朱长荣 个人主页
博士,应用数学, 2007, 四川大学
硕士,应用数学, 2003, 重庆大学
2003.7-现在 重庆大学数学与统计学院讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师
2008.1-2011.3 加拿大Ryerson大学作博士后研究工作
1995.7-2000.8 重庆文理学院数学系工作
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称: 微分方程的退化同宿轨附近的动力性态,2017-2020
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称: 发展方程的同宿轨分岔与次调和分岔,2012-2015
主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目名称: N-体问题的中心构型及动力系统的分支理论,2008-2010
主持国家自然科学基金天元基金项目,项目名称: 退化同宿轨的保持性及分岔,2008-2009
[1]S. Zhang, C. Zhu, Central configurations consist of two layer twisted regular polygons, Sci. China Ser. A, 45(2002)1428-1438
[2]C. Zhu, The pyramidal configurations of N+1 bodies cannot rotate, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 286(2003)391-396
[3]C. Zhu, Central configurations of nested regular tetrahedrons, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 312(2005)83-92
[4]C. Zhu, G. Luo, Subharmonic solutions bifurcated from homoclinic orbits for weakly coupled singular systems, Nonlinear Anal., 64 (2006)987-1001
[5]C. Zhu, G. Luo, Y. Shu, The existences of transverse homoclinic solutions and chaos for parabolic equations,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 335(2007)626-641
[6]C. Zhu, W. Zhang, Linearly independent homoclinic bifurcations parameterized by a small functions, J. Diff. Eqns., 240(2007)38-57
[7]C. Zhu, W. Zhang, Computation of bifurcation manifolds of linear-ly independent homoclinic orbits, J. Diff. Eqns., 245(2008) 1975-1994
[8]C. Zhu,The coexistence of subharmonics bifurcated from homocli-nic orbits in singular systems,Nonlinearity, 21(2008)285-303
[9]G. Luo, C. Zhu, Transversal homoclinic orbits and chaos for func tional differential equations, Nonlinear Anal., 71(2009) 6254-6264
[10]C. Zhu, G. Luo, K. Lan ,Multiple homoclinic solutions for singu-lar differential equations, Ann. I. H. Poincare-AN, 27(2010)917-936
[11]C. Zhu, K. Lan, Phase portraits, Hopf bifurcations and limit cycles of Leslie-Gower predator-prey systems with harvesting rates, Disc. Cont. Dynam. Sys. B,14 (2010)289-306
[12]C. Zhu, W. Zhang, Persistence of bounded solutions to degenerate Soblev-Galpern equation, Sci. China A Math., 53(2010) 2831-2846
[13]K. Lan, C. Zhu, Phase portraits, Hopf bifurcations and limit cycles of the Holling-Tanner models for predator-prey interactions, Nonl. Anal. RWA,12(2011) 1961-1973
[14]K. Lan, C. Zhu, Phase portraits of predator-prey systems with harvesting rates, Disc. Cont. Dynam. Sys., 32(2012)901-933
[15]G. Luo, J. Liang, C. Zhu, The transversal homoclinic solutions and chaos for stochastic ordinary differential equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 412(2014)301-325.
[16]C. Zhu, From homoclinics to quasiperiodic solutions for ordinary differential equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A,145 (2015)1091-1114.
[17]X. Lin, B. Long, C. Zhu, Multiple transverse homoclinic solutions near a degenerate homoclinic orbit, J. Diff. Eqns.,259 (2015)1-24.
[18]C. Zhu, B. Long, The periodic solutions bifurcated from a homoclinic solution for parabolic differential equations, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B, 21(2016)3793-3808
[19]X. Lin, C. Zhu, Codiagonalization of matrices and existence of multiple homoclinic solutions, J. Appl. Anal. Comput., 7(2017)172-188
[20]X. Lin, C. Zhu, Saddle-node bifurcations of Multiple homoclinic solutions in ODEs, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B, 22(2017)1435-1460
[21]B. Long, C. Zhu, The periodic solution bifurcated from homoclinic orbit for a coupled ordinary differential equations, Math. Meth.Appl. Sci.,(Accepted)
一直从事微分方程与动力系统的教学与研究工作,所得结果 发表在包括Ann. I. H. Poincare-AN 、J. Diff. Eqns.、Nonlinearity、Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A、Disc. Cont. Dynam. Sys.、中国科学等在内的多个有影响力的期刊上。