姓名: 姚润明
通信地址: 重庆市沙坪坝区重庆大学B区土木工程学院
1982年-1986年重庆 重庆大学 供热通风与空调工程 学士
1988年-1991年重庆 中国人民解放军后勤工程学院 建筑能源管理与工程 硕士
1993年-1997年重庆 重庆大学 建筑科学与技术 博士
1986年-1988年重庆 重庆建筑大学 助理工程师
1991年-1998年重庆 中国人民解放军后勤工程学院 讲师
1999年-2000年英国 布莱顿大学 助理研究员
2000年-2001年英国 剑桥大学 博士后
2002年-2004年英国 剑桥大学 研究员
2004年-2006年英国 剑桥大学 高级研究员
2007年-2010年英国 雷丁大学 建筑环境学院 讲师
2013年-2016年英国 雷丁大学 教授
2016年1月至今重庆 重庆大学 教授
精品英文课程Sustainable design and environment engineering
精品英文课程Environment quantity and well being
CIBSE Guide A指南委员会委员
CIBSE AM11委员会委员
ASHRAE TC2.01委员会委员
《Journal of Building Engineering》Elsevier Science Direct 联合主编(创刊人)
《International Journal of Indoor and Built Environment》SAGE 编委
《International Journal of Renewable Energy》Elsevier Science Direct 编委
《Intelligent Buildings International Journal》Taylor and Francis group 副主编
《Indoor and Built Environment》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Sustainable Development》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Renewable Energy》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Applied Energy》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Building and Environment》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Building Performance and Simulation》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
《Building Research and Information》SCIE 国际期刊审稿人
1、项目编号:2016YFC**,“长江流域建筑供暖空调解决方案和相应系统”, 国家“十三五”绿色建筑与建筑工业化重点研发计划项目, 负责人, 4500万元,2016-2020.
2、项目编号:EP/N009797/1,“Low carbon climate-responsive Heating and Cooling of Cities (LoHCool)”,国际合作,主持人,1300万,2015-2018.
3、“School indoor environment and ventilation control strategies for children's health and wellbeing”,国际合作,主持人,20万,2014-2015.
4、项目编号:EGA/A.S/S-13-05,“The impact of ambient air pollution on indoor environment in China: Evaluation of a practical intervention, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School”,国际合作,主持人,170万,2014-2016.
5、“Research Cooperation in Renewable Energy Technologies for Electricity Generation (REELCOOP)”,PI, European Commission, 国际合作,主持人,4000万,2013-2017.
6、“Creating an intelligent building environment to enhance Investment trader Performance”,国际合作,主持人,115万,2012-2016.
7、“Building energy management aided by wireless smart sensors and optimum decision system”国际合作,主持人,90万,2012-2015.
8、“Study on human behaviour according to indoor thermal environment and development of intelligent control system”国际合作,主持人,14万,2012.
9、“Progressing Eco-city Policies into Main-stream Practice – Action Research on Policy, Financing and Implementation Strategies for Low”国际合作,主持人,366万,2011-2012.
10、“中国国家科技支撑计划”, 合作负责人,50万,2007-2010.
12、“Numerical and experimental study on integrated strategic simulation model of urban environmen”,PI, EPSRC, 项目负责人,289012英镑,2008-2011.
13、“Forecast model for carbon emission in UK domestic buildings”,EPSRC DTG,项目负责人,62000英镑,2009-2012.
14、“Occupant behaviour of energy consumption in UK dwellings”,EPSRC DTG,项目负责人,62000英镑,2009-2012.
15、“Technology for Sustainable Built Environment, Industrial Doctorate Centre”,合作负责人,**英镑,2009.
