朋虎, 谢宝贵*, 邓优锦, 陈炳智, 贵甫, 朱坚, 江玉姬, 刘新锐, 草菇 gpi
基因结构及其异核体表达的协同增效作用, 食用菌学报, 2011,18(4): 1-5
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