

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


黄国庆,重庆大学教授,江苏南京人。1997年本科毕业于大连理工大学,2008年博士毕业于美国德州理工大学。随后在美国知名咨询公司ABKJ工作。主要从事高层建筑、风机和输电线塔等结构抗风以及随机振动等研究工作。在国际著名结构工程和风工程SCI期刊发表论文50余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和四川省青年项目等多个项目。目前担任《Wind and Structures》(知名风工程SCI期刊, 2019年影响因子1.922)编委以及两期特刊客座主编(分别为第一和第二)。并担任中国空气动力学会风工程和工业空气动力学专业委员会委员、中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会委员及美国ASCE Structural Wind Engineering Committee委员等兼职。2009年获R.D. Marshall杰出博士论文奖,2015年获得四川省****资助,2018年获得国家科技进步二等奖(排名第5),2019年获得重庆市科技进步一等奖(排名第1)。

1,高层建筑、风机和输电塔线等结构抗风;2,随机振动; 3,风灾分析;4,风资源评估和尾流分析

Structural Dynamics

国际SCI期刊《Wind and Structures》编委
国际SCI期刊《Wind and Structures》特刊“Non-Synoptic Wind I, 26(3), 2018”第二客座主编(Ashraf EI Damatty为第一)
国际SCI期刊《Wind and Structures》特刊“Non-Synoptic Wind II, 27(2), 2018”第一客座主编(Ashraf EI Damatty为第二)
美国ASCE Structural Wind Engineering Committee委员
国际杂志“Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE”、“Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE”、“Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE”、“Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE”、“Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics”、“Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing”、 “Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics”、 “Energy”、 “Applied Energy”、 “Proceedings of The Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences”、“Wind and Structures”、“Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration”、“Advances in Structural Engineering”、“Science China Technological Sciences”、 “Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment” 、“KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering” 、“Engineering Computations”、“Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering”等审稿人

科研项目 (主持/参与)
1). 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(SWJTU11CX018),非稳态强风下的高层建筑响应分析,已完成,经费10万/主持
2). 国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金重点项目(U**),特殊地区高速铁路风致行车灾变控制准则、指挥预警机理及报警控制可靠性研究,2014-2017,经费280万/参与
3). 四川省青年科技创新研究团队项目(2015TD0004),复杂山区大跨度桥梁抗风性能及桥上行车防灾安全性研究,资助金额 100万元/参与
4). 四川省基础研究项目(2015JY0060),艰险山区大跨桥梁处风场实测和桥梁抖振响应分析,2015-2016,经费15万/主持
5). 四川省青年基金项目(2016JQ0005),山区复杂风场下大跨度桥梁的风致振动控制,2016-2018,经费50万/主持
6). 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),山区峡谷处非平稳强风下大跨度桥梁风振响应和等效静风荷载研究,2016-2019,经费63万/主持
7). 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),基于渐进破坏的单个和区域低矮房屋风灾易损性分析,2018-2021,经费62万/主持
8). 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目(),龙卷风等局地强风作用下网络型基础设施的局部损毁及灾害传播,2018-2022,子课题经费80万/主持,

普立特大桥桥址处风观察研究,(已完成) /主持
成都银行大厦抗风试验研究,(已完成) /主持
武汉天河机场T3航站楼抗风试验研究,(已完成) /主持

1). 一种高频风速仪测量数据远程传输系统 (第一申请人,专利号7.7)
2). 一种数字传感信号驱动智能型节能开关系统(第一申请人,专利号7.4)
3). 一种基于远程控制和数据压缩的数据无线采集系统(第一申请人,专利号8.8)
4). 一种基于数据的考虑风荷载相关性的屋面板损失估计方法(第一申请人,专利号3.0)
5). 一种用于大风监测的高频数据远程传输系统(第一申请人,专利号4.5)
6). 一种竖向碰撞型的调谐质量阻尼器(第二申请人,专利号2.4)
7). 一种考虑风压关联性和风速方向性金属屋面风灾估计方法(第二申请人,专利号5.2)
8). 一种用于山区风场模拟的过渡曲线的确定方法(第一申请人,专利号4.3)
9). 一种风荷载效应极值不确定性的分析方法(第一申请人,专利号3.2)

