

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05

1.2002/8-2008/5,Duke University,Neurobiology,博士,导师:David Fitzpatrick
3.2010/8-2015/4,美国加州伯克利大学,Research Associate(助理研究员)
4.2008/5-2010/7,美国杜克大学(Duke University),神经生物学,Postdoc(博?后)
(1) Wang D, Wang A, Wu F, Qiu X Li Y* et al (2017) Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to biomaterial encapsulation and microvascularization. Sci Rep. 7: 40295
(2) Li Ye ,Lu Hui ,Cheng Pei-lin,Ge Shaoyu,Xu Huatai,Shi Song-Hai,Dan Yang,Clonally related visual cortical neurons show similar stimulus feature selectivity. Nature,2012,486(7401):118-121。
(3) Li Ye* ,Van Hooser, Stephen D*,Christensson, Maria,Smith, Gordon,White,Leonard E,Fitzpatrick, David,Initial neighborhood biases and the quality of motion stimulation jointly influence the rapid emergence of direction preference in visual cortex. J Neurosci,2012,32(21):7258-7266。
(4) Li Ye ,Van Hooser, Stephen D ,Mazurek, Mark,White, Leonard E,Fitzpatrick,David,Experience with moving visual stimuli drives the early development of cortical direction selectivity. Nature,2008,456(7224):952-956。
(5) Li Ye,Fitzpatrick, David,White, Leonard E,The development of direction selectivity in ferret visual cortex requires early visual experience. Nat Neurosci,2006,9(5):676-681。
(1)Van Hooser DS, Johnson EN, Li Y, Culp J. Arani R, Kasliwal R and Flavahan K (2014)Practical methods for in vivo cortical physiology with 2-photon microscopy and bulkloading of fluorescent calcium indicator dyes.Neuronal Tracing Methods: Tracing Neurons and their connections. 92: 117-41
(2)Li Y, Van Hooser SD, White LE and Fitzpatrick D (2010) Cortex under construction:visual experience and the development of direction selectivity.Cerebral Plasticity:New Perspectives. The MIT Press: 2010
(1)Li A, Wu S, Zhang X and Li Y (2018) Emergence of balanced orientation selectivity in the primary visual cortex (# 501). Cosyne, Denver, Colorado, USA
(2)Li Y (2016), Development origin of the function and circuits organization in the mouse visual cortex, Francis Crick Symposium: Advances in Neuroscience. CSHA, Suzhou,China
(3)Li Y, Lu H, Cheng PL, Ge S, Xu H, Shi SH and Dan Y (2012) Clonally related visual cortical neurons show similar stimulus feature selectivity. Soc.Neurosci. Abstr. 567.11
(4)Corlew RJ*, Li Y*,White LE and Fitzpatrick D (2010) Rapid emergence of direction selective responses in ferret visual cortex without training geniculocortical synapses. Soc.Neurosci. Abstr.
(5)Christensson M*, Li Y*, Van Hooser SD, White LE and Fitzpatick D (2009) Effect of dark rearing on the development of direction preference in developing visual cortex. Soc.Neurosci. Abstr.
(6)Van Hooser SD*, Li Y*, Christensson M, White LE and Fitzpatick D (2008) Emergence and refinement of direction preference in developing visual cortex. Soc.Neurosci.Abstr.
(7)Van Hooser SD*, Li Y*, Mazurek M, White LE and Fitzpatick D (2007) Imaging experience-dependent development of cortical direction selectivity with single-cell. Soc.Neurosci. Abstr. 346.8
(8)Li Y, White LE and Fitzpatrick D (2006) Cortical activation mediates the experience dependent emergence of direction selectivity. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 916.6
(9)Li Y, Fitzpatrick D and White LE (2005) Normal Sensory Experience is necessary for the development of direction selectivity in ferret visual cortex.S oc. Neurosci. Abstr.978.6
发明专利:A Mirror-Neuron based VR Rehabilitation System Li Y et al 8.1 审核中
实?新型专利:?种基于镜像神经元的虚拟现实(VR)康复系统Li Y et al 0.2 批准
1. 国家高层次引进人才青年项目,2015
2. 国家自然科学基?(重?项?)负责人,2016



相关话题/医学院 重庆大学