

重庆邮电大学 免费考研网/2016-01-22

豆育升教授,博士生导师,生物医学工程学科带头人。1998年毕业于英国牛津大学化学系,获博士学位;1998-2004年先后在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、德克萨斯A&M大学以及普林斯顿大学进行博士后研究,2004年起在美国尼古拉斯州立大学先后任助理教授和副教授, 2006年人重庆邮电大学特聘教授,2009年受聘为重庆邮电大学教授,2010年任重庆邮电大学高性能计算与应用研究所所长、生物信息学研究所所长。



电话/传真: ** (O)

电子邮件: douys@cqupt.edu.cn




·?????????? (主持)国家自然科学基金,DNA中碱基的空间排列对其无辐射失活机理影响的半经典量子动力学模拟(**),2011.1-2013.12

·?????????? (主持)国家自然科学基金,激光诱导光化学反应的动力学模拟(**),????? 2008.1—2010.12,

·?????????? (主持)重庆市自然科学基金,生物分子光化学反应的计算机模拟(2006BB2367), 2006.9—2008.9。

·?????????? (主持)重庆市教委科学技术项目,生物大分子质谱分析的计算机模拟(KJ070506),2007.1--- 2008 .12。

·?????????? (主持)重庆邮电大学科研启动基金,碱基空间排列对激发态失活影响的动力学模拟??? 2010.11-2013.11。

·?????????? (主持)重庆邮电大学科研启动基金,生物大分子质谱分析的计算机模拟,2006.5—2009.5。

·?????????? ?


101????? Application of hybrid MPI+TBB parallel programming model for molecular dynamics simulation, BAI Ming-ze, ZHAO Wen-hui, DOU Yu-sheng, SUN Shi-xin, WEN Di, Application Research of Computers, 29,1772(2012).

100????? Performance analysis and improvement of parallel molecular dynamics algorithm based on OpenMP, BAI Ming-ze, CHENG Li, DOU Yu-sheng, SUN Shi-xin, Journal of Computer Applications, 32,163(2012).

99??????? Dynamic load balancing algorithm design and application based on feedback, YU Dun-fu, LI Hong-jian, TANG Hong, DOU Yu-sheng, Application Research of Computers, 29,527(2012)

98??????? Application and research on Winograd parallel algorithm of matrix multiplication based on OpenMP, YANG Guang-liang, LI Hong-jian, DOU Yu-sheng, TANG Hong, Application Research of Computers, 29, 2435(2012).

97??????? Two-level parallelization of Ehrenfest force calculation in ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, Hongjian Li, Shixin Sun, Hong Tang, Yusheng Dou, Glenn V.Lo, Cluster Computing, 15, 255(2012).

96?????? An SPMD-like algorithm for parallelization of molecular dynamics using OpenMP, M. Z. Bai, S. X. Sun, Y. S. Dou, H. Tang, G. Lo, Computing in Science and Engineering.

Available online: 12 June 2012


95??????? Dynamics of laser-excited stacked adenines: Semiclassical simulations, Yusheng Dou, Shuai Yuan, Wenying Zhang, Hong Tang, Liashe Zhao, Weihai Fang, Glenn V.Lo, International Journal?of?Biological Macromolecules.

Available online: 17 October 2012


94??????? Bonded excimer in stacked adenines:Semicalssical simulations,

??????????? Dou yusheng, Zhao wenhui, Science China Chemistry, 55, 1377(2012).

93?? Performance?analysis?and?improvement?of?parallel?molecular?dynamics?algorithm

? based?on?OpenMP,BAI?Ming-ze, CHENG?Li, DOU?Yu-sheng,,SUN?Shi-xin,journal?of?Computer?Applications,32, ?163(2012).

92??????? Bonded exciplex formation from stacked thymine and adenine: semiclassical simulations, Yusheng Dou, Shuai Yuan, Wenying Zhang, Hong Tang, Glenn V.Lo, Molecular Physics, 110, 1517(2012).


91??????? A semiclassical dynamics simulation for a long-lived excimer state of π-stacked adenines,Wenying Zhang, Shuai Yuan, Zhijin Wang , Zhiming Qi , Jianshe Zhao , Yusheng Dou , Glenn V. Lo,Chemical Physics Letters, 506,303(2011).