1.Costanzo, V., Yao, R., Xu, T., Xiong, J., Zhang, Q. and Li, B. (2019) Natural ventilation potential for residential buildings in a densely built-up and highly polluted environment. A case study. Renewable Energy, 138. pp. 340-353. ISSN 0960-1481
2.Deng, J., Yao, R., Yu, W., Zhang, Q. and Li, B. (2019) Effectiveness of the thermal mass of external walls on residential buildings for part-time part-space heating and cooling using the state-space method. Energy and Buildings, 190. pp. 155-171. ISSN 0378-7788
3.Xiong, J., Yao, R., Grimmond, S., Zhang, Q. and Li, B. (2019) A hierarchical climatic zoning method for energy efficient building design applied in the region with diverse climate characteristics. Energy and Buildings, 186 (2019). pp. 355-367. ISSN 0378-7788
4.Du, C., Li, B., Yu, W., Liu, H., Li, C. and Yao, R. (2019) Moisture in clothing and its transient influence on human thermal responses through clothing microenvironment in cold environments in winter. Building and Environment, 150. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0360-1323
5.Li, B., Du, C., Liu, H., Yu, W., Zheng, J., Tan, M., Jin, Z., Li, W., Wu, J., Chen, L. and Yao, R. (2019) Regulation of sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) of human bodies responding to annual temperature variations in natural environments. Indoor Air, 29 (2). pp. 308-319. ISSN 0905-6947, 1600-0668
6.Jobli, M. I., Yao, R., Luo, Z., Shahrestani, M., Li, N. and Liu, H. (2019) Numerical and experimental studies of a capillary-tube embedded PCM component for improving indoor thermal environment. Applied Thermal Engineering, 148. pp. 466-477. ISSN 1359-4311
7.Li, B., Cheng, Z., Yao, R., Wang, H., Yu, W., Bu, Z., Xiong, J., Zhang, T., Essah, E., Luo, Z., Shahrestani, M. and Kipen, H. (2019) An investigation of formaldehyde concentration in residences and the development of a model for the prediction of its emission rates. Building and Environment, 147. pp. 540-550. ISSN 0360-1323
8.Li, X., Yao, R., Yu, W., Meng, X., Liu, M., Short, A. and Li, B. (2019) Low carbon heating and cooling of residential buildings in cities in the hot summer and cold winter zone - a bottom-up engineering stock modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220. pp. 271-288. ISSN 0959-6526
9.Du, C., Li, B., Liu, H., Ji, Y., Yao, R. and Yu, W. (2019) Quantification of personal thermal comfort with localized airflow system based on sensitivity analysis and classification tree model. Energy Building, 194. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0378-7788
10.Jing, S., Li, B. and Yao, R. (2018) Exploring the “black box” of thermal adaptation using information entropy. Building and Environment, 146. pp. 166-176. ISSN 0360-1323
11.Han, X., Song, G. and Yao, R. (2018) Transformation of industrial land and urban regeneration with a perspective of sustainable development - revelation of the Oracle on local changes in Reading, UK. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, 50 (4). pp. 536-542. ISSN 1006-7930
12.Li, X., Yao, R., Liu, M., Costanzo, V., Yu, W., Wenbo, W., Alan, S. and Baizhan, L. (2018) Developing urban residential reference buildings using clustering analysis of satellite images. Energy and Buildings, 169. pp. 417-429. ISSN 0378-7788
13.Xiong, J., Costanzo, V., Yao, R. and Li, B. (2018) Assessing the natural ventilation cooling potential of residential buildings in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone of China. In: 2018 Roomvent Ventilation, 2-5 June 2018, Espoo, Finland. (ISBN: 84)
14.Costanzo, V., Yao, R., Essah, E., Shao, L., Shahrestani, M., Oliveira, A.C., Araz, M., Hepbasli, A. and Biyik, E. (2018) A method of strategic evaluation of energy performance of Building Integrated Photovoltaic in the urban context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184. pp. 82-91. ISSN 0959-6526
15.Yao, R., Li, Y., Du, C. and Li, B. (2018) A ‘heart rate’-based model (PHSHR) for predicting personal heat stress in dynamic working environments. Building and Environment, 135. pp. 318-329. ISSN 0360-1323
16.Li, X., Yao, R., Li, Q., Ding, Y. and Li, B. (2018) An object-oriented energy benchmark for the evaluation of the office building stock. Utilities Policy, 51. pp. 1-11. ISSN **
17.Li, B., Du, C., Yao, R., Yu, W. and Costanzo, V. (2018) Indoor thermal environments in Chinese residential buildings responding to the diversity of climates. Applied Thermal Engineering, 129. pp. 693-708. ISSN 1359-4311
