

重庆邮电大学 免费考研网/2016-01-22

Biographical Data

Name:??? ??????????? Sha JIANG?????

Gender:????????????? Female

Born: ???????????? ?? ?01 October 1983

Citizenship: ????????P. R. China

Contact Information

Postal address:????School of Science,

????????????????????????????Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

????????????????????????? ? No.2 Chongwen Road, Nan\'an?District?

??????????????????????????? Chongqing 400065, P. K. China

Phone:??????? ?????? ? +**136?OR **

E-mail:?????????????? ? jiangsha@cqupt.edu.cn?

??????????????????????????? OR ?shajiang@mail.ustc.edu.cn? OR? shajiang@live.cn???????????
Background and experience:

During doctoral education:

A.??? Being in charge of learning section and secretary-general of Postgraduate Union.

B.???? Research student supported by the national natural science foundation of China, grant No. **. Title for the project: Tuning luminescent materials via structural surrounding media; Responsibility: Synthesis, the study of optical characterization and local-field effects on the radiative decay lifetime of lanthanide-ion doped solid materials.

C.???? Research student supported by the national natural science foundation of China, grant No. **. Title for the project: Solid fluorescence materials in sub-micro scale using for temperature sensing; Responsibility: Synthesis of nano-materials for temperature sensing using in creatures living cells.

During postgraduate education:

A.??? Being in charge of learning section in Postgraduate Union and involved in assistant job of Teaching and Management.

B.???? Research student supported by the national natural science foundation of China, grant No. **. Title for the project: Study of local-field effects on the radiative decay lifetime of luminescent materials; Responsibility: Synthesis, optical characterization of lanthanide-ion doped luminescent glass.

C.???? Research student supported by the project from the education commission of Chongqing municipality. Title for the project: Study of lanthanide-ion spectroscopy by combining first-principal calculations and phenomenological crystal-field theory. Responsibility: Phenomenological calculations using the computer codes developed by Prof. M.F. Reid.

During undergraduate education: in charge of learning section in Student Union, being group leader of the Teaching Information Feedback and secretary-general of E-stack Electronic Science And Technology Union.


1.? ? Sha Jiang, Peng Zeng, Liqing Liao, Shifeng Tian, Hai Guo, Yonghu Chen, Changkui Duan and Min Yin, Optical thermometry based on upconverted luminescence in transparent glass ceramics containing NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanocrystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 617 (2014) 538.

2.??? Sha Jiang, Xiantao Wei, Zhejia Chen, Yonghu Chen, Min Yin. Analysis of the luminescent spectra of Eu3+ in glasses. Journal of luminescence, 143(2013)5.

3.??? ?Sha Jiang, Shaoshuai Zhou, Xiantao Wei, Yonghu Chen, Qingli Zhang, Min Yin, Changkui Duan. Local field effect on the photoluminescent spectra of Eu3+ ions in glass. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 14 (2014) 4320.

4.???? Sha Jiang, Hai Guo, Xiantao Wei, Changkui Duan and Min Yin. Enhanced upconversion in Ho3+-doped transparent glass ceramics containing BaYbF5 nanocrystals. Journal of luminescence, 152 (2014) 195.

5.???? Shaoshuai Zhou, Sha Jiang, Xiantao Wei, Yonghu Chen, Changkui Duan, Min Yin. Optical thermometry based on upconversion luminescence in Yb3+/Ho3+ codoped NaLuF4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 588(2014)654.

6.???? Chong-Geng Ma, Sha Jiang, Xian-Ju Zhou. Energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ and Eu3+ in zinc phosphate glasses. Journal of Rare Earths, 28(2010): 40. IDS: 574DV.
7.???? Liqing Liao, Sha Jiang, Shaoshuai Zhou, Xiantao Wei, Yonghu Chen, Changkui Duan, Min Yin. Enhanced upconverted emission in Yb3+/Er3+ co-doped GdPO4 transparent glass ceramics, Optics Communications. 326 (2014) 130.

8.???? ?Lin Li, Chongfeng Guo, Sha Jiang, Dinesh K. Agrawal and Ting Li. Green up-conversion luminescence of Yb3+-Er3+ co-doped CaLa2ZnO5 for optically temperature sensing, RSC Adv. 4 (2014) 6391.

9.?????? Chang Lai, Sha Jiang. Luminescent Properties of Ce3+ Ions in Zinc Phosphate Glass Prepared in Air. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 3(2012): 523.

10.????? Chang-Kui Duan, Sha Jiang. Study of the d-f emission, and f-d ground-state and excited-state and excited-state absorption of Nd3+ in crystals using the simple model. Spectroscopy Letters (Taylor & Francis), 43(2010): 423.

11.????? Chong-Geng Ma, Sha Jiang, Chang-Kui Duan, Min Yin and Shang-Da Xia. 4fN-15d energy levels of lanthanides: a quasi-angular-momentum approach and its application to Cs2NaYF6: Er3+. Chinese Physics B (a science-citation-indexed journal published in English), 18(2009):1961. IDS: 451GD.

12.???????Sha Jiang, Zi-Yi Liu, Guo-Hua Jia and Chang-Kui Duan. Dependence of the emission electric dipole line strength of Eu3+ on the composition of lead borate glasses. Journal of Rare Earths, 27 (2009): 915. IDS: 549IE.

13.?????? Sha Jiang, Jian Yuan, Shaoshuai Zhou, Xiantao Wei, Yonghu Chen, Min Yin, Qingli Zhang, and Changkui Duan. The local-field effect on the optical transition: An experimental probe using Eu3+ diluted in glass systems. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 094708 (2014).


