

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04

姓 名









2009-至今国际期刊“Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology”编委


1989.09-1993.07 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 环境工程 工学学士
1997.09-1999.07 哈尔滨建筑大学 环境工程 工学硕士
2000.09-2004.07 哈尔滨工业大学 环境工程 工学博士
1993.07-1998.08 哈尔滨建筑大学 助教
1998.09-2003.08 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院 讲师
2003.09-2012.11 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院 副教授
2012.12-2018.05 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院 教授、博导
2014.05-2018.05 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院 教授、博导、系主任
2016.03-2018.01 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院 教授、院长助理
2018.06至今 重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院 教授、博导
2005.12-2007.12 荷兰IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, 国家公派访问****
2013.10-2013.11 以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学,访问****
2016.12-2017.3 美国加州大学伯克利分校,国家公派高级研究****
多次受欧盟Erasmus项目资助,在荷兰IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft,做客座教授。


1. 国家重点研发计划项目课题“不同供用水模式下的公共建筑供水系统效能评价方法及基准指标体系”(2018YFC**),2018.1-2021.12。
2. 国家重点研发计划项目“***水资源安全保障技术研究与工程示范(2016YFC**)” 课题“**储存和净化设施效能评估与运行优化研究研究(2016YFC**)”,2016.6-2018.6。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于微生物群体感应的菌-藻共生好氧颗粒污泥形成机理及“菌-藻”互作机制(**)”,2018.1-2021.12。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“弱电场-活性铁协同强化好氧颗粒污泥形成的作用机理及结构稳定性控 制研究(**)”,2020.1-2023.12。
5. 国家水体污染控制与治理重大科技专项“饮用水安全保障技术体系综合集成与实施战略(2017ZX07502-003)”-子课题,2017.1-2020.6。
6. 哈工大科学家工作室研究课题“群体感应信号分子在菌-藻好氧颗粒污泥“互作”中的影响与机理(HSCJ201710)”,2017.1-2018.12。
7. 国家重点实验室自主课题“高效活性及选择性催化剂的制备及催化还原去除水中硝酸盐的效能与机理”,2016.6-2018.12。
8. 国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项“十二五”课题“给水系统运行特性与工艺设计技术研究”,2012.1-2017.6。
9. 国家重点实验室自主课题“腐植酸/PVDF催化超滤膜去除水中硝酸盐的效能与机理”,2013.1-2015.12。


