王长有,(1968-),男, 江西东乡人, 博士, 教授, 硕士生导师。美国数学评论 Mathematical Reviews 特约评论员,重庆市数学学会理事,重庆邮电大学数学学科负责人,重庆邮电大学应用数学研究所所长,重庆市自然科学基金评审专家。《Applied Mathematics Modelling》(SCI源)、《Applied Mathematics Letters》》(SCI源)、《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》(SCI源)、《Mathematical Modelling and Analysis》(SCI源)、《Nonlinear Dynamics》(SCI源)、《International Journal of Biomathmatics》(SCI源)、《Acta Mathematica Scientia》(SCI源)、《Annals Differential Equations》、《数学学报》、《数学物理学报》、《高校应用数学学报》、《北京工业大学学报》(EI源)及《天津工业大学学报》(EI源)等国内外重要刊物审稿专家。
科研工作:近年来(截止2014年6月份)在《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application》(SCI源,EI源)、《Applied Mathematics Letters》(SCI源,EI源)、《Applied Mathematic Modelling》(SCI源,EI源)、《Journal of Mathematical Physics》(SCI源, EI源)、《World Applied Sciences Journal》(SCI源)、《Acta Mathematica Scientia》(SCI源)、《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》(SCI源)、《Advances In Difference Equations》(SCI源)、《Boundary Value Problems》(SCI源)、《International Journal of Biomathematics》(SCI源)、《数学物理学报》(A辑)、《控制工程》、《生物数学学报》、《应用数学》、《高校应用数学学报》、《数学杂志》等国内外重要刊物及国际EI级会议发表相关学术论文68篇,其中SCI收录18篇(14篇为第一作者或独著),EI收录10篇,ISTP收录4篇。另外,主研并完成“省部级科研项目”三项,主持并完成“重市教委科技项目”、“重庆市自然科学基金项目”及“北京工业大学博士研究生科技创新基金项目”各一项、目前正主持“重庆市教委科技项目”、\"重庆市自然科学基金项目\"及“重庆邮电大学博士启动基金项目”各一项,作为合作单位负责人与四川师范大学杨治国博士合作主持“国家自然科学基金项目”1项,主研“重庆市教委科技项目” 及“重庆市自然科学基金项目”各一项。出版专著1部.
1.?Changyou Wang(王长有), ?Existence and Stability of Periodic Solutions for Parabolic Systems with Time Delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2008, 339(2):1354-1361 ?(SCI: 250FS, EI: **)
2. Changyou Wang (王长有), Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan., Linrui Li. Oscillation of A Class of Partial Functional Population Model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2010, 368(1): 32-42. (SCI: 586QQ,).
3.?Changyou Wang (王长有),Shu Wang . Oscillation of partial population model with diffusion and delay. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2009, 22(12):1793-1797.(SCI: 511AQ, EI: **)
4.Changyou Wang (王长有),Shu Wang, Wei Wang . Global asymptotic stability of equilibrium point for a family of rational difference equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24(5):714-718. (SCI: 724GL, EI: **572)
5. Changyou Wang (王长有), Shu Wang, Fuping Yang, Linrui Li, Global asymptotic stability of positive equilibrium of three-species Lotka-Volterra mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2010, 34 (12): 4278-4288.?( SCI: 628RR, EI **721).
6.?Changyou Wang (王长有), Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan. Global asymptotic stability of 3-species mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects. Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2009, Article ID 317298, 20pages.?(SCI: 503KQ)
7. Changyou Wang (王长有), Shu Wang, Lin-rui LI, Qi-hong Shi. Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a class of nonlinear difference equation. Advances in Difference Equations,?Volume 2009, Article ID 214309. 8pages. (SCI: 538WQ)
8. Changyou Wang (王长有),?Shu Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Fei Gong, Ruifang Wang. Asymptotic stability for a class of nonlinear difference equation. Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 791610, 10pages. (SCI: 602OA).
9. Changyou Wang (王长有),?Qihong Shi, Shu Wang. Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a?family of?rational difference equation. Advances in Difference Equations,?Volume 2010, Article ID 505096. 11pages. (SCI:698OH)
10.?Changyou Wang (王长有), Ruifang Wang, Shu Wang, Chunde Yang. Positive Solution of Singular Boundary Value Problem for a Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation. Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, Article ID 297026, 12pages. (SCI: 744KY).
