本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
张 鹏,副教授,硕导
2006年7月-至今 西南大学 副教授
2003年9月-2006年6月 吉林大学 材料物理与化学 博士
2001年9月-2003年9月 吉林大学 高分子化学与物理
1996年9月-2000年6月 吉林大学 材料科学与工程 学士
E-mail: ybzhang@swu.edu.cn
[16] Fang Lai, Lei Zhao, Jian Zou, Peng Zhang*. High Positive Temperature Coefficient Effect of Resistivity in Conductive Polystyrene/Polyurethane composites with Ultralow Percolation Threshold of MWCNTs via Interpenetrating Structure. React Functl Polym. 2020, 151, 104562 (1-9)
[15] Peng Zhang*, Bin-bin Wang, Qiu-jin Xia, Jian Zou. Study on the effect of tailoring the segmented PU molecules on electrically conductive properties and percolation threshold of PU/MWCNTs nanocomposites. Synthetic Met. 2020, 261, 116300 (1-8)
[14] Bin-bin Wang, Fang Lai, Peng Zhang*.Facile preparation and tunable light shielding properties of the mechanical enhanced thermosetting polyurethanes. Mater Res Express. 2019, 6 (8), 085705(1-7)
[13] Miao-miao Xie, Bin-bin Wang, Peng Zhang*. The effect of crystallization behavior on high conductivity, enhanced mechanism and thermal stability of poly(ε-caprolactone)/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites. J Disper Sci Techn. 2019,40 (1), 94-102.
[12] Fang Lai, Bin-Bin Wang, Peng Zhang*. Enhanced positive temperature coefficient in amorphous PS/CSPEMWCNT composites with low percolation threshold. J Appl Polym Sci. 2019, 136(6), 47053 (1-8)
[11] Peng Zhang*, Bin-bin Wang. Positive temperature coefficient effect and mechanism of compatible LLDPE/HDPE composites doping conductive graphite powders. J Appl Polym Sci. 2018, 135(27), 46453(1-8)
[10] Yan-ling Hou, Peng Zhang*, Miao-miao Xie. The Thermal-induced Double Positive Temperature Coefficients of Electrical Resistivity of the Combined Conductive Fillers-doped Polymer Composites. J Appl Polym Sci. 2017, 134(23), 44876(1-11).
[9] Na Sun, Peng Zhang*, Yanling Hou. Synthesis, photophysics, ion detection and DFT investigation of novel cyano-substituted red-light chromophores with a triphenylamine donor. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 12205–12214.
[8] Dongliang Cao, Peng Zhang*, Pei Liu, Shaonan Cui, Na Sun.New conjugated cruciform chromophores with D-p-A structure: Synthesis, characterization and theoretical calculation. J Mol Struct. 2014, 1076, 396–402.
[7] Peng Zhang*, Dongliang Cao and Shaonan Cui. Resistivity-temperature behavior and morphology of low density polyethylene/graphite powder/graphene composites. Polymer Compos. 2014, 35(8), 1453-1459.
[6] Peng Zhang*, Pei Liu, Yong Zhao, Dongliang Cao. Synthesis and characterization of oligothiophene-functionalized phenanthroline chromophores with symmetrical or unsymmetrical con?guration. J Mol Struct. 2013, 1037, 122–129.
[5] Pei Liu, Peng Zhang*, Dongliang Cao, Wenting Xue. Preparation, characterization and photodegradation of methylene blue based on TiO2 microparticles modified with thiophene substituents. Chin Sci Bull. 2012, l57, 4381–4386.
[4] Wenting Xue, Peng Zhang*, Yong Zhao, Pei Liu. Facile coordinating decoration of salophen Al on graphene nanosheet: Salophen Al complex functionalized graphene nanocomposite with electrochemical properties. Mat Chem Phy. 2012, 133, 170–175.
[3] Peng. Zhang*, Wenting Xue, Yong Zhao, Pei Liu. Positive Temperature Coefficient Effect and Interaction Based on Low-Density Polyethylene/Graphite Powder Composites. J App Poly Sci, 2012, 123, 2338–2343.
[2] Peng Zhang*, Wenting Xue, Pei Liu, Lihua Gan. Optical properties and electronic structure of terminal group-perturbed ethynyl-linked dendrimers. Synthetic Met. 2011, 161, 2289–2294.
[1] Peng Zhang*, Benchen Tang, Wenjing Tian, Bing Yang, Min Li. The comparative investigation on the optical properties and electronic structures of the alkoxy-tuned 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives. Mat Chem Phy. 2010, 119, 243–248.
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