1. 国际期刊论文
1.1 回国前
1). Guoqing Huang and Xinzhong Chen* (2007) “Wind Load Effects and Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Tall Buildings Based on Synchronous Pressure Measurements.” Engineering Structures, 29(10), 2641-2653. (SCI)
2). Xinzhong Chen* and Guoqing Huang (2009) “Evaluation of Peak Resultant Response for Wind-Excited Tall Buildings.” Engineering Structures, 31(4), 858-868. (SCI)
3). Guoqing Huang and Xinzhong Chen* (2009) “Wavelets-Based Estimation of Multivariate Evolutionary Spectra and Its Application to Nonstationary Downburst Winds.” Engineering Structures, 31(4), 976-989. (SCI)
4). Xinzhong Chen* and Guoqing Huang (2010) “Estimation of Probabilistic Extreme Wind Load Effects: Combination of Aerodynamic and Wind Climate Data.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 136(6), 747-760. (SCI)
1.2 2013年
5). Guoqing Huang*, Haili Liao and Mingshui Li (2013) “New Formulation of Cholesky Decomposition and Applications in Stochastic Simulation.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 34, 40–47. (SCI)
6). Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, Haili Liao, and Mingshui Li (2013) “Predicting of Tall Building Response to Non-stationary Winds Using Multiple Wind Speed Samples.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 17(2), 227-244. (SCI)
1.3 2014年
7). Guoqing Huang* (2014). “An efficient simulation approach for multivariate nonstationary process: Hybrid of wavelet and spectral representation method.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 37, 74-83. (SCI)
8). Shuguo Liang, Lianghao Zou*, Dahai Wang and Guoqing Huang (2014). “Analysis of three dimensional equivalent static wind loads of symmetric high-rise buildings based on wind tunnel tests.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 19(5), 565-583. (SCI)
1.4 2015年
9). Peng Hu, Yongle Li*, Guoqing Huang, Rui Kang, Haili Liao (2015). “The appropriate shape of the boundary transition section for a mountain-gorge terrain model in a wind tunnel test.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 20(1), 15-36. (SCI)
10). Guoqing Huang*, Haitao Zheng, Youlin Xu and Yongle Li (2015). “Spectrum models for nonstationary extreme winds.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 141(10), **. (SCI)
11). Yanwen Su, Guoqing Huang* and Youlin Xu (2015). “Derivation of time-varying mean for non-stationary downburst winds.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 141,39-48. (SCI)
12). Guoqing Huang* (2015). “Application of proper orthogonal decomposition in fast Fourier transform-assisted multivariate nonstationary process simulation.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 141(7), **. (SCI)
13). Guoqing Huang*, Hua He, Kishor Mehta and Xiaobo Liu (2015). “Data-based probabilistic damage estimation for asphalt shingle roofing.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 141(12), **. (SCI)
14). Guoqing Huang*, Liuliu Peng, Yanwen Su, Haili Liao and Mingshui Li (2015). “A wireless high-frequency anemometer instrumentation system for field measurements.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 20(6), 739-749. (SCI)
15). Hua He, Guoqing Huang*, Jianming Yin, and Kishor Metha (2015). “Application and validation of an asphalt shingle roofing damage estimation method.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 145, 94-101. (SCI)
1.4 2016年
16). Guoqing Huang*, Yanwen Su, Ahsan Kareem and Haili Liao (2016). “Time-frequency analysis of nonstationary process based on multivariate empirical mode decomposition.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 142(1), **. (SCI)
17). Liuliu Peng, Guoqing Huang*, Ahsan Kareem and Yongle Li (2016). “An efficient space-time based simulation approach of wind velocity field with embedded conditional interpolation for unevenly spaced locations.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 43, 156-168. (SCI)
18). Guoqing Huang*, Ying Luo, Kurtis R Gurley, and Jie Ding (2016). “Revisiting moment-based characterization for wind pressures.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 151,158–168. (SCI)
19). Guoqing Huang*, Xiaowen Ji, Ying Luo, and Kurtis R Gurley (2016). “Damage estimation of roof panels considering wind loading correlation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 155, 141-148. (SCI)
20). Ying Luo, Guoqing Huang*, Jie Ding, and Kurtis R Gurley (2016). “Response to “Revisiting moment-based characterization for wind pressures” by G. Huang, Y. Luo, K.R. Gurley and J. Ding.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 158, 162-163. (SCI)
21). Ying Luo and Guoqing Huang* (2016). “Characterizing dependence of extreme wind pressures.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 143 (4), **. (SCI)
1.4 2017年
22). Liuliu Peng, Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, and Ahsan Kareem (2017). “Simulation of Multivariate Nonstationary Random Processes: Hybrid Stochastic Wave and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Approach.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 143 (9), **. (SCI)
23). Yan Jiang and Guoqing Huang* (2017). “Short-term wind speed prediction: Hybrid of ensemble empirical mode decomposition, feature selection and error correction.” Energy Conversion and Management, 144, 340–350. (SCI)
24). Ning Zhao and Guoqing Huang* (2017). “Fast simulation of multivariate nonstationary process and its application to extreme winds.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 170, 118-127. (SCI)
25). Guoqing Huang*, Ying Luo, Qingshan Yang and Yuji Tian (2017). “A semi-analytical formula for estimating peak wind load effects based on Hermite polynomial model.” Engineering Structures, 152, 856–864. (SCI)
1.4 2018年
26). Guoqing Huang*, Xiaowen Ji, Haitao Zheng, Ying Luo, Xinyan Peng and Qingshan Yang (2018). “Uncertainty of Peak Value of Non-Gaussian Wind Load Effect: Analytical Approach.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 144 (2), **. (SCI)
27). Xiaowen Ji, Guoqing Huang*, Xinxin Zhang and Gregory A. Kopp (2018). “Vulnerability analysis of steel roofing cladding: Influence of wind directionality.” Engineering Structures, 156, 587-597. (SCI)
