

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


2005.09 - 2011.06,重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院 硕博联读

2020.09 - 至今 ,重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院 教授/博导
2014.07 - 2020.09 重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院 副教授/博导
期间:2016.03 - 2017.03 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 访问****
2011.07-2014.06重庆大学土木工程博士后流动站 暖通空调(博士后)
2007.05-2010.12 财政部经济建设司、住建部建筑节能与科技司 借调工作




[1] Ma M, Ma X, Cai W*, et al. Low carbon roadmap of residential building sector in China: Historical mitigation and prospective peak[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 273: 115247.
[2] Huo T, Ma Y, Cai W*, et al. Will the urbanization process influence the peak of carbon emissions in the building sector? A dynamic scenario simulation[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020: 110590.
[3] Huo, Tengfei; Li, Xiaohui; Cai, Weiguang*; et al. Exploring the impact of urbanization on urban building carbon emissions in China: Evidence from a provincial panel data model[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 56:102068.
[4] Chen L, Cai W*, Ma M. Decoupling or delusion? Mapping carbon emission per capita based on the human development index in Southwest China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 741: 138722.
[5] Gao J, Zhong X, Cai W*, et al. Dilution effect of the building area on energy intensity in urban residential buildings[J]. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-9.
[6] Huo T, Tang M, Cai W*, et al. Provincial total-factor energy efficiency considering floor space under construction: An empirical analysis of China’s construction industry[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 244: 118749.
[7] Ma M, Ma X, Cai W*, et al. Carbon-dioxide mitigation in the residential building sector: A household scale-based assessment[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111915.
[8] Shi Q, Ren H, Cai W*, et al. How to set the proper level of carbon tax in the context of Chinese construction sector? A CGE analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 240: 117955.
[9] Wang X, Feng W, Cai W*, et al. Do residential building energy efficiency standards reduce energy consumption in China?–A data-driven method to validate the actual performance of building energy efficiency standards[J]. Energy Policy, 2019, 131: 82-98.
[10] Liang Y, Cai W*, Ma M. Carbon dioxide intensity and income level in the Chinese megacities' residential building sector: Decomposition and decoupling analyses[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 677: 315-327.
[11] Ma M, Cai W*, Cai W, et al. Whether carbon intensity in the commercial building sector decouples from economic development in the service industry? Empirical evidence from the top five urban agglomerations in China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 222: 193-205.
[12] Huo T, Cai W*, et al. China’s building stock estimation and energy intensity analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,207:801-813. [13] Ma M, Cai W*, Wu Y. China Act on the Energy Efficiency of Civil Buildings (2008): A decade review[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 651:42-60.(ESI热点、ESI高被引)
[14] Huo T, Ren H, Cai W*. Estimating urban residential building-related energy consumption and energy intensity in China based on improved building stock turnover model[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 650: 427-437.(ESI高被引)
[15] Ma M, Cai W*. Do commercial building sector-derived carbon emissions decouple from the economic growth in Tertiary Industry? A case study of four municipalities in China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 650:822-834.(ESI热点、ESI高被引)
[16] Ma M, Cai W, Cai W*. Carbon abatement in China’s commercial building sector: A bottom-up measurement model based on Kaya-LMDI methods[J]. Energy, 2018,165:350-368.(ESI热点、ESI高被引)
[17] Ma M, Cai W*. What drives the carbon mitigation in Chinese commercial building sector? Evidence from decomposing an extended Kaya identity[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 634: 884-899.(ESI热点、ESI高被引)
[18] Huo T, Ren H, Zhang X, Cai W*,et al. China's energy consumption in the building sector: A Statistical Yearbook-Energy Balance Sheet based splitting method[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 185: 665-679.(ESI高被引)
[19] Ma M, Yan R, Cai W*. A STIRPAT model-based methodology for calculating energy savings in China’s existing civil buildings from 2001 to 2015[J]. Natural Hazards, 2017, 87(3): 1-17.(ESI高被引,ESI研究前沿核心论文)
[20] M Ma, R Yan, Y Du, X Ma, W Cai*, P Xu. A methodology to assess China's building energy savings at the national level: An IPAT–LMDI model approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 143: 784-793.(ESI高被引,ESI热点,ESI研究前沿核心论文)
[21] Cai W.G,* Wu Y, Zhong Y, et al. China building energy consumption: situation, challenges and corresponding measures[J]. Energy policy, 2009, 37(6): 2054-2059.(Web of Science 引用次数156,2019年11月)
[22] Zhong Y, Cai W.G*, Wu Y, et al. Incentive mechanism design for the residential building energy efficiency improvement of heating zones in North China[J]. Energy policy, 2009, 37(6): 2119-2123. * 为通讯作者

