博士,三级教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,重庆市****科学基金获得者,2014-2019年连续六次入选“Elsevier中国高被引****”,IEEE高级会员,中国密码学会高级会员,中国图象图形学会高级会员,ACM/中国计算机学会/中国人工智能学会会员, 中国密码学会混沌保密通信专委会委员、中国密码学会青年工作委员会委员,中国图象图形学会数字媒体取证与安全专委会委员,中国人工智能学会人工智能与安全专委会委员。
2005年6月毕业于重庆大学计算机软件与理论专业,获工学博士学位;2006年1月至2008年6月在重庆大学控制科学与工程博士后流动站作博士后研究;2008年12月至2009年12月由国家公派到美国New Jersey Institute of Technology计算机系做访问****;2019年由国家公派到澳大利亚Deakin University信息学院做高级研究****。
已在包括IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-Ⅱ、IEEE Transactions on Multimedia、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Signal Processing Letters、Information Sciences、Nonlinear Dynamics、Electronics Letters、Signal Processing等国内外重要学术刊物上发表相关学术论文100余篇(第一或通讯作者80余篇)。此外,在科学出版社出版学术专著《混沌密码学原理及其应用》(第二作者),并分别受邀参编德国Springer出版社和美国CRC出版社出版的两本安全专著Chaos-based Cryptography和Multimedia Security:Watermarking, Steganography, and Forensics。参与申请获准国家发明专利2项。
[1]Hui Wang,Di Xiao*,Min Li, Yanping Xiang, Xinyan Li. A visually secure image encryption scheme based on parallel compressive sensing. ,Signal Processing,2019, 155, 218-232.
[2]Di Xiao, Jia Liang, Qingqing Ma, Yanping Xiang, Yushu Zhang. High Capacity Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Compressive Sensing for Nonequivalent Resources.Computers, Materials & Continua,2019, 58(1): 1-13.
[3] Yanping Xiang,Di Xiao*, Hui Wang and Xinyang Li. A Secure Image Tampering Detection and Self-recovery Scheme Using POB Number System over Cloud,Signal Processing,2019,162: 282-295.
[4] Mengdi Wang,Di Xiao*, Yanping Xiang and Hui Wang.Privacy-aware Controllable Compressed Data Publishing against Sparse Estimation Attack in Internet of Things,IEEE Internet-of-things Journal, Accepted.
[5] Mengdi Wang,Di Xiao*and Zihang Ao. A novel privacy-preserving data gathering scheme in WSN based on compressive sensing and embedding,53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019), Accepted. (CCF推荐会议)
[6] Bo Zhang,Di Xiao*, Zhenyu Zhang, Lei Yang, Sen Bai. Compressing encrypted images by using 2D compressed sensing,21st High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2019), Accepted. (CCF推荐会议)
[1]Hui Wang,Di Xiao*,Xin Chen, Hongyu Huang. Cryptanalysis and enhancement of an image encryption scheme using three 1-D chaotic maps,Signal Processing,2018, 144: 444-452.
[2]Rui Zhang,Di Xiao*, and Yanting Chang.A Novel Image Authentication with Tamper Localization and Self-Recovery in Encrypted Domain Based on Compressive Sensing.Security and Communication Networks,2018, Article ID **, 15 pages.
[3]Di Xiao, Juan Zhao, Mengdi Wang, Yong Wang.Controllable High-capacity Separable Data Hidingin Encrypted Images by Compressive Sensing and Data Pretreatment.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(18), 23949-23968.
[1]Di Xiao, Lan Wang, Tao Xiang, Yong Wang, Multi-focus Image Fusion and Robust Encryption Algorithm Based on Compressive Sensing,Optics & Laser Technology,2017, 91: 212-225.
[2]Di Xiao, Yanping Xiang, Hongying Zheng and Yong Wang. Separable reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on pixel value ordering and additive homomorphism,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017,45:1–10.
[3]Di Xiao, Yanting Chang, Tao Xiang, Sen Bai. A Watermarking Algorithm in Encrypted Image Based on Compressed Sensing with High Quality Image Reconstruction and Watermark Performance.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2017, 76(7): 9265-9296.
[4] Guiqiang Hu,Di Xiao*, Tao Xiang, Sen Bai, Yushu Zhang,A Compressive Sensing based privacy preserving outsourcing of image storage and identity authentication service in cloud,Information Sciences,2017, 387: 132 – 145.
[5]Guiqiang Hu,Di Xiao*, Yushu Zhang, Tao Xiang. An efficient chaotic image cipher with dynamic lookup table driven bit-level permutation strategy,Nonlinear Dynamics,2017, 87(2): 1359-1375.
