

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05



徐洲是重庆大学弘深青年教师(特别资助), 信息物理社会可信服务计算(CPS)教育部重点实验室大数据智能研究所成员。主要从事智能软件工程方面的研究,利用统计学习和人工智能的方法对软件开发过程中产生的历史数据进行分析,以提升软件开发效率和质量。近年来,在软件工程领域顶级和高水平国际会议和期刊上发表论文20余篇,包括FSE, ASE, SANER, ISSRE, ICPC, QRS, COMPSAC, JSS, IST, IET Software, TR等,与香港理工大学、香港城市大学、澳门科技大学、澳大利亚蒙纳士大学、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、武汉大学、华中科技大学、南开大学、西安交通大学、上海科技大学等高校建立了紧密的合作关系。欢迎本科生提前参与科研,优秀者可以留实验室或推荐到境外、海外继续深造。感兴趣的同学可发邮件咨询。
[2021/08] Our paper "Contextual-Semantic-Aware Linkable Knowledge Prediction in Stack Overflow via Self-Attention" has been accepted to ISSRE (CCF-B) as a regular paper..
[2021/07] Our paper "A Compositional Model for Effort-Aware Just-In-Time Defect Prediction on Android Apps" has been accepted to IET Software (CCF B).
[2021/07] Our paper "The Impact of Log Parsers on Anomaly Detection" has been accepted to DSA conference.
[2021/06] Our paper "A Comprehensive Investigation of the Impact of Feature Selection Techniques on Crashing Fault Residence Prediction Models" has been accepted to IST (CCF B).
[2021/05] 我们的文章"代码自然性及其应用研究进展" 被软件学报录用(CCF A中文期刊).
[2021/04] Our paper "Effective Prediction of Bug-Fixing Priority via Weighted Graph Convolutional Networks" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1).
[2021/03] Our paper "Predicting Crash Fault Residence via Simplified Deep Forest Based on A Reduced Feature Set" has been accepted to ICPC 2021 (CCF B).
[2021/03] Our paper "Imbalanced Metric Learning for Crashing Fault Residence Prediction" has been accepted to Journal First Track at ICPC 2021 (CCF B).
[2021/03] Our paper "Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Bug Prediction for Mobile Apps via Cross-triplet Deep Feature Embedding" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1).
[2021/02] Our paper "Simplified Deep Forest Model based Just-in-Time Defect Prediction for Android Mobile Apps" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1).
[2020/12] Our paper "Two-Stage Attention-Based Model for Code Search with Textual and Structural Features" has been accepted to SANER conference as a regular paper (CCF B).
[2020/12] Our paper "Just-in-Time Defect Prediction for Android Apps via Imbalanced Deep Learning Model" has been accepted to SAC conference as a regular paper (CORE B).
[2020/11] Our paper "DeepDT: Generative Adversarial Network for High-Resolution Climate Prediction" has been accepted to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (CCF-C, JCR Q1).
[2020/11] Our paper "A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Clustering-based Unsupervised Defect Prediction Models" has been accepted to JSS (CCF-B).
[2020/10] Our paper "Feature Selection and Embedding Based Cross Project Framework for Identifying Crashing Fault Residence" has been accepted to IST (CCF-B).
[2020/08] Our paper "Noisy-As-Clean: Learning Self-supervised Denoising from Corrupted Image" has been accepted to TIP (JCR Q1, CCF-A).
[2020/08] Our paper "Deep Learning Based Valid Bug Reports Determination and Explanation" has been accepted to ISSRE (CCF-B) as a regular paper.
[2020/08] Our paper "Improving Log-Based Anomaly Detection with Component-Aware Analysis" has been accepted to ICSME (CCF-B) as a NIER paper.
[2020/07] Our paper "Imbalanced Metric Learning for Crashing Fault Residence Prediction" has been accepted to JSS (CCF-B, JSS ranks the second among the conference and journal papers in Software Systems domain according to the latest data of Google Scholar).
[2020/07] Our paper "Simplified Deep Forest Model based Just-In-Time Defect Prediction for Android Mobile Apps" has been accepted to QRS (CCF-C) as a regular paper and recommended to the IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1).
[2020/07] Our paper "STAN:Towards Describing Bytecodes of Smart Contract" has been accepted to QRS (CCF-C) as a regular paper.

[2020/07] Our paper "Interpretation Area-Guided Detection of Adversarial Samples" has been accepted to QRS-EAVS workshop.
[2020/05] Our paper "All Your App Links are Belong to Us: Understanding the Threats of Instant Apps based Attacks" has been accepted to FSE (CCF-A).
[2020/04] Our paper "Blocking Bug Prediction Based on XGBoost with Enhanced Features" has been accepted to COMPSAC (CCF-C) as a regular paper.
[2020/03] Our paper "Bug Severity Prediction Using Question-and-Answer Pairs from Stack Overflow" has been accepted to JSS (JCR Q1, CCF-B).
[2020/02] Our paper "Group Sparse Additive Machine with Average Top-k Loss" has been accepted to Neurocomputing (JCR Q1, CCF-C).