18.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R. and Cook, G. K. (2018) A fuzzy multiple attribute decision making tool for HVAC&R systems selection with considering the future probabilistic climate changes and electricity decarbonisation plans in the UK. Energy and Buildings, 159. pp. 398-418. ISSN 0378-7788
19.Li, B., Du, C., Tan, M., Liu, H., Essah, E. and Yao, R. (2018) A modified method of evaluating the impact of air humidity on human acceptable air temperatures in hot-humid environments. Energy and Buildings, 158. pp. 393-405. ISSN 0378-7788
20.Yao, R., Costanzo, V., Li, X., Zhang, Q. and Li, B. (2018) The effect of passive measures on thermal comfort and energy conservation. A case study of the Hot Summer and Cold Winter climate in the Yangtze River region. Journal of Building Engineering, 15. pp. 298-310. ISSN 2352-7102
21.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R., Cook, G. K. and Clements-Croome, D. (2018) Decision-making on HVAC&R systems selection: a critical review. Intelligent Buildings International Journal, 10 (3). pp. 133-153. ISSN 1750-8975 doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2017.**
22.Middlehurst, G., Yao, R., Jiang, L., Deng, J., Clements-Croome, D. and Adams, G. (2018) A preliminary study on post-occupancy evaluation of four office buildings in the UK based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Intelligent Buildings International Journal, 10 (4). pp. 234-246. ISSN 1750-8975
23.Araz, M., Hepbasli, A., Biyik, E., Shahrestani, M., Yao, R., Essah, E., Shao, L., Oliveira, A. C., Ekren, O. and Günerhan, H. (2017) Performance evaluation of a building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system combined with a wastewater source heat pump (WWSHP) system. Energy Procedia, 140. pp. 434-446. ISSN 1876-6102
24.Jiang, L., Yao, R., Liu, K. and McCrindle, R. (2017) An Epistemic-Deontic-Axiologic (EDA) agent-based Energy Management System in office buildings. Applied Energy, 205. pp. 440-452. ISSN 0306-2619
25.Yu, W., Li, B., Yao, R., Wang, D. and Li, K. (2017) A study of thermal comfort in residential buildings on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Building and Environment, 119. pp. 71-86. ISSN 0360-1323
26.Biyik, E., Araz, M., Hepbasli, A., Shahrestani, M., Yao, R., Shao, L., Essah, E., Oliveira, A. C., del Ca?o, T., Rico, E., Lechón, J. L., Andrade, L., Mendes, A. and Atl?, Y. B. (2017) A key review of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 20 (3). pp. 833-858. ISSN 2215-0986
27.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R., Essah, E., Shao, L., Oliveira, A. C., Hepbasli, A., Biyik, E., Ca?o, T. d., Rico, E. and Lechón, J. L. (2017) Experimental and numerical studies to assess the energy performance of naturally ventilated PV fa?ade systems. Solar Energy, 147. pp. 37-51. ISSN 0038-092X
28.Liu, H., Wu, Y., Li, B., Cheng, Y. and Yao, R. (2017) Seasonal variation of thermal sensations in residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone of China. Energy and Buildings, 140. pp. 9-18. ISSN 0378-7788
29.Li, B., Yang, Y., Yao, R., Liu, H. and Li, Y. (2017) A simplified thermoregulation model of the human body in warm conditions. Applied Ergonomics, 59 (A). pp. 387-400. ISSN 0003-6870
30.Essah, E. A., Yao, R. and Short, A. (2017) Assessing stack ventilation strategies in the continental climate of Beijing using CFD simulations. International Journal of Ventilation, 16 (1). pp. 61-80. ISSN 1473-3315
31.Li, B. and Yao, R. (2017) Indoor environment and assessment. In: Sayigh, A. (ed.) Sustainable High Rise Buildings in Urban Zones Advantages, Challenges, and Global Case Studies. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 79-92. ISBN 57
32.Li, Y., Yu, W., Li, B. and Yao, R. (2016) A multidimensional model for green building assessment: a case study of a highest-rated project in Chongqing. Energy and Buildings, 125. pp. 231-243. ISSN 0378-7788
33.Jiang, L. and Yao, R. (2016) Modelling personal thermal sensations using C-Support Vector Classification (C-SVC) algorithm. Building and Environment, 99. pp. 98-106. ISSN 0360-1323
34.Nicol, F., Nikolopoulou, M., Humphreys, M., Liddament, M., Loe, D., Shelton, J., Wilson, M. and Yao, R. (2016) Environmental criteria for design. In: Butcher, K. and Craig, B. (eds.) GVA/15 CIBSE Guide A: Environmental Design 2015. CIBSE, London, UK. ISBN 41 (Chapter 1)
35.Yao, R., Han, S., Li, X., Shahrestani, M. and Li, B. (2016) Evaluation of building retrofit strategies in different climate zones. ASHRAE Conference Transactions 2016, 122. pp. 289-299. ISSN 2378-2129
36.Yao, R., Li, X., Han, S., Li, B. and Lin, C. (2016) An analysis of energy efficient retrofit strategies for office buildings in China. CIBSE Technical Symposium.
