

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05

Prof. Peng Zeping
Introduction to Prof. Peng Zeping
Professor Peng Zeping , doctor of education , born in 12th,1974 , comes from the Miao people in Tianzhu,Guizhou. He was graduated fromSouthwestUniversity,and got Bachelor’s degree of education in 1995 ,and Master’s in 1998. In 2003,he was exceptionally promoted to be a professor. The end of the same year,he became a master’s tutor. The next year,he achieved doctor’s degree of education in East China University.Professor Peng was doing research in post-doctorate research exchange center from 2005 to 2008. He was promoted to be a professor ofSouthwest Unitversityin 2008. At present,he is a professor of education in Faculty of Education,dean of department of educational study,candidate of the second academic leaders of Chongqing.He is also one of the person who can enjoy pantronage from the project of outstanding junior backbone university teachers inChongqing.The postgraduate tutor of pedagogic principle and educational history,and the executive director and deputy secretary general of the Young and Middle-aged Theoretical Educators Subcommittee of the Chinese Society of Education,the director of History of Education Subcommittee of the Chinese Society of Education (2004-2008), the director of Chongqing City, Tao Xingzhi Research Association,the committee member of the social science community of Chongqing Municipal Youth Federation,the researcher of the Chongqing war rear area history and culture research center,the editorial board member of Chinese Medical Education Exploration Journal of Chinese Medical Association, etc. Research and areas of interest: pedagogic principle,modern cultural and education, basic education curriculum reform, national education, etc.
E-mail: pzp1974@swu.edu.cn pengzheping@sina.com


The main achievements:
Scientific research achievements:
He has hosted Provincial and other topics more than 10.He has published more than 80 academic papers in academic journals and newspapers .
they are ‘Educational Research’ ,‘Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)’ ,‘Journal of The Chinese Society of Education’ ,‘Comparative Education Review’ ,‘Journal of Higher Education’ ,‘Curriculum and Teaching Material and Method’ ,‘China Education Newspaper’ ,‘Journal of Southwestern University’ ,‘Journal of Northeast Normal University’ ,‘Theory and Practice of Education’ ,‘Education Science’ ,‘ Journal of Northwest Normal University’ ,‘Modern University Education’ ,‘Studies in Preschool Education’ ,‘Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities’and so on.What's more, He has published 2monographs.edited 2 Teaching materials and edited with others 1Teaching materials.Hepublished with others nearly 10monographs.
Individual achievements
has won the second prize of the Chongqingcollege’s educational science research award, the third prize of theChongqingmunicipal government social science award and the first prize ofChongqing’s fourth excellent works of basic education. Three collaborative achievements won many of the scientific research national and provincial-level incentives.They are respectivelythe first prize,the second prize and the third prize.



通讯方式:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 西南大学教育学部

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