科研项目[1] 国家社会科学基金一般项目,基于公平与效率耦合的建筑能耗总量省际分配研究(19BJY065),2019-2021,在研,主持
[2] 科技部重点研究计划,绿色宜居村镇建设模式与发展战略(2018YFC**),2018-2022,在研,子课题负责人
[3] 科技部重点研究计划,绿色宜居村镇建设评价体系关键技术研究(2018YFD**),2018-2022,在研,子课题负责人
[4] 科技部重点研究计划,既有城市工业区功能提升与改造诊断评估技术与策划方法研究(2018YFC**),2018-2021,在研,子课题负责人
[5] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(四期),2020/7-2021/6,在研,主持
[6] 住房和城乡建设部建筑业改革课题,建设工程咨询服务市场主体权责界定及现行法规体系评估 ,2020,结题,主持
[7] 住房和城乡建设部建筑业改革课题,建造师执业资格考试制度改革研究 ,2019,结题,主持
[8] 中国建筑协会项目,建筑能耗数据测算与公共建筑节能市场模式研究 ,2019,结题,主持
[9] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(三期),2017/11-2018/10,结题,主持
[10] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(二期),2016/11-2017/10,结题,主持
[11] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,中国建筑节能协会能耗数据发布支撑体系研究(一期),2015/09-2016/08,结题,主持
[12] 重庆市建委科技项目,重庆市民用建筑能耗调查与节能贡献率测算,2016/03-2016/12,结题,主持
[13] 重庆市科委绿色建筑主题专项课题,绿色建筑推广市场机制与政策设计(cstc2015-ztzx0174),2016/02-2018/12,结题,主持
[14] 教育部人文社科青年项目,中国建筑节能核心数据量化研究(15YJC630003),2015/09-2018/08,结题,主持
[15] 重庆市建委科技项目,重庆市公共建筑节能改造PPP模式实施方案研究,2015/06-2016/02,结题,主持
[16] 重庆市社会科学规划项目-培育项目,重庆市全社会建筑节能量计算与节能潜力预测研究(2014PY55),2015/01-2017/12,结题,主持
[17] 住房和城乡建设部科技计划项目,宏观建筑节能量核算研究,2014/01-2015/12,结题,主持
[18] 住房和城乡建设部节能省地型建筑专项, 绿色生态城区规模化推广绿色建筑路径及模式研究,2013, 结题,主研
[19] 能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,建筑能耗计算与节能潜力预测方法研究,2012/08-2013/10,结题,主持
[20] 重庆巴南区, 巴南区木洞镇国家绿色重点小城镇示范技术支撑, 2011,主持;
[21] 住房和城乡建设部节能省地型建筑专项,公共建筑能效交易机制设计与激励政策研究,2011,结题,主研
[22] 住房和城乡建设部节能省地型建筑专项,大型公共建筑节能改造激励政策研究,2009,结题,主研
[23] 住房和城乡建设部可再生能源建筑应用专项,太阳能在建筑领域规模化应用激励政策研究,2008,结题,主研

获奖情况[1] 2020年,重庆英才·青年拔尖人才;
[2] 2019年,重庆大学优秀青年教师;
[3] 2019年,九三学社沙坪坝区委“优秀社员”;
[4] 2018年,研究成果“太阳能在建筑领域规模化应用激励政策研究”获重庆市社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖;
[5] 2018年,Science of The Total Environment期刊杰出审稿人
[6] 2017年,Journal of Cleaner Production期刊杰出审稿人
[7] 2015年,获重庆大学第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖、教案设计第一名;
[8] 2013年,研究成果“太阳能在建筑领域规模化应用激励政策研究”获重庆市建设创新奖三等奖;
[9] 2013年,第一作者论文“我国建筑碳交易框架构建关键问题研究”获全国土木工程博士后学术论坛优秀论文奖二等奖

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