37.Li, X., Li, Q., Li, B. and Yao, R. (2016) An investigation on energy consumption of public buildings in Chongqing, China. In: Clima2016-Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress. Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg. ISBN
38.Luo, Z., Zhao, J., Yao, R. and Shu, Z. (2015) Emergy-based sustainability assessment of different energy options for green buildings. Energy Conversion and Management, 100. pp. 97-102. ISSN 0196-8904
39.Orme, M., Hand, J., Richardson, B., Strachan, P., Willaims, D. and Yao, R. (2015) Thermal environment modelling. In: Parker, J. and Butcher, K. (eds.) AM11 Building performance modelling. CIBSE publication, London, UK, pp. 55-75. ISBN 64
40.Yang, Y., Yao, R., Li, B., Liu, H. and Jiang, L. (2015) A method of evaluating the accuracy of human body thermoregulation models. Building and Environment, 87. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0360-1323
41.Ofetotse, E., Essah, E. and Yao, R. (2015) Trends in domestic electricity consumption in Botswana. TMC Academic Journal, 9 (2). pp. 83-104. ISSN 1793-6020
42.Yang, Y., Li, B., Liu, H., Tan, M. and Yao, R. (2015) A study of adaptive thermal comfort in a well-controlled climate chamber. Applied Thermal Engineering, 76. pp. 283-291. ISSN 1359-4311
43.Yao, R., Luo, Q., Luo, Z., Jiang, L. and Yang, Y. (2015) An integrated study of urban microclimates in Chongqing, China: historical weather data, transverse measurement and numerical simulation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 14. pp. 187-199. ISSN 2210-6707
44.Li, B. and Yao, R., eds. (2015) Sustainable development in building and environment (SuDBE) 2013. Renewable Energy, 73. Elsevier.
45.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R., Luo, Z., Turkbeyler, E. and Davies, H. (2015) A field study of urban microclimates in London. Renewable Energy, 73. pp. 3-9. ISSN 0960-1481
46.Li, B., Yao, R., Wang, Q. and Pan, Y. (2014) An introduction to the Chinese Evaluation Standard for the indoor thermal environment. Energy and Buildings, 82. pp. 27-36. ISSN 0378-7788
47.Ofetotse, E. L., Essah, E. and Yao, R. (2014) Identifying trends in domestic electricity consumption in Botswana. In: 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy technologies (SET2014), 25-28th August, 2014, Geneva, Switzaland.
48.Cao, G., Awbi, H., Yao, R., Fan, Y., Sirénd, K., Kosonend, R. and Zhang, J. (J.) (2014) A review of the performance of different ventilation and airflow distribution systems in buildings. Building and Environment, 73 (March 2014). pp. 171-186. ISSN 0360-1323
49.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R. and Cook, G. K. (2014) A review of existing building benchmarks and the development of a set of reference office buildings for England and Wales. Intelligent Buildings International Journal, 6 (1). pp. 41-64. ISSN 1750-8975
50.Lee, T., Yao, R. and Coker, P. (2014) An analysis of UK policies for domestic energy reduction using an agent based tool. Energy Policy, 66. pp. 267-279. ISSN 0301-4215
51.Ofetotse, E. L., Essah, E. A. and Yao, R. (2013) Domestic energy models: complexities in defining specific tools. In: International Conference of SuDBE2013, 25-28 Oct 2013, Chongqing, China.
52.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R. and Cook, G. (2013) Developing new components for variable flow distribution system modelling in TRNSYS. Building Simulation, 6 (3). pp. 309-322. ISSN 1996-8744
53.Yao, R., Luo, Z., Jiang, L., Luo, Q., Yang, Y. and Gao, Y., (2013) Urban microclimates and urban heat island in Chongqing, China. Report. RICS, London.
54.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R. and Cook, G. (2013) Characterising the energy performance of centralised HVAC&R systems in the UK. Energy and Buildings, 62. pp. 239-247. ISSN 0378-7788
55.Liu, J., Yao, R. and McCloy, R. (2013) An investigation of thermal comfort adaptation behaviour in office buildings in the UK. Indoor and Built Environment, 23 (5). pp. 675-691. ISSN 1420-326X
56.Yao, R. and Lim, D. (2013) Building simulation. In: Yao, R. (ed.) Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, London, pp. 225-252.
57.Yao, R. and Short, A. (2013) Energy efficient building design. In: Yao, R. (ed.) Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, London, pp. 179-202. ISBN 17
58.Day, T., Lim, D. and Yao, R. (2013) Renewable energy for buildings. In: Yao, R. (ed.) Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, London, pp. 203-224. ISBN 17
59.Yao, R. (2013) Sustainability in the built environment. In: Yao, R. (ed.) Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, pp. 1-22.
