

重庆大学 免费考研网/2016-06-18


【4月7日】教师教学发展中心讲座:WhyDo We Need a New Approach to Foreign Language Teaching?

讲座题目:WhyDo We Need a New Approach to Foreign Language Teaching?

主讲人:Prof.Francois Victor Tochon,University ofWisconsin-Madison





Francois VictorTochon(涂尚)是美国威斯康辛州大学麦迪逊分校的课程与教学系教授,博士生导师,国际LIONS俱乐部资助的MOOCs(慕课)组织DeepUniversity理事会主席。Tochon教授拥有4个博士学位头衔,在加拿大获得应用语言学博士学位和教育学心理学博士学位,同时拥有阿根廷里约热内卢国家大学和秘鲁利马首都大学的荣誉博士学位。



ForeignLanguage Education is handicapped by paradoxes that prevent it from furtheringits mission. Methods are often taught without epistemology, students tend tocommunicate without contents. Teaching of cultures is often sanitized andstereotyped. Teacher educators professionalize student teachers who rarelyunderstand their own cultural identity, potential foreignness and otherness.The way to deal with these contradictions is to articulate new priorities andreconceptualize the field as the inescapable branch of learning for world peaceand social justice. Deep content-based learning places the emphasis on thequality of professional development within the accomplishment of projects.Professor Tochon offers a new perspective on educative practice, which targetstransdisciplinary aims. The deep learning process gives rise to a variety ofoutcomes that cannot always be fully anticipated. Therefore, deep evaluation isopen and focuses on creative work. Deep content-based learning places theemphasis on the quality of the acquisition process and proficiency developmentwithin the accomplishment of projects.

【4月7日】教师教学发展中心讲座:Theimportance of understanding culture for better intercultural relationships

讲座题目:Importance ofUnderstanding Culture in Intercultural relationship

主 讲 人:Isabelle C. Druc, Ph.D.Department of Anthropology

University ofWisconsin-Madison





Isabelle Clara DRUC 是美国威斯康辛州大学麦迪逊分校人类学系副研究员,加拿大蒙特利尔大学人类学博士毕业,美国耶鲁大学博士后,精通法语、英语、西班牙语、德语,同时还能使用土耳其语交流。是Tochon教授国际语言教育的助手。从教20多年,著述甚丰,出版书籍或著作9部,发表学术论文27篇,在全球作学术交流和讲座80多场,尤其在民族文化、材料科学、文化人类学、视频制作等方面有研究。


Ina globalized world, individuals and societies are increasingly in contact. Evenso, a growing homogeneity can be observed in an international elite, nationalidentities are often reaffirmed or viewed as useful and distinguishingexpressions. These identities rest upon deeply rooted cultures and traditions.Good social, economic and political alliances and relationships rely on mutualunderstanding. This can only be achieved by knowing the cultures ininteraction. This lecture will briefly illustrate this point, with case studiesand slides.


附件: 教师教学发展中心讲座20150407.doc


相关话题/博士学位 国际 法语 教育 重庆大学