28). Yan Jiang, Guoqing Huang*, Xinyan Peng, Yongle Li and Qingshan Yang (2018). “A novel wind speed prediction method: Hybrid of correlation-aided DWT, LSSVM and GARCH.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 174, 28-38. (SCI)
29). Lei Wang, Shuguo Liang*, Guoqing Huang, Jie Song, Lianghao Zou (2018). “Investigation on the unstability of vortex induced resonance of high-rise buildings.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 175, 17-31. (SCI)
30). Ashraf El Damatty, Guoqing Huang* (2018). “Special issue on Non-Synoptic Wind I Preface.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 26(3), I-I. (SCI)
31). Liuliu Peng, Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen and Qingshan Yang (2018). “Evolutionary Spectra-based Time-varying Coherence Function and Application in Structural Response Analysis to Downburst Winds.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 144 (7), **. (SCI)
32). Guoqing Huang*, Xu Cheng, Liuliu Peng and Mingshui Li (2018). “Aerodynamic shape of transition curve for truncated mountainous terrain model in wind field simulation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 178, 80-90. (SCI)
33). Guoqing Huang, Weizhan Liu, Qiang Zhou*, Zhitao Yan and Delong Zuo (2018). “Numerical study for downburst wind and its load on high-rise building.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 27(2), 89-100. (SCI)
34). Guoqing Huang and Ashraf El Damatty* (2018). “Special issue Non-Synoptic Wind II Preface.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 27(2), I-I. (SCI)
1.4 2019年
35). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang* (2019). “Efficient nonstationary stochastic response analysis for linear and nonlinear structures by FFT.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 145(5), **.
36). Yan Jiang, Guoqing Huang*, Qingshan Yang, Zhitao Yan, Chaofan Zhang (2019). “A novel probabilistic wind speed prediction approach using real time refined variational model decomposition and conditional kernel density estimation.” Energy Conversion and Management, 185, 758-773.
37). Guoqing Huang, Yan Jiang, Liuliu Peng*, Giovanni Solari, Haili Liao, Mingshui Li (2019). “Characteristics of Intense Winds in Mountain Area Based on Field Measurement: Focusing on Thunderstorm Winds.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 166-182.
38). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang*, Qingshan Yang, Xuhong Zhou, Ahsan Kareem (2019). “Fast convolution integration-based nonstationary response analysis of linear and nonlinear structures with nonproportional damping.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 145 (8), **.
39). Fengbo Wu, Guoqing Huang* (2019). “Refined empirical model of typhoon wind field and its application in China.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 145(11), **.
40). Shi Zhang*, Qingshan Yang, Giovanni Solari, Bo Li, Guoqing Huang. (2019). “Characteristics of thunderstorm outflows in Beijing urban area.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 195, 104011.
1.5 2020年
41). Min Liu, Liuliu Peng*, Guoqing Huang*, Qingshan Yang, Yan Jiang (2020). “Simulation of Stationary Non-Gaussian Multivariate Wind Pressures Using Moment-based Piecewise Hermite Polynomial Model.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 196, 104041.
42). Fengbo Wu, Guoqing Huang*, Min Liu (2020). “Simulation and Peak Value Estimation of Non-Gaussian Wind Pressures Based on Johnson Transformation Model.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 146(1), **.
43). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang* (2020). “Wind velocity field simulation based on enhanced closed-form solution of Cholesky decomposition.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE),146(2), **.
44). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang*, Ruili Liu, Peng Zhang, Chengwen Lu, Gangbing Song (2020). “Novel hidden Pounding Tuned Mass Damper for vibration control of a cantilevered traffic signal structure.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 146(3), **.
45). Guoqing Huang, Liuliu Peng*, Ahsan Kareem, Chunchen Song (2020). “Data-Driven Simulation of Multivariate Nonstationary Winds: A Hybrid Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition and Spectral Representation Method.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 197, 104073.
46). Liuliu Peng, Min Liu*, Qingshan Yang*, Guoqing Huang, Bo Chen (2020). “An analytical formula for Gaussian to non-Gaussian correlation relationship by moment-based piecewise Hermite polynomial model with application in wind engineering.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198, 104094.
47). Xiaowen Ji, Guoqing Huang*, Fengbo Wu, Zhao-Hui Lu, (2020). “Wind-induced hazard assessment for low-rise building envelope considering potential openings.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 146(4), **.
48) Zhihao Li, Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, Ying Zhou, Qingshan Yang (2019). “Wind-resistant design and equivalent static wind load of base-isolated tall building: A case study”, Engineering Structures, 212, 110533.
49). Xiaowen Ji, Guoqing Huang*, Yan-Gang Zhao (2020). “Probabilistic flutter analysis of bridge considering aerodynamic and structural parameter uncertainties.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 201, 104168.
50). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang*, Ruili Liu, Liuliu Peng (2020). “a remote long-term and high-frequency wind measurement system.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 刊印中.
51)Xu Cheng, Guoqing Huang*, Qingshan Yang, Xuhong Zhou (2019). “Influence of architectural facades on wind pressures and aerodynamic forces of tall buildings.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (SCI) , 修改中
52). Fengbo Wu, Guoqing Huang*, (2019). “Refined circular sub-region method in typhoon hazard analysis.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (SCI) , 修改中
53). Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang* (2020). “Simulating ergodic multivariate stochastic processes by two-dimensional FFT.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 修改中