[1] 中国博士后基金面上资助,2020.7-2022.6, 在研,主持.
[2] 重庆市自然科学基金博士后科学基金,2020.9-2022.8, 在研,主持.
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2022.1-2024.12, 在研,主持.

[20] Kunsong Zhao, Zhou Xu*, Meng Yan, Lei Xue, Wei Li, and Gemma Catolino. "A Compositional Model for Effort-Aware Just-In-Time Defect Prediction on Android Apps". IET Software (IET Software, CCF-B), 2021.
[19] Kunsong Zhao, Zhou Xu*, Meng Yan, Tao Zhang, Dan Yang, and Wei Li. "A Comprehensive Investigation of the Impact of Feature Selection Techniques on Crashing Fault Residence Prediction Models". Information and Software Technology (IST, CCF-B), 2021.
[18] Sen Fang, Youshuai Tan, Tao Zhang, Zhou Xu, Hui Liu. "Effective Prediction of Bug-Fixing Priority via Weighted Graph Convolutional Networks". IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1, IF:3.177), 2021.
[17] Zhou Xu, Kunsong Zhao, Tao Zhang, Chunlei Fu, Meng Yan, Zhiwen Xie, Xiaohong Zhang, and Gemma Catolino. "Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Bug Prediction for Mobile Apps via Cross-triplet Deep Feature Embedding". IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1, IF:3.177), 2021.
[16] Kunsong Zhao, Zhou Xu*, Tao Zhang*, Yutian Tang, and Meng Yan. "Simplified Deep Forest Model based Just-in-Time Defect Prediction for Android Mobile Apps". IEEE Transactions on Reliability (JCR Q1, IF:3.177), 2021.
[15] Jianxin Cheng, Jin Liu, Qiuming Kuang, Zhou Xu, Chenkai Shen, Wang Liu, and Kang Zhou. "DeepDT: Generative Adversarial Network for High-Resolution Climate Prediction". IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (JCR Q1, IF:3.833, CCF-C), 2020.
[14] Zhou Xu, Li Li, Meng Yan, Jin Liu, Xiapu Luo, John Grundy, Yifeng Zhang, and Xiaohong Zhang. "A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Clustering-based Unsupervised Defect Prediction Models". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS, CCF-B), 2020.
[13] Zhou Xu, Tao Zhang, Jacky Keung, Meng Yan, Xiapu Luo, Xiaohong Zhang, Ling Xu, and Yutian Tang. "Feature Selection and Embedding Based Cross Project Framework for Identifying Crashing Fault Residence". Information and Software Technology (IST, CCF-B), 2020.
[12] Zhou Xu, Kunsong Zhao, Meng Yan, Peipei Yuan, Ling Xu, Yan Lei, and Xiaohong Zhang. "Imbalanced Metric Learning for Crashing Fault Residence Prediction". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS, CCF-B), 2020.
[11] Youshuai Tan, Sijie Xu, Zhaowei Wang, Tao Zhang, Zhou Xu, and Xiapu Luo. "Bug Severity Prediction Using Question-and-Answer Pairs from Stack Overflow". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS, JCR Q1, IF:2.559, CCF-B), 2020.
[10] Peipei Yuan, Xinge You, HongChen, Qinmu Peng, Yue Zhao, Zhou Xu, Xiaoyuan Jing, and Zhenyu He. "Group Sparse Additive Machine with Average Top-k Loss". Neurocomputing (JCR Q1, IF:4.072, CCF-C), 2020.
[9] Zhou Xu, Jin Liu, Xiapu Luo, Zijiang Yang, Yifeng Zhang, Peipei Yuan, Yutian Tang, and Tao Zhang. "Software Defect Prediction Based on Kernel PCA and Weighted Extreme Learning Machine", Information and Software Technology (IST, JCR Q1, IF:2.921, CCF-B), 2019.
[8] Zhou Xu, Shuai Li, Xiapu Luo, Jin Liu, Tao Zhang, Yutian Tang, Jun Xu, Peipei Yuan, and Jacky Keung, "TSTSS: A Two-Stage Training Subset Selection Framework for Cross Version Defect Prediction". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS, JCR Q1, IF:2.559, CCF-B), 2019.
[7] Zhou Xu, Shuai Li, Jun Xu, Jin Liu, Xiapu Luo, Yifeng Zhang, Tao Zhang, Jacky Keung, and Yutian Tang. "LDFR: Learning Deep Feature Representation for Software Defect Prediction". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS, JCR Q1, IF:2.559, CCF-B), 2019.
[6] Zhou Xu, Shuai Pang, Tao Zhang, Xiapu Luo, Jin Liu, Yutian Tang, Xiao Yu, and Lei Xue, "Cross Project Defect Prediction Via Balanced Distribution Adaptation Based Transfer Learning". Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST, JCR Q3, IF:1.185, CCF-B), 2019.
[5] Tao Zhang, Haoming Li, Zhou Xu, Jian Liu, Rubing Huang, and Yiran Shen, "Labeling Issue Reports in Mobile Apps". IET Software, (JCR Q4, IF:0.695, CCF-B), 2019.
[4] Xiao Yu, Jin Liu, Jacky Wai Keung, Qing Li, Kwabena Ebo Bennin, Zhou Xu, Junping Wang, Xiaohui Cui, "Improving Ranking-Oriented Defect Prediction Using a Cost-Sensitive Ranking SVM". IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TR, JCR Q1, IF:2.888), 2019.
[3] Yiheng Jian, Xiao Yu, Zhou Xu*, Ziyi Ma, "A Hybrid Feature Selection Method for Software Fault Prediction". IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (JCR Q4, IF:0.576), 2019.
[2] Zhou Xu, Peipei Yuan, Tao Zhang, Yutian Tang, Shuai Li, and Zhen Xia, "HDA: Cross-Project Defect Prediction via Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation With Dictionary Learning". IEEE Access (JCR Q1, IF:4.098), 2018.
[1] Yinghao Zhang, Xiaoyan Deng, Zhou Xu, and Peipei Yuan, "Watermelon Ripeness Detection via Extreme Learning Machine with Kernel Principal Component Analysis based on Acoustic Signals". International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI, JCR Q4, IF:1.11, CCF-C), 2018.

