

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


学习工作经历 2001/09-2005/07,重庆大学,化学化工学院,学士
社会兼职 中国金属学会冶金过程物理化学分会委员
SCI期刊《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Associate Editor》首届青年编委
主讲课程 本科生课程《高温物理化学》
主要研究方向 主要从事钒增值冶金研究,包括钒资源的绿色提取、高附加值钒基功能材料的制备与应用等。

科研项目 主持国家级项目4项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家科技支撑计划课题;主持省部级重点项目4项、其它省部级项目6项、企业合作项目5项。主研国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家973计划项目等国家级重大科研项目2项,省部级重点项目2项。
论文/专著/专利 以第一或者通讯作者身份在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Hydrometallurgy、Journal of Materials Chemistry A等领域内知名期刊发表SCI论文27篇(含JCR一区论文20篇)、EI论文22篇、CSCD论文3篇、国际或全国性会议论文12篇。以第一发明人申请中国发明专利14项,其中9项已获授权。
lYun Guo, Hong-Yi Li*, Yi-Heng Yuan, Jie Huang, Jiang Diao, and Bing Xie. Microemulsion Extraction: An Efficient Way for Simultaneous Detoxification and Resource Recovery of Hazardous Wastewater Containing V(V) and Cr(VI). Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020, 386: 121948. (SCI一区,IF 9.04)
lHong-Yi Li*, Chengjie Wang, Minmin Lin, Yun Guo, and Bing Xie. Green One-Step Roasting Method for Efficient Extraction of Vanadium and Chromium from Vanadium-Chromium Slag. Powder Technology,2020 (360), 503-508. (JCR一区)
lYun Guo, Hong-Yi Li*, Xie Zhang*, Jie Huang, Jun-Kai Feng, Jiang Diao, and Bing Xie. Steering Polyoxometalate Transformation from Octahedral to Tetrahedral Coordination by Counter-Cations. Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49(3): 583-587. (back cover文章,JCR一区)
lYun Guo, Hong-Yi Li*, Jie Huang, Shuo Shen, Cheng-Jie Wang, Zheng-Yang Wu, and Bing Xie. Efficient Separation of V(V) and Cr(VI) in Aqua by Microemulsion Extraction. Separation and Purification Technology,2020, 238: 116409. (JCR一区)
lHong-Yi Li*, Dan-Qing Li, Yang Yang, Xie Zhang, Jiang Diao, and Bing Xie. Re-Examination of Complexation Behaviors of V(V) and V(Iv): Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Simulation. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,2020, 35(5): 878-885. (JCR一区封面文章)
lHong-Yi Li*, Jun-Kai Feng, Liao Xiang, Jie Huang, and Bing Xie. Facile Synthesis of Bio-Inspired Anemone-Like Vs4 Nanomaterials for Long-Life Supercapacitors with High Energy Density. Journal of Power Sources,2020, 457: 228031.(JCR一区,IF 8.25)
lHong-Yi Li*, Cheng-Jie Wang, Yi-Heng Yuan, Yun Guo, Jiang Diao, and Bing Xie. Magnesiation Roasting-Acid Leaching: A Zero-Discharge Method for Vanadium Extraction from Vanadium Slag. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020, 260:121091.(JCR一区)
lGuang Wang, Min-min Lin, Jiang Diao*, Hong-Yi Li*, Bing Xie, and Gang Li. Novel Strategy for Green Comprehensive Utilization of Vanadium Slag with High-Content Chromium. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2019 (7), 18133-18141. (JCR一区)
lHong-Yi Li*, Kang Wang, Chengjie Wang, Minmin Lin, and Bing Xie. Atomic Atmosphere: A Way to Understand Phase Evolution During Vanadium Slag Roasting at the Atomic Level. Acta Crystallographica Section B,2019, 75: 927-932.(JCR一区)
lHong-Yi Li*, Yang Yang, Meng Zhang, Weili Wei, and Bing Xie. A Novel Anion Exchange Method Based on in Situ Selectively Reductive Desorption of Cr(VI) for Its Separation from V(V): Toward the Comprehensive Use of Hazardous Wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 368: 670-679.(SCI一区,IF 9.04)
lHong-Yi Li*, Dong Li, Yun Guo, Yang Yang, Weili Wei, and Bing Xie. On-Site Chemosensing and Quantification of Cr(VI) in Industrial Wastewater Using One-Step Synthesized Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018, 277: 30-38. (SCI一区,IF 7.10)