11. Changyou Wang (王长有),Ruifang Wang, Ming Yi, Rui LI . Stability analysis of three- species almost periodic competition models with grazing rates and diffusions. Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2011, Article ID 783136, 14pages. (SCI:830IT)
12.?Changyou Wang (王长有), Hong Yuan and Shu Wang.?On Positive Solution of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation, World Applied Sciences Journal 18 (2012) 1540-1545.(SCI)
13.?Changyou Wang (王长有), Haiqiang Zhang and Shu Wang.?Positive Solution of a Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation Involving Caputo Derivative, Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2012, Article ID 425408, 16pages. (SCI)
14.?Qihong Shi, Shu Wang, Yong Li, and Changyou Wang (王长有). Well-posedness for the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger Equation with Hetero-interactions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010, 51( 3): 032102 (17pages), 2010. (SCI: 577GL, EI: **).
15.王长有, 王术, 李林锐. 非单调时滞反应扩散方程的周期解和概周期解. 数学物理学报(中文版), 2010,30A(2):517-524. (全国中文核心), (数学类权威核心期刊).
16 王长有,杨春德,王术,刘玉记.一类具连续时滞的三种群互助模型正平衡态的渐近稳定性. 生物数学学报, 2008,23(4):30-37 ?(全国中文核心), (生物数学类权威核心期刊)
17. Changyou Wang (王长有), Shu Wang. Global Behavior of Equilibrium Point for A Class of Fractional Difference Equation. Proceeding of the 7th Asian Control Conference. HongKong, China, August 27-29,2009,288-291. (EI:**)
18.?Changyou Wang (王长有). Oscillation in a Partial Population Equation with Diffusion and Delay, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference,196-199. (EI:**).
19.?Changyou Wang (王长有), Linlin Li, Fuping Yang, Hui Gong, A new kind of adaptive weighted median filter algorithm, International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010) . Accepted (EI:**).
20.王长有, 龚辉. 一类不确定奇异摄动系统的全局鲁棒控制, 控制工程[J]. 2011, 18(3): 462-465. (全国中文核心), (控制类重要核心期刊).
21.王长有, 李林林, 龚辉, 王术. 一类分数阶微分方程正解的存在唯一性[J].应用数学,2009,22(4): 858-862.(全国中文核心), (数学类重要核心期刊).
22.?王长有, 王术, 李林锐.. 含时滞的反应扩散方程组周期解的存在稳定性[J]. 数学杂志, 2010, 29(2):308-314. (全国中文核心), (数学类重要核心期刊).
主持的科研项目: (1) 含时滞的反应扩散方程(组)定性理论研究及应用 (北京工业大学博士创新基金项目, bcx-2009-057) 已结题; (2) 含时滞的偏微分方程若干问题的研究及应用 (重庆市教委科学技术研究项目, KJ080511) 已结题; (3) 时滞反应扩散方程(组)定性理论及其在种群动力学中的应用(重庆市自然科学基金, CSTC,2008BB7415),2008.9-2011.9(已提前结题);(4) 分数阶微分方程(组)的定性理论及其在控制工程中的应用 (重庆市教委科学技术研究项目, KJ110501),2011.1-2012.12;(5)脉冲时滞反应扩散方程(组)的定性理论及其在生物生态系统中的应用(重庆市自然科学基金项目 cstc2012jjA20016), 2012.9-2015.9;(6)基于生态系统控制的时滞反应扩散方程的若干问题研究(重庆邮电大学博士启动基金项目,A2012-21,2012.09-2015.09)。
出版的专著: 王长有, 杨治国. 时滞反应扩散方程与上下解方法. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013.
通讯地址: 重庆邮电大学数理学院 邮政编码:400065 办 公 室:二教学楼五楼 2501. 联系电话:** 电子信箱:wangcy@cqupt.edu.cn
Curriculum Vitae of Changyou WANG
Personal Details
Changyou Wang? (Wang is surname)
Professional Title
Postal Code
Phone Number
+**175 (O); +**345 (M)
E-mail address
wangchangyou417@163.com; wangcy@cqupt.edu.cn
Education Background
●??P.h.D, College of Applied Science, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, P.R. China, Sept. 2008-June 2012, majoring in Applied Mathematics.
●??M.S, College of Mathematics and Software, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China, Sept. 2001-June 2004, majoring in Applied Mathematics.
● B.S, College of Mathematics, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, P.R. China, Sept.1987-June 1989, majoring in Basic Mathematics.
Professional Experience
Professor, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Associate Professor, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Lecturer, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Middle school teacher
Research Interests
●????? Partial differential equations with delay
●????? Difference equation
●????? Biomathematics
●????? Fractional differential equation
●????? Control Theory and Control Engineering
●????? Digital Image Processing
Main Research Projects
1)? 2012.9-2015.9. Qualitative theory for delay reaction-diffusion equation with pulse and their applications in ecosystem. Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC of China (Grant No. cstc2012jjA20016).?Leader of the project team.