2. 其他期刊论文
1). Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, Joan Zhong Brisbois (2013) “Earthquake-Resisting System Optimization and Pushover Analysis in Seismic Design of Approach Spans of New South Park Bridge.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 18(4), 238–246.
2). Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, Mingshui Li, Liuliu Peng, (2013) “Extreme Value of Wind-excited Response Considering Influence of Bandwidth.” Journal of Modern Transportation, 21(2), 125-134.
3) Yanwen Su, Guoqing Huang*, Liuliu Peng (2014), “Time-Frequency Analysis of Non-stationary Ground Motions Via Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition.” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 580-583, 1734-1741.
4) 彭留留,黄国庆*,马存明,苏延文(2015). “演化功率谱解耦及其工程应用”,西南交通大学学报. 50(2), 319-324,330.
5) 彭留留,黄国庆*,李明水,袁理明,罗楠(2015). “某机场新航站楼风压分布特征及风振系数研究”, 空气动力学学报.33(4), 1-8.
6) 苏延文,黄国庆*,彭留留(2015). “与反应谱相容的多点完全非平稳地震动随机过程的快速模拟”,工程力学.32(8), 141-148.
7) 黄国庆*,苏延文,彭留留,马存明,廖海黎,李明水 (2015). “山区风作用下大跨悬索桥响应分析”,西南交通大学学报. 50(4), 610-616.
8) 黄国庆*,彭留留,廖海黎,李明水 (2016). “普立特大桥桥位处山区风特性实测研究”,西南交通大学学报. 51(2), 349-356.
9) 姜言,黄国庆*,彭新艳,李永乐 (2016). “基于GARCH的短时风速预测方法”,西南交通大学学报. 51 (4), 663-669,742.
10) 黄国庆*,罗颖,郑海涛,刘小波,何华 (2016). “考虑风速变异性的风致屋面覆盖物损失评估”, 土木工程学报. 49(9), 64-71.
11) 杨成,唐泽楠,常志旺,黄国庆,徐腾飞* (2017).“基于经验模态分解的速度脉冲型地震动量化识别”, 工程力学. 34(4), 206-212.
12)冀骁文,黄国庆*,罗颖,张娟,(2018).“基于Copula函数考虑风荷载相关性的屋面风致易损性分析”,建筑结构学报. 39(2),138-145.
13)罗颖,黄国庆*,杨庆山,田玉基(2018).“基于高阶矩的非高斯风压极值计算”,建筑结构学报. 39(2),146-152.
14) 冀骁文,彭新艳,黄国庆*,罗颖 (2018).“低矮房屋风致结构响应极值不确定性分析”,土木工程学报. 51(5), 68-74.
15) 罗颖,黄国庆*,李明水,彭留留 (2018). “基于风洞数据的低矮房屋双坡屋面风压非高斯特性”, 空气动力学学报.36(4), 577-584.
16) 罗颖,黄国庆*,陈宝珍,刘威展,李明水,廖海黎 (2018).“基于短期实测数据的普立大桥设计风速推算”,工程力学. 35(7), 74-82.
17) 杨庆山*,田玉基,陈 波,黄国庆(2018).“行业标准《屋盖结构风荷载标准》的主要内容”,工程力学. 35(7), 1-6.
18) 苏延文, 黄国庆. (2018). “时变地震谱估计的非参数方法评价及应用”,地震工程学报, 40(2), 233-240.
19) 徐高扬,郑海涛,黄国庆*,吴凤波 (2019). “基于门控单元循环神经网络的台风路径预测”,计算机应用与软件,36(5), 119-125.
20) 陈巧菊,刘敏*,黄国庆,郑海涛 (2019).“龙卷风参数趋势性和相关性特征分析”,自然灾害学报,28(4), 111-121.
21) 宋淳宸,苏延文,黄国庆*,刘瑞莉,杨成 (2019). “基于多元EMD-AM/FM分解的多点非平稳雷暴风速模拟”,工程力学,36(7), 109-115,125.
22) 李艺,黄国庆,程旭,赵丽娜,(2019) . “移动型下击暴流及其作用下高层建筑风荷载的数值模拟”,工程力学, 37(3), 176-187.
23) 吴凤波,冀骁文,黄国庆,赵衍刚.(2019)基于简化渐进破坏的低矮房屋风致易损性分析.建筑结构学报. https://doi.org/10.14006/j.jzjgxb.2019.0199
24) 吴凤波,黄国庆,刘敏,彭留留,(2019) 非高斯风压极值估计:基于矩的转换过程法的抽样误差对比研究,振动与冲击

