高三基,男,1973年生,博士、留美博士后,研究员,博士/硕士生导师。国家甘蔗工程技术研究中心副主任、国家现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家、中国作物学会甘蔗专业委员会秘书长、中国糖业协会专家委员会委员,《Biomed Research International》、《中国糖料》等4种中英文期刊编委,《Frontiers in Plant Science》等40多种SCI收录期刊同行审稿专家,国家自然科学基金同行函审专家。1996年~至今在福建农林大学国家甘蔗工程技术研究中心(原甘蔗综合研究所)工作;2008~2010年在美国Texas A&M University从事博士后工作。主持国家和省部级项目近20项,以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外学术刊物上发表论文60多篇(其中SCI收录38篇)、参编著作6部;以第一完成人身份获得国家发明专利6件、国家甘蔗品种鉴定或登记2个、省部级成果奖2项;主持制定国家标准4部、地方标准1部,参与制定农业行业标准7部。指导博、硕士研究生30余人(含外籍研究生5人)。
1. 主持项目
2. 科技成果奖
(1)“GB/T 36820-2018甘蔗条纹花叶病毒实时荧光反转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测方法”获得2020年福建省标准贡献奖三等奖(2020年,排名第一);
(2)“GB/T 28067-2011 甘蔗黄叶病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法”获得2014年福建省标准贡献奖三等奖(2014年,排名第一)。
3. 标准制定
(1)“GB/T 36806-2018 甘蔗杆状病毒实时荧光PCR检测方法”国标标准(2018年09月17日发布,2019年04月01日实施),排名第一;
(2)“GB/T 36820-2018 甘蔗条纹花叶病毒实时荧光反转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测方法”国标标准(2018年09月17日发布,2019年04月01日实施),排名第一;
(3)“GB/T36829-2018 甘蔗宿根矮化病菌实时荧光PCR检测方法”国标标准(2018年09月17日发布,2019年04月01日实施),排名第一;
(4)“GB/T 28067-2011 甘蔗黄叶病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法”国标标准(2011年12月05日发布,2012年06月01日实施),排名第一;
4. 品种鉴定或登记
5. 国内发明专利
(1)高三基,王锦达,李晓燕,傅华英,孙生仁,陈如凯. 一种分子检测和鉴定甘蔗赤条病菌不同株系的试剂盒,2019.05,中国,ZL4.1
(2)高三基,黄艺敏,郑长林,章清杞. 一种功能型甘蔗汁饮料及其制备方法,2016.3,中国,ZL 1.7
(3)高三基,余永东,傅华英,陈如凯,林艺华,付卫林,吴小斌,何小强.一种分子检测侵染甘蔗的高粱花叶病毒的方法,2015.2,中国,ZL 3.X
(4)高三基,付卫林,肖胜华,刘营航,陈复资,陈如凯,傅华英.一种检测甘蔗条纹花叶病毒实时荧光定量RT-PCR试剂盒,2015.1,中国,ZL 3.3
(5)高三基,葛丹凤,付卫林,吴小斌,林艺华,孙生仁,陈如凯,傅华英.一种检测甘蔗赤条病菌荧光定量PCR试剂盒,2014.11,中国,ZL 6.7
(6)高三基,米尔科夫艾瑞克,陈如凯,林艺华,付卫林,傅华英,陈永武.一种甘蔗转基因瞬时表达叶片受体材料的制备方法,2013.8,中国,ZL 2012 1 **.4
6. 国外发明专利
(1)Erik T Mirkov, Jong-won Park, San-JiGao.Compositions, Organisms, Systems, and Methods for Expressing a Gene Product in Plant. 2014.4, USA, US ** B2.
7. 代表作(*通讯作者)
(1)Zhou J-R, Sun H-D, Ali A, Rott PC., Javed T, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Quantitative proteomic analysis of the sugarcane defense responses incited by Acidovoraxavenae subsp.avenae causing red stripe. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 162: 113275.
(2)Ali A, Chu N, Ma P, Javed T, Zaheer U, Huang M-T, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Genome-wide analysis of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase gene family expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane.PhysiologiaPlantarum. 2021, 171(1):86-107.
(3)Sun S-R, Chen J-S, He E-Q, Huang M-T, Fu H-Y, Lu J-J, Gao S-J*. Genetic variability and molecular evolution of maize yellow mosaic virus populations from different geographic origins. Plant Disease, 2020, doi: 10.1094/PDIS-05-20-1013-RE.
(4)Chen J-S, Liang S-S, Sun S-R, Damaj MB, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Diverse conserved domains and a positively selected site in the sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 protein are essential for RNA silencing suppression and protein stability. 2020, Plant Pathology, 69(7): 1390-1400.
(5)Cui D-L, Meng J-Y, Ren X-Y, Yue J-J, Fu H-Y, Huang M-T, Zhang Q-Q*, Gao S-J*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of DCL, AGO and RDR gene families in Saccharumspontaneum. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1):13202.
(6)Javed T,Shabbir R, Ali A,Afzal I, Zaheer U,Gao S-J*. Transcription Factors in Plant Stress Responses: Challenges and Potential for Sugarcane Improvement. Plants, 2020, 9, 491.
(7)Zhang H-L, Ntambo MS,Rott PC, Chen G, Chen L-L, Huang M-T,Gao S-J*. Complete Genome Sequence Reveals Evolutionary and Comparative Genomic Features of Xanthomonasalbilineans Causing Sugarcane Leaf Scald. Microorganisms, 2020, 8, 182.