2)? 2012.1-2014.12. Study of Qualitative theory for stochastic partial differential equations with delay. The national natural science foundation project of China (Grant No. **). Key member of this project team.
3)? 2011.1-2012.12. Qualitative theory of fractional order differential equation and their applications in control engineering. Science and technology project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission of China (Grant No. KJ110501. Leader of the project team.
4) ?2008.9-2011.9. Qualitative theory for reaction-diffusion equation with delay and their applications in Population dynamics. Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC of China (Grant No. 2008BB7415).?Leader of the project team.
5)? 2008.1-2009.12. Application and study of several problems for partial differential equation with delay. Science and technology project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission of China (Grant No. KJ080511. Leader of the project team.
6) 2010.01-present Related theory of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations and its applications in image processing and analysis. Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission of China (Grant No.KJ100505). Key member of this project team.?
Main Academic Positions
The reviewer of Mathematical Reviews for American Mathematical Society
The Director for the Fourth Mathematical Society of Chongqing Municipal, P.R. China
The Director for the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China
The Person responsible for Mathematical Discipline Construction of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China
Main Research Papers
[1] YiJin Zhang, ChangYou Wang, Stability analysis of n-species Lotka-Volterra almost periodic competition models with grazing rates and diffusions, International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2014) ** (11 pages) . (SCI)
[2] Xiaohong Hu, DabinWang, Changyou Wang, Periodic Solutions for Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Nonlinearity, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 670287, 6 pages. (SCI)
[3] Nan Li, Changyou Wang, New existence results of positive solution for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2013, 33B(3):847–854. (SCI)
[4] Changyou Wang, Hong Yuan and Shu Wang, On positive solution of nonlinear fractional differential equation, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2012, 18 (11): 1540-1545. (SCI)
[5] Changyou Wang, Haiqiang Zhang and Shu Wang, Positive Solution of a Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation Involving Caputo Derivative, Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society,?Volume 2012, Article ID 425408, 16pages. (SCI)
[6] Changyou Wang, Existence and stability of periodic solutions for parabolic systems with time delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 339 (2008) 1354-1361. (SCI: 250FS)
[7] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan, Lin-rui Li, Oscillation of a class of partial functional population model, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 368 (2010) 32-42. (SCI: 586QQ)
[8] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Wei Wang, Global asymptotic stability of equilibrium point for a family of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24 (2011) 714-718. (SCI: 724GL)
[9] Changyou Wang,Shu Wang, Oscillation of partial population model with diffusion and delay, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (2009) 1793-1797.(SCI: 511AQ)
[10] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Fuping Yang, Lin-rui Li, Global asymptotic stability of positive equilibrium of three-species Lotka-Volterra mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 34 (2010) 4278-4288. ?(SCI: 628RR)
[11] Changyou Wang, Ruifang Wang, Shu Wang, Chunde Yang, Positive solution of singular boundary value problem for a nonlinear fractional differential equation, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, Article ID 297026, 12pages. (SCI:744KY)
[12] Changyou Wang, Ruifang Wang, Ming Yi, Rui Li, Stability analysis of three- species almost periodic competition models with grazing rates and diffusions, Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2011, Article ID 783136, 14pages. (SCI:830IT)
[13] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Zhi-wei Wang, Fei Gong, Rui-fang Wang, Asymptotic stability for a class of nonlinear difference equation, Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 791610, 10pages. (SCI: 602OA).
[14] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Xiangping Yan, Global asymptotic stability of 3-species mutualism models with diffusion and delay effects, Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society, Volume 2009, Article ID 317298, 20pages. (SCI: 503KQ)
[15] Changyou Wang, Fei Gong, Shu Wang, Lin-rui LI, Qi-hong Shi, Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a class of nonlinear difference equation, Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2009, Article ID 214309. 8pages. (SCI: 538WQ)
[16] Changyou Wang, Qihong Shi, Shu Wang, Asymptotic behavior of equilibrium point for a family of rational?difference equation, Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2010, Article ID 505906, 10 pages. (SCI: 698OH)
[17] Qihong Shi, Shu Wang, Yong Li, and Changyou Wang, Well-posedness for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger equation with Hetero-interactions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010, 51( 3): 032102 (17pages). (SCI: 577GL).
[18] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Linrui Li, Periodic solution and almost periodic solution of a nonmonotone reaction-diffusion system with time delay, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2010, 30A(2): 517-524. (In Chinese)
[19] Changyou Wang, Oscillation in a Partial Population Equation with Diffusion and Delay, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, 196-199. (EI: **).