60.Yao, R. and Steemers, K. (2013) Urban microclimates and simulation. In: Yao, R. (ed.) Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, London, pp. 77-97. ISBN 17
61.Lee, T. and Yao, R. (2013) Incorporating technology buying behaviour into UK-based long term domestic stock energy models to provide improved policy analysis. Energy Policy, 52. pp. 363-372. ISSN 0301-4215
62.Yao, R., ed. (2013) Design and management of sustainable built environments. Springer, London, pp432. ISBN 00
63.Gao, Y., Yao, R., Li, B., Turkbeyler, E., Luo, Q. and Short, A. (2012) Field studies on the effect of built forms on urban wind environments. Renewable Energy, 46. pp. 148-154. ISSN 0960-1481
64.Short , C.A., Yao, R., Luo, G. and Li, B. (2012) Exploiting a hybrid environmental design strategy in the continental climate of Beijing. International Journal of Ventilation, 11 (2). ISSN 1473-3315
65.Yao, R. (2012) Towards low energy buildings - exploiting ventilation. International Journal of Ventilation, 11 (2). ISSN 1473-3315
66.Yao, R. and Yu, C. W. F. (2012) Towards ‘Zero-carbon homes’ – issues of thermal comfort. Indoor and Built Environment, 21 (4). pp. 483-485. ISSN 1420-326X
67.Burzynski, R., Crane, M., Yao, R. and Becerra, V. (2012) Space heating and hot water demand analysis of dwellings connected to district heating scheme in UK. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 19 (6). pp. 1629-1638. ISSN 1005-9784
68.Yao, R., Yang, Y. and Li, B. (2012) A holistic method to assess building energy efficiency combining D-S theory and the evidential reasoning approach. Energy Policy, 45. pp. 277-285. ISSN 0301-4215
69.Turkbeyler, E., Yao, R., Nobile, R. , Bentham, T. and Lim, D. (2012) The impact of urban wind environments on natural ventilation. International Journal of Ventilation, 11 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1473-3315
70.Yao, R., Luo, Q. and Gao, Y. (2012) Simulation of urban microclimates. In: CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, 18th and 19th April 2012, Imperial College, London UK .
71.Liu, J., Yao, R. and McCloy, R. (2012) A method to weight three categories of adaptive thermal comfort. Energy and Buildings, 47 . pp. 312-320. ISSN 0378-7788
72.Lim, D. and Yao, R. (2012) A combined engineering and statistical model of UK domestic appliance electrical load profiles. In: The Western Load Research Association (WLRA) Spring 2012 Meeting and Conference, 7 – 9 March 2012, Boise, Idaho, USA.
73.Liu, J., Yao, R., Wang, J. and Li , B. (2012) Occupants’ behavioural adaptation in workplaces with non-central heating and cooling systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 35 . pp. 40-54. ISSN 1359-4311
74.Li, B., Zheng, J., Yao, R. and Jing, S. (2012) Indoor thermal environment and thermal comfort. Chongqing University Press, China, pp. 1-226. ISBN 84
75.Li, B. and Yao, R. (2012) Building energy efficiency for sustainable development in China: challenges and opportunities. Building Research and Information, 40 (4). pp. 417-431. ISSN 0961-3218 (special issue: Next challenges for energy and buildings research )
76.Shahrestani, M., Yao, R. and Cook, G. (2012) Decision making for HVAC&R system selection for a typical office building in the UK. In: ASHRAE annual conference, 23-27 June, 2012, San Antonio, TX, USA.
77.Lim, D. and Yao, R. (2011) Achieving carbon reduction from listed buildings in the UK: A case study on The Royal Academy of Engineering, London. In: 5th International Conference of WREC-Asia & SuDBE2011, 28-31 October 2011, Chongqing, China.
78.Liu, J., Yao, R. and Li, B. (2011) Field study on thermal comfort and adaptive strategies in residential buildings in China. In: WREC-Asia & SuDBE2011, 28-31 October 2011, Chongqing, China.
79.Lim, D. and Yao, R. (2011) A model of UK domestic appliance-use using Artificial Neural Networks. In: The AEIC Annual Load Research Conference, 7 – 10 August 2011, Alexandria, Virginia, USA .
80.Shahrestani, M. and Yao, R. (2011) An integrated dynamic whole life costing analysis for air distribution systems. In: Third International Conference on Applied Energy, 16-18 May 2011, Perugia, Italy, pp. 2907-2918.
81.Turkbeyler, E., Yao, R. and Day, T. (2011) Urban microclimate and renewable energy use in cities. In: The World Renewable Energy Congress - WREC 2011, 8-13 May 2011, Sweden, pp. 3066-3073.
