

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-06

李栋,男,汉族,1987年8月生,湖北天门人,中共党员,理学博士,主要从事具时滞反应扩散模型分岔理论与行波解方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,省部级科研项目2项,校级科研项目1项,主研国家自然科学基金2项。发表论文10篇,其中SCI收录7篇。是Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik、Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems、Applied Mathematics Letter和Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Science society等SCI期刊的评审人。
一、 学习与工作经历
二、 科研方面
(一) 科研项目
1.Li Dong,He Xiaolong, Li Xinping,Guo Shangjiang.Traveling wavefronts in a two-species chemotaxis model with Lotka–Volterra competitive kinetics. Applied Mathematics Letters, 114 (2021) 106905.(SCI)
2.Li Dong, Guo Shangjiang. Traveling wavefronts in a reaction-diffusion model with chemotaxis and nonlocal delay effect. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 45 (2019) 736-754. (SCI)
3.Li Dong, Guo Shangjiang. Periodic traveling waves in a reaction-diffusion model with chemotaxis and nonlocal delay effect. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 467(2) (2018) 1080-1099. (SCI)
4.Li Dong, Guo Shangjiang. Stability and hopf bifurcation in a reaction-diffusion model with chemotaxis and nonlocal delay effect. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28(4) (2018) **. (SCI)
5.Li Dong, Guo Shangjiang. Bifurcation and stability of a Mimura-Tsujikawa model with nonlocal delay effect. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(6) (2017) 2219-2247. (SCI)
6.Li Dong, Xie Yongan, Tang Shengqiang. Cusped and smooth solitons for the generalized Camassa-Holm equation on the nonzero constant pedestal. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1 (2014) 1-10. (SCI)
7. Zhong Liyan, Tang Shengqiang,Li Dong, Zhao Haixia. Compacton, peakon, cuspons, loop solutions and smooth solitons for the generalized KP-MEW equation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68(12) (2014) 1775-1786. (SCI)
8.Li Dong, Tang Shengqiang. Lie symmetries and exact solutions for a nonlinear evolution equation in the AKNS Hierarchy. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(2) (2014) 209-220.
9.Li Dong, Tang Shengqiang. Periodic cusp wave and solitary wave of the (2+1)-dimensional perturbed-kdv equation. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 73(2) (2012) 95-108.
10. Fu Hualiang,Li Dong, Tang Shengqiang, Yi Fuchao. The compact and noncompact structures for the nonlinear dispersion drinfeld-sokolov system. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 21(1) (2013) 59-67.
三、 获奖情况
2017年 南阳理工学院优秀校友;
2012年 广西省研究生数学建模竞赛 一等奖;
2010年 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 省二等奖。
四、 联系方式

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