

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05

Associate Professor , Master Degree Advisor
School of Economics and Management
Southwest University, China
2012 Ph.D., Agricultural Economics,Southwest University,China
1994 MA, Agronomy, Southwest Agricultural University, China
1986 BA, Economics, Sichuan University, China
2006- Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, School of Economics and Management, Southwest University, China
1997 Associate Professor of Economics, School of Social Science, Southwest Agricultural University, China
1992 Lecturer of Economics, School of Social Science, Southwest Agricultural University, China
1986 Assistant, School of Social Science, Southwest Agricultural University, China
Agricultural economics, Ecological economics ,Regional economics
National Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Study on ecological compensation mechanism of large reservoir region”,Leader,2013-2016
National Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Study on mechanism and countermeasures of ecological and economic synchronous construction in Three Gorges Reservoir Area”, Leader,2005-2012.
Southwest University Research Grant: “Study on ecological compensation of Three Gorges Reservoir region”, Leader,2012-2015
Local Government Research Grant: “Development strategy of ecological mulberry industry in Tianfu town”,Team member,2011-2012.
Foundation ofChongqingEducation Committee: “Study on economic development of village region”, Leader,2009-2013.
Southwest University Research Grant: “Study on training new farmers in new rural construction ofChongqing”, Leader,2007-2013.
Foundation ofChongqingEducation Committee : “Study on transfer mechanism and internalization mechanism of agricultural externality ”, Team member,2008-2013.
Local Government Research Grant: “Development strategy of ecological agricultural tourism inApengRiver”, Team member,2008-2011.
Local Government Research Grant: “Development strategy of ecological tourism industry inHuangguaMountain”, Team member,2008-2011
Chongqing Philosophy and Social Science Fund:“Study on Promoting Mechanism of industrial development during new rural construction ofChongqing”, Team member,2006-2008.
National Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Study on ecological economy and sustainable development of agriculture in the large-scale development inWestern China”, Team member,2004-2006.
Chongqing Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Study on Rural Resettlement Supporting inChongqingreservoir region of Three Gorges Project”, Leader,2003-2005.
National Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Study on the technological innovation and policy to improve the ecological environment of agriculture inWestern China”, Team member,2003-2006.
Foundation of Three Gorges Construction Management Committee of the State Council: “Study on land utilization of fluctuating zone in Three Gorge Reservoir”, Team member,2003-2006.
Foundation of Three Gorges Construction Management Committee of the State Council: “Study on rural immigration of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region”, Team member,2002-2006.
Foundation ofChongqingEducation Committee : “Research on countermeasures to improve the competitiveness ofChongqingagriculture” , Leader,2002-2005.
Foundation of Ministry of Science and Technology: “Study on the sustainable development of migration of Three Gorges Reservoir via Science and Technology”, Team member,2002-2005.
Research on collaborative promotion of ecological improvement and economic development in Three Gorges Reservoir region, China Agriculture Press,2013.
Analysis on the efficiency of agricultural mechanization in different regions ofChina, Proceedings of the annual academic conference for Chinese young and middle-aged agricultural scholars(2013), pp. 423-427.
Dilemma and countermeasures on ecological and economic synchronous construction in Three Gorges Reservoir region, Journal of Ecological Economy, 2012(6), pp.64-66.
Quantitative analysis on the contribution rate of agricultural technological progress ofChongqing, Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,36 volume, 2008,pp.11129-11131.
Restrictive factors and countermeasures of the competitiveness ofChongqingagriculture,SouthwestAgriculturalUniversity(Social Science Edition), 2007(1), pp.97-101.
Ecological economy and sustainable development of agriculture in the large-scale development inWestern China, China Environmental Science Press,2005. pp.7-20.
Dilemma and countermeasures of ecological barrier construction in the region of the upper Yangtze River through Cooperation of Sichuan and Chongqing, Journal of Chongqing Social Sciences, 2006,Sum.145, pp.142-144.
The construction of ecological and economic in the view of scientific development, Journal of Leadership Decision-Making Reference, 2006(4), pp.23-25.
Problems and countermeasures of agricultural sustainable development in Three Gorges Reservoir region, Proceedings of the annual academic conference for Chinese young and middle-aged agricultural scholars, 2004,pp.728-731.
To solve the three agricultural problems of China based on balancing urban and rural development, Journal of thought and application, 2004(3), pp.18-20.
Addr:No.2 Tiansheng Road, BeiBei District,Chongqing, 400715,P.R.China
School of Economics and Management, Southwest University
Phone: 86-(office) ,86-** (mobile)
Email: yushiyong@126.com

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