90?? Dynamics?Simulation?of?a?New?Deactivation?Pathway?for?Stacked?Adenines,

YUAN?Shuai?ZHANG?Wen-Ying?LI?An-Yang?ZHU?Yi-Min?DOU?Yu-Sheng?,Acta Physico-chimica Sinica,27,824(2011).

89??????? Dynamics?Simulation?of?Photophysical?Deactivation?Pathway?for?Stacked?

Thymines,DOU?Yu-Sheng,LI?Wei?,YUAN Shuai,?ZHANG?Wen-Ying,?LI?An-Yang,?SHU?Kun-Xian,?TANG?Hong,Acta?Physico-Chimica?Sinica,27,2559(2011).

?88????? Detailed Mechanism for Photoinduced Cytosine Dimerization: A Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation,Shuai Yuan,Wenying Zhang, Lihong Liu, Yusheng Dou, Weihai Fang, Glenn V. Lo,J. Phys. Chem. A , 115, ?13291(2011).


87??????? Laser Induced C60 Cage Opening Studied by Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation,Hong Tang , Hongjian Li,Yusheng Dou,Int. J. Mol. Sci., 12, 353(2011).

86??????? Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Effect of a Femtosecond Laser on the Photofragmentation Reaction Mechanism of C60,LI Hong-Jian,? LI An-Yang,? TANG Hong,? DOU Yu-Sheng ,Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,27,2072(2011).


85??????? A Web-Based Visualization Platform for Photochemical Reaction Simulations,Mingze Bai, Li Cheng, Hong Tang, Yusheng Dou and Shixin Sun,Systemics and Informatics World Network, 10, 188(2010).

84??????? Cage Opening and Fragmentation of the C60 Fullerene Induced by Ultrashort Laser Pulse. Hong Tang, Hongjian Li, Yusheng Dou, and Weihai Fang, Molecular Simulations, 36, 986-991 (2010).
83?????????? Photoinduced Dissociation of Cyclobutane Thymine Dimer Studied by Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation, Dou Y, Xiong S, Wu W, Yuan S, Tang H., ?J Photochem Photobiol B. 101, 31-36(2010).
82??????? A semiclassical dynamics study of the photoisomerization of methyl-substituted azobenzene,Shuai Yuan, Weifeng Wu, Zhaolin Wei, Kunxian Shu,Hong Tang, Yusheng Dou, Glenn V. Lo,Molecular Physics,108, 3431(2010).

81??????? A modified multi-reference second order perturbation theroy,LI AnYang,HAN HuiXian,SUO BingBing,WANG YuBin,Wen ZhenYi,Scientia Sinica Chimica,40, 180(2010).

80??????? A modified multi-reference second order perturbation theory,Li Anyang, Han HuiXian, Suo Bingbing, Wang Yubin, Wen Zhenyi,Sci China Chem,53,933(2010).

79??????? Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Laser-Induced Melting of an AI Nanofilm,BAI Ming-Ze,CHENG Li,TANG Hong, DOU Yu-Sheng,Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 26, 3143(2010).

78??????? New Implementations of MRCI in Semiempirical Frameworks,Yibo Lei, BingBing Suo, Yusheng Dou, Yubing Wang, Zhenyi Wen,J. Compt. Chem , 31, 1152(2010).

77??????? Photoinduced Thymine Dimerization Studied by Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation,Wenying Zhang, Shuai Yuan, Anyang Li, Yusheng Dou, Jianshe Zhao and Weihai Fang,Journal of Physical Chemistry. C,114, 5594(2010).


76??????? Photoinduced Thymine Dimerization Studied by Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation, W.? Zhang, S. Yuan, A. Li, Y. Dou, J. Zhao, and W. Fang, J. Phys. Chem. C , 114, 5594(2009).

75??????? Laser-induced nonthermal fragmentation of C60 studied by semiclassical dynamics simulation, H. Li, H. Tang and Y. Dou, Molecular Physics,

107, 2039 (2009).

74??????? Molecular calculations for HeH+ with two-center correlated orbitals, Y. Dou, H. Tang and M. Bai, Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 52,2249(2009).

73??????? Semiclassical dynamic simulation of photon induced ring-opening of cyclohexadiene to hexatriene, A. Li, S. Yuan, Y. Dou, Y. Wang and Z. Wen

??????????? Chem. Phys. Lett. 478, 28 (2009).

72??????? Detailed mechanism of trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene studied by semiclassical dynamics simulation, Y. Dou,? Y. Hu, ?S. Yuan,? W. Wu, and ?H. Tang, Molecular Physics, 107, 181 (2009).