[6]Guiqiang Hu,Di Xiao*, Yong Wang, Xinyan Li. Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image cipher using Latin square-based confusion and diffusion,Nonlinear Dynamics,2017, 88(2): 1305-1316.
[7] Guiqiang Hu,Di Xiao*, Yong Wang, Tao Xiang. Yushu Zhang, An image coding scheme using parallel compressive sensing for simultaneous compression-encryption applications,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2017,44:116–127.
[8]Guiqiang Hu,Di Xiao*, Yong Wang, Tao Xiang, Securing image information using double random phase encoding and parallel compressive sensing with updated sampling processes,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2017, 98: 123-133.
[9]Di Xiao, Ying Wang, Tao Xiang and Sen Bai. High-payload complete reversible data hiding in encrypted images by interpolation technique,Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(11): 1732-1743.
[1]Di Xiao, Qingqing Fu, Tao Xiang and Yushu Zhang. Chaotic Image Encryption of Regions of Interest,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2016, 26 (11):** (15 pages).
[2]Yushu Zhang,Di Xiao*, Kwok-Wo Wong, Jiantao Zhou, Sen Bai and Moting Su.Perturbation meets key-based interval splitting arithmetic coding: security enhancement and chaos generalization.Security and communication networks, 2016,9(1):43-53.
[3] Ayesha Kulsoom,Di Xiao*, Aqeel-ur-Rehman and Syed Ali Abbas. An efficient and noise resistive selective image encryption scheme for gray images based on chaotic maps and DNA complementary rules.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2016,75(1): 1-23.
[4]Hong Liu,Di Xiao*,Yunpeng Xiao,Yushu Zhang. Robust image hashing with tampering recovery capability via low-rank and sparse representation.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2016, 75(13): 7681-7696.
[5]Ming Li,Di Xiao*, Yushu Zhang, Reversible data hiding in block compressed sensing images,ETRI Journal, 2016, 38(1): 159-163.
[6]Di Xiao, Hongkun Cai, Yong Wang, Sen Bai.High-capacity separable data hiding in encrypted image based on compressive sensing.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2016, 75(21): 13779-13789.
[7]Ming Li,Di Xiao*, Hong Liu, Sen Bai, A recoverable chaos-based fragile watermarking with high PSNR preservation, Security and Communication Networks, 2016,9(14):2371-2386.
[8] Hong Liu,Di Xiao*, Rui Zhang, Yushu Zhang, Sen Bai. Robust and hierarchical watermarking of encrypted images based on compressive sensing.Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2016, 45: 41–51.
[1]Di Xiao, Shulei Hu, Hongying Zheng, A high capacity combined reversible watermarking scheme for 2-D CAD engineering graphics,Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74(6):2109–2126.
[2] Di Xiao, Hong-kun Cai , Hong-ying Zheng. A joint image encryption and watermarking algorithm based on compressive sensing and chaotic map,Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24(6): 060505
[3]Yushu Zhang,Di Xiao*, Wenying Wen, Hai Nan, Moting Su.Secure binary arithmetic coding based on digitalized modified logistic map and linear feedback shift register.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 27(1-3): 22-29.
[4] Ming Li,Di Xiao*, Ayesha Kulsoom, Yushu Zhang. An Improved Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Images Using Full Embedding Strategy.Electronics Letters,2015, 51(9): 690-691.
[5]Di Xiao, Mimi Deng, Xinyi Zhu. A reversible image authentication scheme based on compressive sensing.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2015, 74(18): 7729-7752.
[6]肖迪,邓秘密,张玉书.基于压缩感知的鲁棒可分离的密文域水印算法,电子与信息学报, 2015, 37(5): 1248-1254.
[8] Ming Li,Di Xiao, Yushu Zhang, Hai Nan. Reversible data hiding in encrypted image using crossing division and additive homomorphism,Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2015, 39: 234-248.
[9]Hong Liu,Di Xiao*,YanbingLiu,Yushu Zhang.Securely compressive sensing using double random phase encoding,Optik, 2015, 126: 2663-2670.
[1]基于压缩编码的GIF图像加密方法, ZL2.3,2015
[2]一种印刷品数字水印嵌入与提取装置以及方法, ZL8.4, 2011
[3]一种电子邮件加密收发系统, ZL5.3, 2009
[1]混沌密码学原理及其应用(著作)(2,科学出版社, 2009,76).
[2]重庆市科技计划项目基础科学与前沿技术研究专项重点项目,cstc2017jcyjBX0008, 资源约束环境下融合压缩感知的图像数据安全关键技术研究,重庆市科委,项目负责人
[1]重庆市自然科学二等奖,数字混沌密码体制构建与关键算法研究, 2013年度,排名第一
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
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