[22] Zhaolin Luo, Ling Xu, Zhou Xu, Meng Yan, Yan Lei, Can Li. "Contextual-Semantic-Aware Linkable Knowledge Prediction in Stack Overflow via Self-Attention". The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE, CCF-B), 2021
[21] Ying Fu, Meng Yan, Zhou Xu, Xiaohong Zhang and Dan Yang. "The Impact of Log Parsers on Anomaly Detection". The 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA), 2021.
[20] Kunsong Zhao, Jin Liu*, Zhou Xu*, Li Li, Meng Yan, Jiaojiao Yu, Yuxuan Zhou. "Predicting Crash Fault Residence via Simplified Deep Forest Based on A Reduced Feature Set". The 29th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC, CCF-B), 2021.
[19] Ling Xu, Huanhuan Yang, Chao Liu, Jianhang Shuai, Meng Yan, Yan Lei, Zhou Xu. "Two-Stage Attention-Based Model for Code Search with Textual and Structural Features". The 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER, CCF-B), 2021.
[18] Kunsong Zhao, Zhou Xu*, Meng Yan, Yutian Tang, Ming Fan, and Gemma Catolino. "Just-in-Time Defect Prediction for Android Apps via Imbalanced Deep Learning Model". The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC, CORE-B), 2020.
[17] Jianjun He, Ling Xu, Yuanrui Fan, Zhou Xu, Meng Yan, and Yan Lei. "Deep Learning Based Valid Bug Reports Determination and Explanation". The 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE, CCF-B), 2020.
[16] Kun Yin, Meng Yan, Ling Xu, Zhou Xu, Zhao Li, Dan Yang, and Xiaohong Zhang. "Improving Log-Based Anomaly Detection with Component-Aware Analysis". The 36th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution-NIER track (ICSME, CCF-B), 2020.
[15] Xiaoqi Li, Ting Chen, Xiapu Luo, Tao Zhang, Le Yu, and Zhou Xu. "STAN: Towards Describing Bytecodes of Smart Contract". The 20thIEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS, CCF-C), 2020.
[14] Jiali Wei, Ming Fan, Xi Xu, Ang Jia, Zhou Xu, and Lei Xue. "Interpretation Area-Guided Detection of Adversarial Samples". The 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security-Workshop on Electrical and Autonomous Vehicle Software (QRS-EAVS, CCF-C), 2020.
[13] Yutian Tang, Yulei Sui, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo*, Hao Zhou, and Zhou Xu*. "All Your App Links are Belong to Us: Understanding the Threats of Instant Apps based Attacks". The 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE, CCF-A), 2020.
[12] Xiaoyun Cheng, Naming Liu, Lin Guo, Zhou Xu*, and Tao Zhang. "Blocking Bug Prediction Based on XGBoost with Enhanced Features".The 44th IEEE Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC, CCF-C), 2020.
[11] Zhou Xu, Tao Zhang, Yifeng Zhang, Yutian Tang, Jin Liu, Xiapu Luo, Jacky Keung, and Xiaohui Cui. "Identifying Crashing Fault Residence Based on Cross Project Model". The30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE, CCF-B), 2019.
[10] Yutian Tang, Xian Zhan, Hao Zhou, Xiapu Luo, Zhou Xu, Yajin Zhou, and Yiben Yan. "Demystifying Application Performance Management Libraries for Android". The34th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE, CCF-A New Ideas Paper), 2019.
[9] Xiao Yu, Kwabena Ebo Bennin, Jin Liu, Jacky Wai Keung, Xiaofei Yin, and Zhou Xu. "An Empirical Study of Learning to Rank Techniques for Effort-Aware Defect Prediction". The26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER, CCF-B), 2019.
[8] Zhou Xu, Sizhe Ye, Tao Zhang, Zhen Xia, Shuai Pang, Yong Wang, and Yutian Tang. "MVSE: Effort- Aware Heterogeneous Defect Prediction via Multiple-View Spectral Embedding".The 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS, CCF-C), 2019.
[7] Zhou Xu, Jin Liu, Xiapu Luo, and Tao Zhang. "Cross-version defect prediction via hybrid active learning with kernel principal component analysis". The25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER, CCF-B), 2018.
[6] Zhou Xu, Shuai Li, Yutian Tang, Xiapu Luo, Tao Zhang, Jin Liu, and Jun Xu. "Cross Version Defect Prediction with Representative Data via Sparse Subset Selection". The26th International Conference on International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC, CCF-B), 2018.
[5] Maoyuan Zhang, Qi Wang, Zhou Xu, Jianping Zhu, Shuyuan Sun, and Yang Wen. "Category-Embodied Knowledge Embedding". The25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, CCF-C), 2018.
[4] Zhou Xu, Jin Liu, Zhen Xia, and Peipei Yuan. "An Empirical Study on the Equivalence and Stability of Feature Selection for Noisy Software Defect Data". The29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE, CCF-C), 2017.
[3] Jin Liu, Yiqiuzi Tian, Liang Hong, Xu Chen, and Zhou Xu. "Developer Recommendation with Awareness of Accuracy and Cost". The28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE, CCF-C), 2016.
[2] Zhou Xu, Jin Liu, Zijiang Yang, Gege An, and Xiangyang Jia. "The impact of feature selection on defect prediction performance: An empirical comparison". The27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE, CCF-B), 2016.
[1] Zhou Xu, Jifeng Xuan, Jin Liu, and Xiaohui Cui. "MICHAC: Defect prediction via feature selection based on maximal information coefficient with hierarchical agglomerative clustering". The23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER, CCF-B), 2016.