71??????? Molecular Response to Ultrashort Laser Pulses, H. Tong, Y. Dou, and M. Bai,

??????????? Computing in Science and Engineering, 11 (3), 47 (2009).

70??????? Parallel Computer Simulation of Photochemical Reactions, H. Li, Y. Dou, H. Tang, and S. Su, Chinese Journal of Lasers,?36(2):?356 (2009)?(in chinese).

69??????? Method of Computer Simulation of Photochemical Reactions,DOU Yu-sheng??TANG Hong??LI Hong-jian,Journal of System Simulation, 3,894(2009) (in chinese).

68??????? Performance of LAMMPS Code on Intel Quad-Core Xeon,Mingze Bai, Yusheng Dou, Hong Tang, and Shixin Sun,Proceedings of the 2009 Sixth IFIP International Conference on Network,ISBN 978-1-4244-4990-3,2009,pp156-160.

67??????? Mechanism research of melting of DNA duplex by photoisomerization of azobenzene, YUAN Shuai??WANG Dan??BAI Mingze??WEI Zhao-lin??MENG ?Ping??DOU Yu-sheng,Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and ?Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)21,821(2009).


66??????? Why does ?have a smaller isomerization yield for pp* excitation than for np*excitation? S. Yuan, Y. Dou, Y. Wang, and Z. Wen, J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 13326 (2008).

65?????? Trans-Cis Photoisomerization of Azobenzene by n?p* Excitation: A Semiclassical Dynamics Study, S. Yuan, W. Wu, Y. Dou, J. Zhao, Chinese Chemical Letters, 19, 1379 (2008).

64??????? Non-adiabatic simulation study of photoisomerization of azobenzene: detailed mechanism and load-resisting capacity, J. Shao, Y. Lei, Z. Wen, Y. Dou, Z. Wang, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 164111 (2008).

63??????? A Parallel Algorithm for Simulating Photochemical Reaction. Hongjian Li, Hong Tang, Shixin Sun, Yusheng Dou. IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2008)/ISBN 978-0-7695-3354-4, 2008, pp 258-262.

62??????? Construction and Application of Linux Virtual Server Cluster for Scientific Computing. H. Tang, R. She, C. He, Y. Dou. IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2008) /ISBN 978-0-7695-3354-4, 2008, pp 287-289.

61?????? Parallel Computing in Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation of Photochemical Reactions. Y. Dou, M. Bai, H. Li, H. Tang, IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2008) /ISBN 978-0-7695-3354-4, 2008, pp 267-272.

60??????? Detailed dynamics of the nonradiative deactivation of adenine: A semiclassical dynamics study, Y. Lei ,? S. Yuan,? Y. Dou, Y. Wang, and Z. Wen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 8497 (2008).

59 ? Ultrafast laser excitation and rotational de-excitation of cis-stilbene

Y. Dou, W. Wu, H, Tang, and R. E. Allen, Chem. Phys. 353, 104 (2008).

58??????? Dynamic simulation study on ultrafast excited-state torsional dynamics of 9,9’-bianthryl (BA) in gas phase: Real-time observation of novel oscillation behavior with the torsional coordinate, G. J. Zhao, Y.U. Liu, K. L. Han, and Y. Dou, Chem. Phys. Lett. 453, 29 (2008).

57??????? Involvement of Excited Triplet State in the Photodissociation of Cyclobutane,

??????????? Y. Lei, B. Suo, A. Li, Y. Dou, B. Y. Wang, and Z. Wen , Intern. J. Quant. Chem.

??????????? 108, 789 (2008).


56?????? Ultrafast Excited-State Dynamics of Tetraphenylethylene Studied by

?????????? Semiclassical Simulation, G. J. Zhao, K. L. Han, Y. B. Lei, and Y. Dou, J. Chem.

??????????? Phys.? 127, 094307 (2007).

55??????? Detailed Dynamics of the Photodissociation of Cyclobutane, Y. Dou, Y. Lei, A. Li, Z. Wen, B. R. Torralva, G.V. Lo, and R. E. Allen, J .Phys .Chem. A, 111, 1133 (2007).

54??????? Effect of C-C-C Bond Bending on Photodissociation of Cyclobutane, ?Y. Dou, Y. Lei, A. Li, Z. Wen , Y. Wang, G.V. Lo, and R. E. Allen,? Appl. Surf. Sci, 253, 6400 (2007).

