姓名(Name): 智丽(Zhi Li)
职称: 副教授
出生地: 黑龙江
Date of Birth: 10-1973
Position: Associate professor, Ph.D
E-mail: zhilicq@163.com
研究方向Research Interests
l 植物学Botany
l 观赏植物学Ornamental Botany
l 农学(观赏园艺学)Agronomy (Ornamental Horticulture)
?l 植物学Botany, 园林植物分类学, Taxonomy of Garden Plants
?l 园林花卉学Landscape Floriculture, 花卉应用设计Application design of Garden Plants
Education and Degrees
?l 博士学位09/2005-12/2011 (The Doctor’s Degree)
?l 西南大学园艺园林学院,中国.重庆Study in College of Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
?l 硕士学位09/1997-08/2000(The Master’s Degree)
?l 中科院西北高原生物研究所,中国.西宁Study in Northwest institute of plateau biology, Chinese academy of Sciences, Xining, China.
?l 学士学位09/1993-07/1997(The Bachelor’s Degree)
?l 哈尔滨师范大学生物教育系 中国.哈尔滨Study in Department of Biological Education, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, China.
工作经历Working Experience
?l 2016 至今Working at Landscape and Architecture Department o f Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University,西南大学园艺园林学院(园林系)风景园林系
?l 2016.3 -2017 3 Work as a visiting scholar in plant science department of Saschatchewan university in Canada 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学访学
?l College of Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
?l 09/2002-12/2015西南大学园艺园林学院植物系 09/2002-12/2015 working as a lecture at plant Department of College of Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
?l 08/2000-08/2002 working as a teaching assistant in Botany at College of Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
Research Project
?l 10/2010-10/2013 Introduction and domestication of wild lilies in Southwest mountainous areas and genetic relationship analysis based on SRAP markers. Project of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University in China (grant XDJK 2010C077 ). Principal Investigator
l 05/2012-05/2015 Collection and molecular identification of local Lilium resources in Chongqing. Project of the Ph.D’s Funds of Southwest University in China (grant SWU112023 ). Principal Investigator
?l Zhi Li, Teng ZhongHua, Li XianYuan, Sui ShunZao, Li MingYang. Optimization of SRAP-PCR system and selection of primers for Lilium sargentiae. Journal of Southwest University (natural science), 2013,35(4):32-38 (in Chinese with English abstract )
?l Zhi Li, Teng ZhongHua, Li XianYuan, Sui ShunZao, Li MingYang. Phylogenetic relationship analysis of 23 wild species of Lilium. Journal of agricultural Biotechnology, 2011,19(4):677-684 (in Chinese with English abstract)
? l Zhi Li, Teng ZhongHua, Liu Xu, Li MingYang. Genetic diversity analysis of natural groups of Lilium sargentiae by SRAP markers. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 2011, 36(4) :1921-1926 (in Chinese with English abstract)
? l Zhi Li, Cai LianBing. A new species of Leymus(Poaceae) Hochst. from Qinghai, China. Bulletin of botanical research. 2006, 26(2):129-130 (in Chinese with English abstract )
?l Zhi Li, Teng ZhongHua. Classification and geographical distribution of Leymus (Poaceae) in China. Bulletin of botanical research. 2005, 25(1):22-25 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Book Chapters
?l Li XianYuan, Zhi Li. Ornamental Botany. Chapter2, 2013, PP30-PP69, Southwest Normal University Press. (In Chinese)
?l Li XianYuan, Zheng Li, Zhi Li.Taxonomy of Garden Plants 2017. Science Press(In Chinese).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
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