lHong-Yi Li*, Chuang Wei, Zheng-Wu Peng, Bing Xie. Novel 3D V2O5nanocorals with continuous size-gradient mesopore channels for high performance supercapacitors. Materials Letters. 2018, 220: 12-15. (JCR二区)
lXun Zhang, Zhonglin Bu, Rui Xu, Bing Xie, Hong-Yi Li*. V2O3nanofoam@activated carbon composites as electrode materials of supercapacitors. Functional Materials Letters. 2017, 10(6): **-1-**-4. (SCI)
lHong-Yi Li*, Cui Li, Meng Zhang, Kang Wang, Bing Xie. Removal of V(V) from Aqueous Cr(Vi)-Bearing Solution Using Anion Exchange Resin: Equilibrium and Kinetics in Batch Studies. Hydrometallurgy.2016, 165: 381-389. (JCR一,IF 3.34)
lHong-Yi Li*, Kang Wang, Wei-Hao Hua, Zhao Yang, Wang Zhou, Bing Xie. Selective leaching of vanadium in calcification-roasted vanadium slag by ammonium carbonate. Hydrometallurgy.2016, 160: 18-25. (JCR一,IF 3.47)
lHong-Yi Li*, Hai-Xing Fang, Kang Wang, Wang Zhou, Zhao Yang, Xiao-Man Yan, Wen-Sun Ge, Qian-Wen Li, Bing Xie. Asynchronous extraction of vanadium and chromium from vanadium slag by stepwise sodium roasting–water leaching. Hydrometallurgy. 2015, 156: 124-135. (JCR一,IF 3.34)
lHong-Yi Li*, Xin Qiu, Meng Dong, Xinlu Li, Yuxin Zhang, Bing Xie. Tuned hydrothermal synthesis of vanadium dioxide nanotubes. Ceramics International.2015, 41(10B): 13967-13973. (JCR一)
lHong-Yi Li*, Chuang Wei, Liang Wang, Qi-Sang Zuo, Xinlu Li, Bing Xie. Hierarchical vanadium oxide microspheres forming from hyperbranched nanoribbons as remarkably high performance electrode materials for supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015, 3: 22892-22901.(SCI一区, IF 11.30)
lHong-Yi Li*, Liang Wang, Chuang Wei, Xinlu Li, Bing Xie. Synthesis of ultralong(NH4)2V6O16·1.5H2O nanobelts for application in supercapacitors. Materials Technology.2015, 30(A2): 109-114.(SCI)
lHai-Xing Fang, Hong-Yi Li*, Tao Zhang, Bao-Si Liu, Bing Xie. Influence of CaO on existence form of vanadium-containing phase in vanadium slag. ISIJ International.2015, 55(1): 200-206.(SCI)
lZhao Yang, Hong-Yi Li*, Xu-Chen Yin, Zhi-Ming Yan, Xiao-Man Yan, Bing Xie. Leaching kinetics of calcification roasted vanadium slag with high CaO content by sulfuric acid. International Journal of Mineral Processing.2014,133:105-111. (JCR一区)
lHong-YiLi*, KaiJiao, LiangWang, ChuangWei, XinluLi, BingXie.Micelle anchored in situ synthesis of V2O3nanoflakes@C composites for supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.2014, 2(44):18806-18815. (SCI一区, IF 11.30)
l李鸿乂,李翠,方海星,王宁,王雨,谢兵. 一种从沉钒废水中有效分离和提取钒与铬的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 6.1.
l李鸿乂,王宁,谢兵,王雨,李翠,方海星. 一种碳酸铵浸出钒渣熟料提钒的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 5.5.
l李鸿乂,李翠,谢兵,王雨,张涛,汪亮. 一种从含钒、铬的溶液中选择性分离和提取钒与铬的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 5.9.
l李鸿乂,方海星,张涛,李翠,王宁,刁江,谢兵. 一种从转炉钒铬渣中提取钒和铬的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 8.X.
l李鸿乂, 魏闯, 汪亮, 杨林江, 彭毅, 谢兵. 一种制备NH4V3O8纳米带的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 5.2.
l李鸿乂, 焦凯, 汪亮, 杨林江, 谢兵. 复合电极材料三氧化二钒/碳、超级电容器及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 1.4.
l李鸿乂,张梦,谢兵,李翠. 一种从含钒、铬混合液中分离钒、铬的方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 1.2.
l李鸿乂,汪亮,魏闯,李新禄,谢兵,王雨. 一种海胆状钒基纳米电极材料的制备方法及应用. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 8.6.
l李鸿乂,彭正武,卜中林,冯俊恺,谢兵. 一种超级电容器电极材料硫化钒纳米花的制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 4.5.
表彰及奖励 l2019年重庆市自然科学基金****基金获得者;
科研团队 团队由教授4名、副教授3名、讲师3名、高级工程师1名组成,其中8人具有1年以上海外名校留学或访学经历。拥有博士研究生、硕士研究生共计40余名。科研团队梯度合理、分工明确,已形成一支在国内钒资源综合利用领域具有重要影响力的科研队伍。本科研团队广纳贤才,期待有志之士加盟。

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 重庆大学