53??????? Ring Opening Reaction of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Studied? By Semiclassical Dynamics Simulation, Y. Dou,? S. Yuan, G. V. Lo, ?Appl. Surf. Sci, 253, 6404 (2007).

52??????? Potential Energy Curves for the, , andstates of C2 using MRCI and approximate CI methods, Anyang Li, Yubin Wang, Yusheng Dou, Zhenyi Wen, Science in China Series B, 50, 614 (2007).


51????? Potential energy surfaces for low-lying electronic states of SO2 ,LI Anang, SUO Bing, WEN Zhenyi and and WANG Yubin,Science in China Series B: Chemistry,49,289(2006).



50?? ? Femtosecond-Scale of Photodissociation of Benzene, P. Sauer, R. H. Xie, Y. Dou, B. R. Torralva and R. E. Allen,? J. Mod. Optic., 52, 2423 (2005).

49??????? Desolvation of Enkephalin-H2O Clusters Ejected from a Heated Film, Y. Dou,? Chem. Phys. Lett, 416, 336 (2005).

48??????? The two electron molecular bond revisited: From Bohr Orbits to Two Center Orbitals, G. Chen, S. A. Chin, Y. Dou, K. A. Kapale, M. Kim, A. A. Svidzinsky, K. Urtekin, H. Xiong, M. O. Scully, Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 51, 93 (2005).

47??????? Semiclassical Quantum Simulation for Laser Induced Molecular Dynamics, Y. Dou, Recent Res. Devel. Physical Chem., Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India, 2004, 7, 185-206.


46??????? Response of Si and

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    黄飞飞?个人简介:黄飞飞,讲师。2009年6月,毕业于西南大学,获特种经济动物饲养专业生化与分子生物学方向农学博士学位。2009年7月起至今,工作于重庆邮电大学生物信息学院,通信地址: 重庆市南岸区崇文路2号,400065;重庆邮电大学生物信息学院电话/传真: **电子邮件: huangff@cq ...
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  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-江怀仲
    江怀仲个人简介:江怀仲,研究员,1986年6月毕业于西南农业大学植物保护专业。1986年7月-1991年8月在四川省农科院经济作物研究所工作,1991年9月至1994年6月在西南农业大学植物病理学专业读研究生,获理学硕士学位。1994年8月至2004年6月在四川省农科院经济作物研究所从棉花抗病资源 ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22
  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-解增言
    解增言个人简介:解增言,讲师,博士,硕士生导师。2000年7月毕业于烟台大学化学生物理工学院生物化学专业。2001年9月至2007年7月在北京大学生命科学学院硕博连读,获植物学博士学位。2007年7月至2009年7月在北京大学生物信息中心从事生物信息学博士后研究工作。2009年8月至今在重庆邮电大 ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22
  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-赵德春
    赵德春个人简介:赵德春,博士,硕士生导师,副教授。2008年7月毕业于重庆大学生物医学工程专业,并获得工学博士学位;2009年5月至2011年4月在中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所从事博士后研究工作,现任教重庆邮电大学生物信息学院。中国生物医学工程学会会员、IEEE/EMBS会员、电子情报通信学会 ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22
  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-何晓红
    何晓红个人简介:何晓红,副教授,2007年7月毕业于吉林大学生化与分子生物学专业。2007年7月至今在重庆邮电大学生物信息学院工作,从事生物化学与分子生物学、微生物与生化药学的教学及科研工作,2008年晋升为副教授。?通信地址: 重庆市南岸区崇文路2号,400065;重庆邮电大学生物信息学院电话/传 ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22
  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-袁帅
    袁帅个人简介:袁帅,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,从事生物分子光化学反应的量子化学计算和半经典动力学模拟研究。2002年7月在重庆邮电大学生物信息学院工作,2004年7月任讲师,2009年12月晋升为副教授。2009年9月-2010年8月在北京师范大学化学学院进行博士后研究工作。通信地址: 重庆市南岸 ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22
  • 重庆邮电大学生物信息学院研究生导师简介-刘毅
    刘? 毅个人简介:刘毅,副教授,1983年7月毕业于成都中医药大学药学院,获学士学位,1983年7月至2001年11月在四川省中医药学校工作。2001年11月至今在重庆邮电大学生物信息学院工作。1999年12月评为高级讲师,2006年转评为副教授。2008年6月成都中医药大学中药专业博士研究生毕业, ...
    重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22