

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05


1999.7-2001.6 于第三军医大学获外科学硕士
2006.9-2009.6 于第三军医大学获外科学博士
2007.12-2008.8 于北京大学分子医学研究所学习

2009.7-2019.6 陆军军医大学 副教授
2019.7-至今 重庆大学医学院 教授、副研究员


1.Li, T., Yao, J., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Li, J., Wang, X., ... &Yan, J. (2020). Chronic stress impairs male spermatogenesis function and Nectin-3 protein expression in the testis. Physiological Research.69: 297-306.

2.Yao J, Zhang Q, Liao X, Li Q, Liang S, Li X, Zhang Y, Li X, Wang H, Qin H, Wang M, Li J, Zhang J, He W, Zhang W, Li T, Xu F, Gong H, Jia H, Xu X,Yan J*, Chen X.(2018)A corticopontine circuit for initiation of urination. Nat Neurosci. 21(11):1541-1550. (Featured in News and Views) (F1000:Exceptional)
3.Yao J, Li Q, Li X, Qin H, Liang S, Liao X, Chen X, Li W, Yan J*.(2019)Simultaneous Measurement of Neuronal Activity in the Pontine Micturition Center and Cystometry in Freely Moving Mice.Front Neurosci.2019 Jun 25;13:663.Faculty Opinions: Very Good
4.Yang M, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Jia S, Li T, Guan J, Liao X, Leng B, Lyu J, Zhang K, Li M, Gong Y, Zhu Z, Yan J, Zhou Y, Liu JK, Varga Z, Konnerth A, Tang Y, Gao J, Chen X, Jia H. (2019)MATRIEX imaging: multiarea two-photon real-time in vivo explorer. Light Sci Appl. 2019 Nov 28;8:109.
5.Ren S, Wang Y, Yue F, Cheng X, Dang R, Qiao Q, Sun X, Li X, Jiang Q, Yao J, Qin H, Wang G, Liao X, Gao D, Xia J, Zhang J, Hu B,Yan J, Wang Y, Xu M, Han Y, Tang X, Chen X, He C, Hu Z.(2018)The paraventricular thalamus is a critical thalamic area for wakefulness.Science. 362(6413):429-434.
6.Qin H, Fu L, Hu B, Liao X, Lu J, He W, Liang S, Zhang K, Li R, Yao J, Yan J-A, Chen H, Jia H, Zott B, Konnerth A, Chen X.(2018)A visual cue-dependent memory circuit for place navigation.Neuron, 99(1):47-55.
7.Li T, Yao J, Zhang Q, Li Q, Li J, Wang X, Li W, Chen A, Yan J*. Chronic Stress Impairs Male Spermatogenesis Function and Nectin-3 Protein Expression in the Testis.Physiol Res. 2020 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]
8.Li R, Wang M, Yao J, Liang S, Liao X, Yang M, Zhang J,Yan J, Jia H, Chen X, Li X.(2018)Two-Photon Functional Imaging of the Auditory Cortex in Behaving Mice: From Neural Networks to Single Spines.Front Neural Circuits. 24;12:33.
9.Zhang Q, Yao J, Guang Y, Liang S, Guan J, Qin H, Liao X, Jin W, Zhang J, Pan J, Jia H,Yan J, Feng Z, Li W, Chen X. (2017)Locomotion-Related Population Cortical Ca2+ Transients in Freely Behaving Mice. Front Neural Circuits. 7;11:24
10.J Zheng,QW Li,WH,Fu,J Ren,SJ Song, Bo,JA Yan*. (2015)Procalcitonin as an early diagnostic and monitoring tool in urosepsis following percutaneous nephrolithotomy.Urolithiasis. 43:41-47.
11.Meng M, Zheng J,Yan J, Li Q, Fang Q, Li W.(2015)P2X2 and P2X5 Receptors Mediate Bladder Hyperesthesia in ICC in Female Overactive Bladder.Cell Biochem Biophys. 72(2):375-83.
12.WH Fu, QW Li,JW Yao,YQ Wang,XJ Wu,ZS Zhou,WB Li,JA Yan*.(2014)Efficacy and Safety of Parecoxib/Phloroglucinol Combination Therapy Versus Parecoxib Monotherapy for Acute Renal Colic: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial.Cell Biochem Biophys. 69:157-161.
13.WH Fu,JW Yao,Y Huang,QW,Li, JA Yan*.(2014) LXR Agonist Regulates the Carcinogenesis of PCa via the SOCS3 Pathway.Cell Physiol Biochem.33(1):195-204.
14.J Zheng, JA Yan(co-first),ZS Zhou,ZW Chen,X LI,WB Li*.(2014)Concomitant treatment of ureteropelvic junction obstruction and renal calculi with robotic laparoscopic surgery and rigid nephroscopy.Urology. 83(1):237-42.
15.WH Fu, QW Li,JW Yao,J Zheng, JA Yan*.(2014)Protein Expression of Urate Transporters in Renal Tissue of Patients with Uric Acid Nephrolithiasis.Cell Biochem Biophys. 70(1):449-54.
16.WH Fu,ZS Zhou,SJ,Liu, JA Yan*.(2014)The Effect of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) on Semen Parameters in Human Males: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.PLoS One. 9(4):e94991.
17.QW Li,WH Fu,JW Yao, JA Yan*.(2014)Heme Induces IL-1β Secretion Through Activating NLRP3 in Kidney Inflammation. Cell Biochem Biophys. 69(3):495-502.
18.WH Fu,B Song,WB Li,WH Shen,H Ji,Y Wang,JA Yan*.(2011)Ultrastructural features and possible functional role of kit-positive interstitial cells in the guinea pig corpus cavernosum.Int J Impot Res. 23(4):173-9.
19.JA Yan,H Xiao,HX Ji,WH Shen,ZS Zhou,ZW Chen,WB Li*. (2010)Cathepsin L is associated with proliferation and clinical outcome of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder.J Int Med Res. 38(6):1913-22
20.JA Yan, GS Lu,WB Li,ZS Zhou,B Song*. (2009)Diagnosis and treatment: pheochromocytoma in bladder.ANZ Journal of Surgery. 79(7-8)575-576.
21.JA Yan, L Ge,W Huang,B Song,XW Chen*,ZP Yu*. (2008)Orexin affects dorsal root ganglion neurons: a mechanism for regulating the spinal nociceptive processing.Physiol Res. 57(5):797-800.
1.皮层-PAG-PMC环路在调控排尿活动中的作用及神经机制研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023)
2.阴茎海绵体 ICC自发兴奋性及介导神经兴奋传导机制的研究 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2009-2011)
1. 2018年度中国研究型医院学会“最佳临床研究论文奖”(中国,武汉2019.8)
2. 2016年度国际尿石联盟“最佳青年医师奖” (印度,新德里2016.11)
3. 2009年第11届大学生“挑战杯”全国决赛三等奖(北京)重庆赛区特等奖(重庆)



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