

西南政法大学 免费考研网/2016-01-21






Zejun Zhao

Professor of Law, Chongqing, China.

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

??????School of Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law

NO.?301, Baosheng Ave,?Huixing Street,?Yubei District

Chongqing, China 401120


?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?zhzjlawyer@163.com


Doctor of Laws (with Distinction) – Specialty: Civil Procedural Law? 2007

? School of Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China (2004-2007)

LL.M. – Specialty: Civil Procedural Law? 1989

? School of Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China (1986-1989)

B.A. in English? 1986

? Department of Foreign Language, Shanxi University, China (1982-1986)
??????????????????????? ????Research Interests

Civil Procedural Law, Evidence Law, Lawyer System, Judicial System
Teaching Interests

Primary Courses Taught:

Civil Procedural Law, Evidence Law, Lawyer System, Judicial System, Judicial Documents Writing

Additional Teaching Interests:

Civil Law, Legal English

Other Courses Taught:

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law

September 2012 to present

Professor of Law

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Chongqing, China 401120
July 2006 to August 2012

Associate Professor of Law

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Chongqing, China 401120
September 2003 to June 2006

Associate Professor of Law

North University of China

Shanxi, China 030051
June 2001 to September 2003

Assistant Professor of Law

North University of China

Shanxi, China 030051
1995 to 2001


Beihai Foreign Economic Law Firm

Guangxi, China 536000
1993 to 1995


Beihai Legal Dept. Preparation Office For Free Trade Zone

Guangxi, China 536000
1989 to 1993


Jiulongpo District, People’s Court

Chongqing, China 400000

Professional Honors and Awards

Advanced Individual of Research Work of the court system in the city Award (awarded by a Chongqing City Intermediate People's Court), July 1993
Outstanding Staff Award (awarded by the Beihai Legal Dept. Preparation Office For Free Trade Zone), February, 1994


China Law Society CLS-D0957 (Role: PI)

Legislation Thinking on the Mechanism Rapid Adjudication in the Civil Procedure

Chinese Education Department 09YJA820066 (Role: PI)

Legislation Thinking on the Mechanism Rapid Adjudication in the Civil Procedure, focused in the cause of Justice Delayed and solution to it

Professional Activities


Lecturer at China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Small Claims Procedure (Organized by Southwest University of Political Science and Law)

Lecturer at China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Civil Mediation System (Organized by Southwest University of Political Science and Law)

Lecturer at the Judicial Confirmation to the Civil Mediation Conference (Hosted by China’s Supreme People's Court and Chongqing Municipal Higher People's Court)
2002 to 2006

Director of Law Research Center

Law Department

North University of China
2001 to 2002

Director of Teaching and Research Office

Law Department

North University of China

Main Publications


1. On Difficult Problems in Civil Cases, Chinese Procuratorate Press, published in 2003.

2. Legislation Thinking on the Mechanism Rapid Adjudication in the Civil Procedure, Chinese Procuratorial Press, published in 2012.

3.English for Lawyers, China Legal Publishing House, published in 2013.

4.On the Procedure of Arranging the points of Issue, Based on the Reform of Chinese Pre-trial Procedure, Chinese Procuratorate Press, August 2010

Book Chapters

1. Civil Procedure Law, Chapter 3-5, 38, and39. China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2010

2. Civil Procedure Law – Foreign-related Issues and Arbitration, Chapter 4 (Period, Time Limit, Property Preservation and Evidence in Foreign-related Civil Proceedings), Xiamen University Press, 2007

3. On the Enforcement Problems of the Civil Procedure Law, Chapter 5(Testimony of Witnesses), China Court Press, 2000


1. Zejun Zhao, “Legislation over Pseudonymous Litigation: Defects of ‘Real Name Litigation’”, Modern Law Science Vol. 32 No. 5 Sept., 2010

2. Zejun Zhao, “On the Civil supplementary judgment to the Omission of Adjudication”, Tribune of Political Science and Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, Sep. 2008

3. Zejun Zhao, “Justification of Arranging Points of Law in Civil Litigation”, Modern Law Science, Vol. 30, No. 2 Mar.2008

4. Zejun Zhao, “On the Legal Theory and Legislative Conception of Service by Parties”, Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology, Vol,8, No.11, Nov.2008

5. Zejun Zhao, “Construction and Reflection of the Remand of Civil Appeal Cases”, Tribune of Political Science and Law, Vol. 30, No.4, Jul.2012

6. Zejun Zhao, “Legal Obstacles to Rapid Adjudication in the Civil Procedure and its Countermeasures”, JOURNAL OF SHANDONG NORMAL UNIVERSITY (Humanities and Social Sciences), Vol. 56, No.1 2011

7. Zejun Zhao, “The Rules of Precluding Relitigation in Canadian Civil Procedures and Its Evolution”,Lanzhou Academic Journal,No. 07 2010 142-144

8. Zejun Zhao, “An Analysis to the Causes of Civil Litigation Delay and Countermeasures in Chi, , , na”, Lanzhou Academic Journal, No.2, 2011

9. Zejun Zhao, “Legislation Thinking on the Mechanism of Civil Dispute Quick Settlement”, Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences),Vol.29,No.4,Aug 2010

10. Zejun Zhao, “A First Discussion? on the Obligation of Stating According to the Facts”, SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL OF COLLEGES OF SHANX, Vol.15No.4


11. Zejun Zhao, “WTO and Chinese Lawyer”, JOURNAL OF NCUST(Social Sciences)Vol.19 No.2 2003

12. Zejun Zhao, “Outlook of the Legislation Tendency of Civil Enforcement Measures from the Perspective of Protection of Human Rights”, Forward Position, No.7, 2010

13. Zejun Zhao, “On the Judicial Notice”, Journal of National Procurators College, Vol.10 No.6 Dec. 2002

14. Zejun Zhao,“A Discussion and Analysis of the Reasonable Part of Civil Judgment”, Academic Journal of Jinyang, (3) 2005

15. Zejun Zhao, “Study on the Improvement of Our Nation's Supervision System of Civil Procedure”, JOURNAL OF NUC(Social Sciences) , Vol.21 No.2 2005

16. Zejun Zhao, “On the Conflict and Coordination between the Inheritance and Transplantation of Civil Procedure”, National Judges College Law Journal, No.9 2005

17. Zejun Zhao, “Practical Interpretation of the Jurisdiction within Territory in Civil Action”,JOURNAL OF NCUST(Social Sciences), Vol.19 No.1 2003

18. Zejun Zhao, “On the Relationship between the Organizational Law of the People's Court and the Constitution”, Vol. 34 No.2 Mar., 2007

19. Zejun Zhao, “Examination and Re-establishment of Lawmaking Principles of Civil Procedure Law in China”, Journal of Shanxi Teacher’s University (Social Science Edition),Vol. 32 No. 5 Sept., 2005

20. Zejun Zhao, “On the of Judge’s Discretion in Civil Cases”,National Judges College Law Journal,Vol.205 No.4 2003



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