82.Yao, R., Luo, Q. and Li, B. (2011) A simplified mathematical model for urban microclimate simulation. Building and Environment, 46 (1). pp. 253-265. ISSN 0360-1323
83.Turkbeyler , E. and Yao, R. (2011) A study on effect of built forms on urban wind environment by using CFD simulations. In: WREC-Asia & SuDBE2011, 28-31, October 2011, Chongqing, China.
84.Yang, Y. , Li, B. and Yao, R. (2010) A method of identifying and weighting indicators of energy efficiency assessment in Chinese residential buildings. Energy Policy, 38 (12). pp. 7687-7697. ISSN 0301-4215
85.Yao, R., Ding, Y. , Li , B. and Tan, Y. (2010) Part load operation coefficient of air-conditioning system of public building. Energy and Buildings, 42 (10). pp. 1902-1907. ISSN 0378-7788
86.Burzynski , R., Yao, R. and Crane , M. (2010) UK Zero Carbon Homes 2016 - Exemplary Development. In: World Renewable Energy Congress XI, 25-30 September 2010, Abu Dhabi.
87.Yao, R. (2010) A generic model of Exergy Assessment of the Environmental Impact for the Building Lifecycle. International Journal of Energy and Buildings, 42 (9). pp. 1482-1490.
88.Shahrestani, M. and Yao, R. (2010) Dynamic simulation for closed loops in heating systems with decision-making support. In: Tenth REHVA world congress in sustainable energy use in building, 9-12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
89.Liu, K. and Yao, R., eds. (2010) Intelligent pervasive spaces for working and living. International Journal of Intelligent Building, 2. Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 1-80, Guest Editors.
90.Yao, R., Liua , J. and Li, B. (2010) Occupants' adaptive responses and perception of thermal environment in naturally conditioned university classrooms. Applied Energy, 87 (3). pp. 1015-1022. ISSN 0306-2619
91.Li, B., Li, W., Liu, H. , Yao, R., Tan, M. , Jing, S. and Ma, X. (2010) Physiological expression of human thermal comfort to indoor operative temperature in the non-HVAC environment. Indoor and Built Environment, 19 (2). pp. 221-229. ISSN 1420-326X
92.Liu, K. and Yao, R. (2010) Understanding pervasive intelligent space using semiotics : [guest editorial]. Intelligent Buildings International Journal, 2 (1). pp. 3-4. ISSN 1750-8975
93.Yao, R. and Zheng, J. (2010) A model of intelligent building energy management for the indoor environment. Intelligent Buildings International, 2 (1). pp. 72-80. ISSN 1750-8975
94.Lee, T. and Yao, R. (2010) An overview of domestic energy models and a new approach with agent based modelling. In: International Conference on Applied Energy, 16-18 May 2010, Singapore.
95.Yao, R., Li, B., Steemers, K. and Short, A. (2009) Assessing the natural ventilation cooling potential of office buildings in different climate zones in China. Renewable Energy, 34 (12). pp. 2697-2705. ISSN 0960-1481
96.Yao, R. and Li, B. (2009) Building and urban sustainability (editorial). Renewable Energy, 34 (9 (Special). p. 1993. ISSN 0960-1481
97.March, P., Clements-Croome, D. J. and Yao, R. (2009) Development of intelligent building in Bahrain. Journal of Centre South University, 16 (Supplement). pp. 89-94. ISSN 1005-9784
98.Liu, M. and Yao, R. (2009) Environmental sustainability modelling with exergy methodology for building life cycle. In: The International Conference in Sustainable Development in Building and Environment, Chongqing, China.
99.Turkbeyler, E. and Yao, R. (2009) Experimental study of urban microclimate for a building complex. In: The International Conference in Sustainable Development in Building and Environment, October 2009, Chongqing, China.
100.Lim, D. and Yao, R. (2009) Impact of UK building regulations on design and thermal performance of dwellings. In: The International Conference in Sustainable Development in Building and Environment, Chongqing, China.
101.Zheng, J., Zhang, Y. and Yao, R. (2009) Impact of indoor thermal comfort on physiological parameters of human body. In: The International Conference in Sustainable Development in Building and Environment , Chongqing, China.
102.Yao, R. and Steemers, K. (2009) Overview of an innovative EU-China collaboration in education and research in sustainable built environment. Renewable Energy, 34 (9 (Special). pp. 2080-2087. ISSN 0960-1481
103.Yao, R. (2009) Tackling carbon emission reduction: adaptive behaviour of thermal comfort in buildings. Innovation and Research Focus (78).