[1] 陈浙哲,鄢萌,夏鑫,刘忠鑫,徐洲,雷晏."代码自然性及其应用研究进展". 软件学报, 2021. (一级学报,CCF-A类中文期刊).

[5] 徐洲;?鄢萌;?胡予星;?赵焜松;?张小洪;?徐玲;?雷晏. 一种软件崩溃故障位置定位方法, 发明型,中国,2020
[4] 徐洲;?鄢萌;?张炜晗;?赵焜松;?张小洪; 雷晏;?徐玲. 基于深度特征嵌入的跨移动应用程序即时缺陷预测方法, 发明型,中国,2020
[3] 徐玲;?李灿;?张文燕;?鄢萌;?雷晏;?徐洲;?张小洪;?王成良. 结合深度学习和协同过滤技术的复合标签推荐方法, 发明型,中国,2020
[2] 徐玲;?帅鉴航;?鄢萌;?刘超;?雷晏;?徐洲;?何健军;?张文燕;?李灿;?王备. 一种基于共同注意力表征学习的代码搜索方法, 发明型,中国,2020
[1] 徐洲;?伍蔓;?余啸;?彭伟强;?叶思哲;?刘进. 一种基于核主成分分析和极限学习机的软件缺陷预测方法, 发明型,中国,2017(已授权)

2020 武汉大学优秀毕业生
2019 阮立平奖学金
2018 博士生国家奖学金
2018 博士生二等学业奖学金
2017, 2018 计算机学院博士生论坛二等奖
2018 第一届软件质量保障论坛优秀讲者荣誉称号
2017, 2018, 2019 优秀研究生
2016, 2017 博士生一等学业奖学金
2016 王星拱校长纪念奖学金
2014 研究生新生一等奖学金
2014 华中农业大学优秀毕业生
2011, 2012, 2013 国家励志奖学金
2012 全国大学生数学建模竞赛湖北省一等奖
2012 华中地区数学建模竞赛三等奖
2011, 2012, 2013 三好学生
2011, 2012, 2013 学习成绩优秀奖

上一条: 廖军

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