(8)Meng J-Y, Ntambo M.S, Rott P.C, Fu H-Y, Huang M-T, Zhang H-L, Gao S-J*. Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Sugarcane in Response to Infection by Xanthomonasalbilineans Using iTRAQ Quantitative Proteomics. Microorganisms, 2020, 8, 76.
(9)Chu N, Zhou J-R, Fu H-Y, Huang M-T, Zhang H-L, Gao S-J*. Global Gene Responses of Resistant and Susceptible Sugarcane Cultivars to Acidovoraxavenaesubsp. avenae Identified Using Comparative Transcriptome Analysis. Microorganisms, 2020, 8, 10.
(10)Ntambo MS, Meng J-Y, Rott PC, Henry RJ, Zhang H-L, Gao S-J*. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of Resistant and Susceptible Sugarcane Cultivars in Response to Infection by Xanthomonasalbilineans. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20, 6138.
(11)Sun S-R, Chen J-L, Duan Y-Y, Chu N, Huang M-T, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Improved primers for the specific detection of Leifsoniaxyli subsp. Xyliin sugarcane using a conventional PCR assay. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(12): 3251-3258.
(12)Ali A, Khan M, Sharif R, Mujtaba M, Gao S-J*.Sugarcane Omics: An Updateon the Current Status of Research and Crop Improvement. Plants, 2019, 8, 344.
(13)Meng J-Y, Ntamboa M S, Luo L-M, Huang M-T, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Molecular identification of Xanthomonasalbilineansinfecting elephant grass (Pennisetumpurpureum) in China. Crop Protection, 2019, 124:104853.
(14)Ntambo MS, Meng J-Y, Rott PC, Royer M, Lin L-H, Zhang H-L, Gao S-J*. Identification and characterization of Xanthomonasalbilineans causing sugarcane leaf scald in China using multilocus sequence analysis. Plant Pathology, 2019, 68(2):269-277.
(15)Ahmad K, Sun S-R, Chen J-L, Huang M-T, Fu H-Y,Gao S-J*. Presence of diverse sugarcane bacilliform viruses infecting sugarcane in China revealed by pairwise sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis. Plant Pathology Journal. 2019, 35(1):41-50.
(16)Ali A, Pan Y-B, Wang Q-N, Wang J-D, Chen J-L, Gao S-J*. Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Saccharum and Erianthus genera using microsatellite (SSR) markers. Scientific Reports. 2019, 9:395.
(17)Ali A, Wang J-D, Pan Y-B, Sharif R, Gao S-J*. Development and use of single sequence repeats (SSRs) markers for sugarcane breeding and genetic studies. Agronomy, 2018, 8: 260.
(18)Sun S-R, Ahmad K, Wu X-B, Chen J-S, Fu H-Y, Huang M-T, Gao S-J*. Development of quantitative real-time PCR assays for rapid and sensitive detection of two Badnavirus species in sugarcane. BioMed Research International, 2018, 2018:**.
(19)Li X-Y, Sun H-D, Rott P C, Wang J-D, Huang M-T, Zhang Q-Q, Gao S-J*. Molecular identification and prevalence of Acidovoraxavenae subsp. avenae causing red stripe of sugarcane in China. Plant Pathology, 2018, 67(4):929-937.
(20)Lin L-H, Ntambo MS, Rott PC, Wang Q-N, Lin Y-H, Fu H-Y, Gao S-J*. Molecular detection and prevalence of Xanthomonasalbilineans, the causal agent of sugarcane leaf scald, in China. Crop Protection, 2018, 109:17-23.
(21)Gao S-J, Damaj MB, Park JW, Wu X-B, Sun S-R, Chen R-K, Mirkov TE*. A novel Sugarcane bacilliform virus promoter confers gene expression preferentially in the vascular bundle and storage parenchyma of the sugarcane culm. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2017, 10:172.
(22)Luo Q, Ahmad K, Fu H-Y, Wang J-D, Chen R-K, Gao S-J*. Genetic diversity and population structure of Sorghum mosaic virus infecting Saccharum spp. hybrids. Annals of Applied Biology, 2016, 169(3): 398–407.
(23)Liang S-S, Alabi OJ, Damaj MB, Fu W-L, Sun S-R, Fu H-Y, Chen R-K, Mirkov TE, Gao S-J*. Genomic variability and molecular evolution of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus among Asian isolates. Archives of Virology, 2016, 159(5): 1149-1154.
(24)Sun S-R, Damaj MB, Alabi OJ, Wu X-B, Mirkov TE, Fu H-Y, Chen R-K, Gao S-J*. Molecular characterization of two divergent variants of sugarcane bacilliform viruses infecting sugarcane in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016, 145(2): 375-384.
(25)Wu X-B, Alabi OJ, Damaj MB, Sun S-R, Mirkov TE, Fu H-Y, Chen R-K, Gao S-J*. Prevalence and RT/RNAse H genealogy of sugarcane bacilliform virus isolates from China. Journal of Phytopathology, 2016, 164(9): 595-607.
(26)Gao S-J, Damaj M-B, Park J-W, Beyene G, Buenrostro-Nava MT, Molina J, Wang X, CiomperlikJJ, Manabayeva SA, Alvarado VY, Rathore KS, Scholthof HB, Mirkov TE*. Enhanced Transgene Expression in Sugarcane by Co-Expression of Virus-Encoded RNA Silencing Suppressors. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6): e66046.
8. 论著与教材