104.Yao, R. and Steemers, K. (2009) Urbanisation and its impact on building energy consumption and efficiency in China. Renewable Energy, 34 (9 (Special). pp. 1994-1998. ISSN 0960-1481
105.March, P., Clements-Croome, D. and Yao, R. (2009) An investigation of development of intelligent buildings in Bahrain. In: The International Conference in Sustainable Development in Building and Environment , Chongqing, China.
106.Yao, R., Li, B. and Liu, J. (2009) A theoretical adaptive model of thermal comfort – Adaptive Predicted Mean Vote (aPMV). Building and Environment, 44 (10). pp. 2089-2096. ISSN 0360-1323
107.Liu, M., Li, B. Z. and Yao, R. M. (2007) Building operational energy consumption of Chongqing and its exergy assessment. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 14. pp. 186-190. ISSN 2227-5223
108.Li, B., Yao, R. and Luo, Q. (2007) Image processing method in urban buildings solar energy design. Journal of Chongqing University. ISSN 1000-582X
109.Li, B., Liu, J. and Yao, R. (2007) Investigation and analysis on classroom thermal environment in winter in Chongqing. Journal of Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning. pp. 115-117. ISSN 1002-8501
110.Yang, Y., Li, B. and Yao, R. (2007) Policy impact on building energy efficiency: EU experiences. Journal of Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning. ISSN 1002-8501
111.Liang, J., Li, B. Z., Wu, Y. and Yao, R. M. (2007) An investigation of the existing situation and trends in building energy efficiency management in China. Energy and Buildings, 39 (10). pp. 1098-1106. ISSN 0378-7788
112.Abu-Sharkh, , S., Arnold, R. J. , Kohler, J. , Li, R., Markvart , T., Ross, J. N. , Steemers, K. , Wilson , P. and Yao, R. (2006) Can microgrids make a major contribution to UK energy supply? International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10 (2). pp. 78-127. ISSN 1364-0321
113.Yao, R. and Baker, N. (2006) Lighting energy saving due to the use of direct sunlight. Sustainable Built Environment and Construction. pp. 73-78.
114.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, B. (2006) Asia-European sustainable urban development. In: International Conference on Asia-European Sustainable Urban Development.
115.Li, B. , Luo, Q. and Yao, R. (2006) Image process for sunlight distribution among buildings. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica. ISSN 0254-0096
116.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, B. (2006) Introduction to Sustainable Urban and Architectural Design. In: Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, B. (eds.) Introduction to Sustainable Urban and Architectural Design. China Architectur and Building Press, China, pp. 1-272. ISBN 7-112-08099-1
117.Li, B., Luo, Q. and Yao, R. (2006) Solution on configuration factor from ground to sky. Journal of Chongqing University. ISSN 1000-582X
118.Yao, R., Li, B. and Steemers, K. (2006) Sustainable Built Environment and Construction, Chongqing University. In: Yao, R., Li, B. and Steemers, K. (eds.) Sustainable Built Environment and Construction, Chongqing University. Chongqing University, Chongqing, pp. 1-196. ISBN 0-903248-03-4
119.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, B. (2005) Climatic suitability analysis for natural ventilation cooling in office building in China. In: 22nd conference on passive low energy architecture, Beirut, Lebanon, 13-16 November, 2005 .
120.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, N. (2005) An assessment tool for natural ventilation in strategic building design. In: 22nd conference on passive low energy architecture, 13-16 November, 2005 , Beirut, Lebanon.
121.Yao, R., Li, B. and Steemers, K. (2005) Field study on thermal comfort in hot humid-climate. In: Clima2005, 9-12 October 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland .
122.Li, B., Wu, J., Zhen, J. and Yao, R. (2005) The impact on air velocity on human perspiration critical temperature in hot and humid climate. In: Clima2005, 9-12 October 2005 , Lausanne, Switzerland .
123.Yao, R., Li, B. and Stmmers, K. (2005) Energy and comfort performance of natural ventilation system in office buildings in China. In: AIVC Conference , 21-23 September 2005, Brussels, Belgium.
124.Yao, R. and Steemers, K. (2005) A method of formulating energy load profile for domestic buildings in the UK. International Journal of Energy and Building, 37 (6). pp. 663-671. ISSN 0378-7788
125.Yao, R., Li, B. and Steemers, K. (2005) Energy policy and standard for built environment in China. Renewable Energy, 30 (13). pp. 1973-1988. ISSN 0960-1481
126.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Baker, N. (2005) Strategic design and analysis method of natural ventilation for summer cooling. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology -an International Journal, 25 (4). ISSN 0143-6244
127.Li, B. , Liu, M., Yao, R. and Stemers, K. (2005) Sustainable urbanisation: energy and environment in Chongqing. Journal of Chongqing University. ISSN 1000-582X
128.Yao, R. and Steemers, K. (2004) Strategic design method for natural ventilation in buildings. In: 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Roomvent 2004, 5-8 September 2004, Coimbra, Portugal .