[20] Changyou Wang, Shu Wang, Global behavior of equilibrium point for a class of fractional difference equation. Proceedings of the 7th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2009), Vol. 3, 288-291, 196-199. (EI: **).
[21] Changyou Wang, Lingling LI, Fuping Yang, Hui Gong, A new kind of adaptive weighted median filter algorithm, 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010), Vol. 11, 667-671 (EI:**).
[22] Changyou Wang, Ming Yi, Fuping Yang, Parallel decoupling algorithm for solving the block tri-diagonal linear equations, 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing (CSIP 2012), Vol. 3, 43-46. (EI:**759).
[23] Changyou Wang, Haiqiang, Zhang, Fuping Yang, An Adaptive Kernel Bandwidth Mean-Shift Target Tracking Algorithm, 2012 International Conference On Control Engineering and Communication Technology (ICCECT 2012), Vol. 2012, 547-550. (EI: **111).
[24] Changyou Wang, Zhaolong Gao, Image denoising method based on v-support vector regression and noise detection, Proceedings of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Applications (ICCTA 2012), Vol. 3, 1006-1009. (EI).
[25] Changyou Wang, Hui Gong, Shu Wang, Singular perturbation problems of three-species food-chain reaction diffusion models, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics: Advances and Applications, 3 (2010) 137-146.
[26] Changyou Wang, Chunde Yang, Shu Wang, Yuji Liu, Global asymptotic stability of positive equilibrium in a 3-species cooperating models with continuous time delay, Journal of Biomathematics, 23 (2008) 30-37. (In Chinese)
[27] Changyou Wang, Oscillation in a partial differential equation with diffusion and delay, Journal of Biomathematics, 21 (2006) 77-80. (In Chinese)
[28] Changyou Wang, Hui Gong, Global robust control for a class of singularly perturbed systems with uncertainties, Control Engineering of China, 18 (2011) 462-465. (In Chinese)
[29] Changyou Wang, Linlin Li, Hui Gong, Shu Wang, Existence and uniqueness of positive solution for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations, Mathematica Applicata, 22 (2009) 858-862. (In Chinese)
[1] Changyou Wang, Zhiguo Yang, Method of Upper and Lower Solutions for Reaction Diffusion Systems with Delay, Science Press, Beijing, 2013. (In Chinese)
Personal web pages:;http://slxy.cqupt.edu.cn/teacher.php?id=wangcy
重庆邮电大学 免费考研网/2016-01-22
耿朝强老师的个人简介 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-Mikhail Brik
Mikhail Brik老师的个人简介 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-Andrzej Suchocki
Andrzej Suchocki老师的个人简介 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-周贤菊
周贤菊老师的个人简介????重庆铜梁人,1977年4月出生,2007年评为教授,硕士生导师,重庆邮?电大学数理学院应用物理教学部副主任。1999年本科?毕业于西安交通大学高分子材料与工程专业;2003年硕士毕业于中?国科学院化学研究所,从事软物质智能响应领域的研究;2006年博士?毕业于香港城市大学 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-周凯宁
周凯宁老师的个人简介2008年6月 毕业于天津大学应该物理专业2008.7-今 重邮邮电大学数理学院 助教2011.9-2013.6 重庆邮电大学数理学院理论物理硕士研究生 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-周晶
周晶老师的个人简介周晶,博士,专业方向:超冷原子,量子信息教育背景2002.9-2006.7? 中国科学技术大学?? 专业:光学与光学工程????? 理学学士2006.7-2012.7? 中国科学技术大学?? 专业:超冷原子与量子信息? 理学博士2010.12-2011.5 德国法兰克福大学?? 交 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-张雪娥
张雪娥老师的个人简介????? 1995年从重庆市第四中学调入邮电大学,现任数理学院物理实验中心高级工程师。 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-张晓明
张晓明老师的个人简介山东人.毕业于重庆邮电大学,电 磁场与微波技术专业.现任数理学院物理实验中心讲师. ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-余耀
余耀老师的个人简介 ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22重庆邮电大学理学院研究生导师简介-于南翔
于南翔老师的个人简介姓名:于南翔性别:男 1998-2002 就读于哈尔滨理工大学 2002-???? 工作与重庆邮电 大学2005-2008 ?于重庆邮电 大学攻读硕士学位2011-???? 于电子科技大学攻读博士学位曾主讲《概率论与随机过程》、 《概率与数理统计》、《经济数学》等多门课程。? ...研究生导师 重庆邮电大学 免费考研网 2016-01-22