已在Water Research, Applied Catalysis B: Environment, Renewable & Sustainable Energy, Journal of Membrane Science(中科院I区,Top期刊,IF6.035)、Chemical Engineering Journal(中科院I区,Top期刊,IF6.216)、Journal of Hazardous Materials (中科院I区,Top期刊,IF6.605)、Desalination(中科院I区,Top期刊,IF5.527)等行业主流国际知名期刊发表论文近百篇,他引1500余次,部分研究成果在油田含聚采出水处理工程中得以实际应用;已培养和正在培养博士生近10人;硕士生30余人。
参编国家《室外给水设计标准》(GB 50013-2018);
1.Yuan Guo, Bing Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Shi*, Ruijun Zhang, Jun Cheng, Weiguang Li , Fuyi Cui. Enhanced aerobic granulation by applying the low-intensity direct current electric field via reactive iron anode. Water Research 149 (2019) 159-168. (SCI 收录,I区)
2.Xian Bao, Qinglian Wu, Wenxin Shi *, Wei Wang, Huarong Yu, Zhigao Zhu, Xinyu Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang , Ruijun Zhang, Fuyi Cui*. Polyamidoamine dendrimer grafted forward osmosis membrane with superior ammonia selectivity and robust antifouling capacity for domestic wastewater concentration. Water Research 153 (2019) 1-10 (SCI收录,I区)
3.Bing Zhang, Wei Li, Yuan Guo, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Shi*, Fuyi Cui, Piet N.L. Lens, Joo Hwa Tay. A sustainable strategy for effective regulation of aerobic granulation: Augmentation of the signaling molecule content by cultivating AHL-producing strains. Water Research, 2020, 169: 115193.(SCI收录, I区)
4.Bing Zhang, Wei Li, Yuan Guo, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Shi*, Fuyi Cui, Piet N.L. Lens, Joo Hwa Tay. Microalgal–bacterial consortia: from interspecies interactions to biotechnological applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 118: 109563.(SCI收录, I区)
5.YanGuo, WenxinShi, YongfaZhu, YongpengXu, FuyiCui. Enhanced photoactivity and oxidizing ability simultaneously via internal electric field and valence band position by crystal structure of bismuth oxyiodide. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 262:118262.(SCI收录, I区)
6.Xian Bao , Qinglian Wu , Wenxin Shi,? , Wei Wang , Zhigao Zhu , Zhiqiang Zhang , Ruijun Zhanga , Bing Zhang , Yuan Guo , Fuyi Cu??.Dendritic amine sheltered membrane for simultaneous ammonia selection and fouling mitigation in forward osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 584:9-19. (SCI收录, I区)
7.Xian Bao, Qinglian Wu, Wenxin Shi,?, Wei Wang, Zhigao Zhu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Ruijun Zhang, Xinyu Zhang, Bing Zhang, Yuan Guo, Fuyi Cui?. Insights into simultaneous ammonia-selective and anti-fouling mechanism over forward osmosis membrane for resource recovery from domestic wastewater. Journal of Membrane Science 573 (2019) 135–144. (SCI收录, I区)
8.Xian Bao , Qinglian Wu , Jiayu Tian , Wenxin Shi? , Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang , Ruijun Zhang , Bing Zhang , Yuan Guo , Shihu Shu , Fuyi Cui?. Fouling mechanism of forward osmosis membrane in domestic wastewater concentration: Role of substrate structures. Chemical Engineering Journal 370 (2019) 262–273. (SCI收录, I区)
9.Zhang, Bing; Lens, N.L., Piet; Shi, Wenxin*; Zhang, Ruijun; Zhang Zhiqiang; Guo, Yuan; Bao, Xian; Cui, Fuyi. Enhancement of aerobic granulation and nutrient removal by an algal–bacterial consortium in a lab-scale photobioreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334, 2373-2382. (SCI收录, I区;高被引论文)
10.Bing Zhang, Yuan Guo, Piet N.L. Lens, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenxin Shi ?, Fuyi Cui d,??, Joo Hwa Tay. Effect of light intensity on the characteristics of algal-bacterial granular sludge and the role of N-acyl-homoserine lactone in the granulation. Science of the Total Environment 659 (2019) 372–383 (SCI收录, II区).
11.Zhang, Zhiqiang; Luo, Yuan; Guo, Yuan; Shi, Wenxin*; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Bing; Bao, Xian; Wu, Shuyan; Cui, Fuyi. Pd and Pt nanoparticles supported on the mesoporous silica molecular sieve SBA-15 with enhanced activity and stability in catalytic bromate reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 344, 114-123. (SCI收录, I区)
12.Ruijun Zhang, Shuili Yu, Wenxin Shi*, Wei Wang, Xiaoying Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Li Li A novel polyesteramide thin film composite nanofiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization of serinol and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) catalyzed by 4-?dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP),Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 542, 68–80. (SCI收录, I区)
13.Shao, Penghui; Ren, Zhijun; Tian, Jiayu; Gao, Shanshan; Luo, Xubiao; Shi, Wenxin*; Yan, Boyin; Li, Jian; Cui, Fuyi. Silica hydrogel-mediated dissolution-recrystallization strategy for synthesis of ultrathin a-Fe2O3 nanosheets with highly exposed (110) facets: A superior photocatalyst for degradation of bisphenol S. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323, 64–73. (SCI收录, I区)
14.Zhang, Zhiqiang; Xu, Yongpeng; Shi, Wenxin*; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Ruijun; Bao, Xian; Zhang, Bing; Li, Li; Cui, Fuyi. Electrochemical–catalytic reduction of nitrate over Pd–Cu/γAl2O3 catalyst in cathode chamber: enhanced removal efficiency and N2 selectivity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290:201-208. (SCI收录, I区)
15.Liang, Zhijie; Zhao, Zhiwei; Sun, Tianyi; Shi, Wenxin*; Cui, Fuyi. Adsorption of quinolone antibiotics in spherical mesoporous silica: Effects of the retained template and its alkyl chain length. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 305: 8–14. (SCI收录, I区)
16.Zhang, Ruijun; Shi, Wenxin*; Yu, Shuili; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Bing; Li, Li; Bao, Xian. Influence of salts, anion polyacrylamide and crude oil on nanofiltration membrane fouling during desalination process of polymer flooding produced water, Desalination, 2015, 373: 27-37. (SCI收录, I区)
17.Bing Zhang, Wenxin Shi*, Shuili Yu, Youbing Zhu, Ruijun Zhang, Joo Hwa Tay . Adsorption of anion polyacrylamide from aqueous solution by polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane as an adsorbent: Kinetic and isotherm studies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 544 (2019) 303–311.(SCI收录, II区)
18.Jun Cheng, Zhang Zhiqiang, Wenxin Shi*, Zhang Ruijun, Zhang Bing,Bao Xian, Guo Yuan, Cui Fuyi. A novel polyester composite nanofiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization catalysed by 4-dimethylaminopyridine: Enhanced the water permeability and anti-fouling ability. Polymer 153(2018) 24-32. (SCI收录, II区)
19.Ruijun Zhang, Shuili Yu?, Wenxin Shi??, Junyong Zhu, Bart Van der Bruggen Support membrane pore blockage (SMPB): An important phenomenon during the fabrication of thin film composite membrane via interfacial polymerization. Separation and Purification Technology 215 (2019) 670–680. (SCI收录, II区)
20.Bing Zhang, Ruijun Zhang, Dongmei Huang, Yu Shen, Xu Gao, Wenxin Shi*. Membrane fouling in microfiltration of alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding oilfield wastewater: Effect of interactions of key foulants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 570 (2020) 20–30.(SCI收录, II区)

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