129.Yao, R., Li, B. and Steemers, K. (2004) Policy and Standard for energy efficient building design in China. In: The 8th World Renewable Energy Congress, 28th August to 3rd September, 2004 , Denver, USA.
130.Yao, R., Baker, N. and Li, B. (2004) Energy simulation tool for architectural design. Journal of World Architecture. ISSN 1002-4832
131.Yao, R., Steemers, K., Baker, N. and Li, B. (2004) A method of energy efficient building design and planning. Architectural Journal. ISSN 1016-3212
132.Li, B., Yao, R., Baker, N. and Steemers, K. (2003) Innovative use of strategic design tools in building design in China. Journal of Chongqing University. ISSN 1671-8224
133.Yao, R., Baker, N. and McEvoy, M. (2003) A simplified method for referring the energy and overheating performance of window design. Architectural Science Review, 46 (3). pp. 225-232. ISSN 0003-8628
134.Yao, R., Steemers, K. and Li, B. (2003) Energy efficient design for residential buildings in China. Journal of Chongqing University. ISSN 1000-582X
135.Baker, N. and Yao, R. (2002) LT Europe - an Integrated Energy Design Tool for Building. In: PLEA 2002, July 2002, Toulouse, France.
136.Li, B. and Yao, R. (2002) Passive design for residential buildings and thermal comfort in south China. In: PLEA conference, July 2002 , Toulouse, France.
137.Yao, R., Baker, N. and McEvoy, M. (2002) A simplified thermal resistance network model for building thermal simulation. In: Sim 2002 Building simulation, September 11-13 July 2002 , Canada.
138.Yao, R., Miller, A. and Ip, K. (2001) Innovative Use of Computer Tools and IT in Building Services Engineering. In: The First International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, July 2001, Loughborough.
139.Yao, R., Feng, Y. and Miller, A. (2000) The Use of earth tube systems as a means of improving indoor thermal comfort in south China. In: the World Renewable Energy Congress –VI , July 2000, Brighton,UK.
1、主编,《Design and management of sustainable built environments》,Springer, London,2013年,ISBN号: 978-1-4471-4780-0。
2 参编,《室内热环境与人体热舒适》,重庆大学出版社,2012年,ISBN号:978-7-5624-5948-4
3、参编,《Intelligent pervasive spaces for working and living》. 2010年,International Journal of Intelligent Building, 2. Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 1-80, Guest Editors.
4、主编,《面向未来的绿色建筑——世界优秀绿色建筑实例精选》,重庆大学出版社,2008年,ISBN号: 978-7-5624-4395-7
5、编写,《Sustainable Urban and Architectural Design可持续城市与建筑设计》,中国建筑工业出版社,2006年,ISBN号:7-112-08099-1
6、主编, 《Sustainable Built Environment and Construction》, 2003年, Chongqing University, ISBN 0-903248-03-4, 196 pages, in English and Chinese
2008-2011, PVC Research Incentive 英国雷丁大学
2010 , RETP Research Output Prize 英国
2013 , Stars of Building Science 2013 Virtual Academy of Excellence 英国
2015, 重庆市科学技术奖励科技进步奖一等奖
3. Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, National University of Ireland,2012.
4.CIBSE-ASHRAE symposium, UK,2012
5. Invited speakers at the World Renewable Energy conference Florence, Italy(2006) Glasgow, UK(2008);Abu Dhabi, UAE(2010)
6.PLEA – 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Dublin,2008.
7.AIVC Conference,Brussels, Belgium, 2005.
8. PLEA. Beirut, Lebanon, 2005.
9. Clima2005Lausanne, 2005.
10. WREC US, 2004.
11. Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough UK, 2004.
12.VTT Research and Technology Finland, 2013
13.REHVA 50, Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Associations, Prague (Czech Republic),2013
14.IEA ( International Energy Agent), ANNEX 53, Italy,2012
15.Invited seminar,Urban microclimates, University of Cambridge,2011
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个人简介1975年3月生,男,博士(后),教授,博士生导师。现任重庆大学土木工程学院桥梁与道路工程课群组副组长。研究方向:桥梁与隧道工程、新型建筑材料与结构性能表征与多尺度建模等。现为美国ASCE会员、AIAA会员、中国复合材料学会会员、中国结构工程学会会员,国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审。担任国际期 ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04