3. 国际国内会议论文
3.1 大会报告
1) Guoqing Huang (2014),“Nonstationary Excitations: Characterization, Modeling and Simulation (Keynote speech).” 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, Haikou, China, 05/24-05/25.
2) 黄国庆 (2014),“大跨度桥梁的抗风设计新进展.” 首届中国桥梁工程技术创新论坛, 武汉, 中国, 10/30-10/31.
3) 黄国庆 (2017),“风荷载效应概率分析:极值、不确定性和易损性.” 2017未来建筑大会,三亚,中国,12/01-12/02.5)
4) 黄国庆 (2018), “非平稳强风及结构风效应分析”, 首届中国空气动力学大会风工程主题会议,绵阳, 08/15-08/18.
5)黄国庆 (2018), “Nonstationary winds and wind load effects”, 第一届高性能风电设施及其高效运行与风敏感基础设施抗风减灾国际研讨会,重庆,10/18-10/19.
6)黄国庆 (2018), “非平稳强风及其结构风效应分析”,第十一届全国随机振动理论与应用学术会议暨第七届全国随机动力学学术会议,湖北宜昌,10/12-14.
3.2 特邀报告
1) Guoqing Huang (2015), “An Efficient Simulation for Multivariate Nonstationary Processes Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition”, 第二届土木工程防灾减灾青年****学术会议,武汉, 11/20-11/22.
2) 黄国庆 (2015), “非平稳强风作用下的结构动力分析”, 全国结构工程与防灾减灾优秀青年****论坛,广州, 12/4-12/5.
3) 黄国庆,彭留留(2016),“一种基于随机场的多点均质风场快速模拟方法”, 第十届全国随机振动理论与应用学术会议暨第五届全国随机动力学学术会议, 福州,11/02-11/06.
4) 黄国庆 (2016), “风荷载和响应的概率分析:极值、不确定性和易损性”, 全国结构工程与防灾减灾优秀青年****论坛,长沙, 11/24-11/25.
5) 黄国庆 (2017),“风荷载概率评估:极值,不确定性和结构易损性.” 第三届土木工程防灾减灾青年****学术会议 ,成都,中国,11/25-11/26.
6) 黄国庆 (2018),“风荷载效应概率评估:理论与应用.” 第十届全国结构设计基础与可靠度学术会议,重庆,11/9-11.
7) 黄国庆 (2018),“基于概率的高层建筑抗风设计.” 《建筑结构学报》创刊四十周年纪念暨第五届建筑结构基础理论与创新实践论坛第十届全国结构设计基础与可靠度学术会议,重庆,12/16-18.
8) 黄国庆 (2018),“非线性结构在非平稳激励作用下的高效分析.” 第二届(2018)结构复杂行为学术研讨会,杭州,12/13-15.

2009年在第十一届全美洲风工程大会上获得Richard D. Marshall杰出博士论文奖。

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