?????? 职????? 称: 教授
?????? 学????? 历:博士研究生
?????? 籍????? 贯:辽宁朝阳
?????? 个人履历:
?????? 1993-09至1997-07??? 重庆工业管理学院??????? 本科学生
?????? 2002-05至2005-07??????? 重庆大学????????????????? 硕士研究生
?????? 2006-03至2009-06??? 韩国国立全南大学????? ? 博士研究生
?????? 2010-02至2010-08??? 韩国国立全南大学?????? ?博士后研究员
?????? 1997.7至2010.12????????? 重庆理工大学?????????? ?助教、讲师、副教授
?????? 2010-12 至今?????????????? ?重庆理工大学??????????? 教授
????? ?巴渝学者特聘教授;
?????? 重庆市高校优秀人才;
?????? 江苏省双创人才(博士聚集计划:企业创新类);
?????? 江苏淮安“翔宇英才”;
?????? 全国机械原理研究会理事、西南分会副理事长;
?????? 重庆农业机械学会副理事长、农业机械标准化委员会委员;
?????? SCI杂志《Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations》客座主编;
???????SCI杂志《Advances in Materials Science and Engineering》客座主编;
?????? 重理工-威马农业机械研究所所长;
?????? 重庆理工大学智能山地农业机械研究所所长
?????? 江苏省沼液沼渣出料机械工程技术研究中心副主任;
????? ?1.?高精度数字全息测量技术
?????? 2. 智能山地农业机械
?????? 1?基于高精度DHPTV的磁流变微观结构与机理的三维可视化研究?国家自然基金(国家自然基金委)
?????? 2?多功能小型山地农田作业机研发?重庆市应用开发重点项目(重庆科委)
?????? 3?提高数字全息测量精度的方法研究?留学人员择优资助项目(人力资源和社会保障部)
?????? 4?基于数字显微全息术的微尺度复杂流场测量方法?重庆市高校优秀人才资助计划项目(重庆市教委)?
?????? 5?数字全息技术用于喷雾场测量的研究?重庆市自然基金一般项目(重庆市科委)?
?????? 6?高精度数字全息测量方法的研究?重庆市教委科学技术研究项目
?????? 7?多功能作业机轻量化设计?企业委托?
?????? 8?滑板阀系列化设计?企业委托?
?????? 9?种鹅智能产蛋箱研究与开发?企业委托
?????? 10?江苏省博士计划(企业创新类)?江苏省博士计划(江苏省人事厅、科技厅)
?????? 专著:
??????? Yan Yang, “Digital Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry:Principles and Applications”, Yewon Press,ISBN:**60,2010.
??????? 王秋宽,杨鸿,李光勇,杨岩(通讯),“数字显微全息应用于磁流变液微观结构与机理的三维可视化研究”,中国激光,4,**-1-9, 2014. (EI)
??????? 朱岗, 唐丽丽, 王秋宽,杨岩(通讯),“数字显微全息中透镜组成像实验参数研究”,激光杂志,2014,35(3),28-30。
????????龚立雄,黄 敏,杨 岩,“制造企业SPC质量信息系统设计研究”,组 合 机 床 与 自 动 化 加 工 技 术,2014,6,157-160。
??????? Li GY,Lin CH,Tang LL,Huang L,Yang Y(通讯),“Focal plane location using integrated gray-level gradient method in digita particle holography”,Optik,7,609-16,2013(SCI)
??????? Ding Y, Shang WB, Yang H,Yang Y(通讯),“Measurements of the Characteristics of Transparent Material Using Digital Holography”,Advances in Materials science and Engineering,**,2013(SCI)
??????? Yang Y,Chen X,Choi YS,“Mechanical Properties and Nondestructive Testing of Advanced Materials,”, Advances in Materials science and Engineering, 2013,**,2013(SCI)
????????Deng CC,Huang J,Li GY,Yang Y(通讯),“Application of constrained least squares filtering technique to focal plane detection in digital holography”,Optics Communications,2013,291:52-60。(SCI)
??????? Yang Y,Li GY, Tang LL ,Huang L,“Integrated gray-level gradient method applied for the extraction of three-dimensional velocity fields of sprays in in-line digital holography”,Applied Optics, 2,255-67,2012.(SCI)
??????? Wang QK, Lin CH,Yang Y(通讯),” Advanced Measuring (Instrumentation) Methods for Nuclear Installations: A Review”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations,2012,672876,2012(SCI)
??????? Zhu G, Xiong XC, Zhong XX, Yang Y(通讯),“A Novel Spectrometer for Measuring Laser-Produced Plasma X-Ray in Inertial Confinement Fusion”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations,804217,2012(SCI)
??????? Yang Y,Huang J,Chen X, “Advanced Measuring (Instrumentation) Methods for Nuclear Installations”, Science and Technology of NuclearInstallations,2012,215469,2012(SCI)
??????? 李光勇,杨岩(通讯)” 数字全息粒子图像测速技术应用于旋转流场测量的研究”, 中国激光,6,**-1-9,2012(EI)
??????? Yang Y, Kang BS,” Determination of depth-of-focus in lensless in-line digital particle holography”, Optik,17,1552-57,2011(SCI)
??????? Yang Y,Kang BS ,” Digital particle holographic system for measurements of spray field characteristics”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,11,1254-63,2011(SCI)
??????? Yang Y, Kang BS ,” Enhanced measurement capability of a digital particle holographic system for flow field measurements”,5,461-68,2011(SCI)
??????? Yang Y, Kang BS,” Measurements of the characteristics of spray droplets using in-line digital particle holography”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,6,1670-79,2009(SCI)
??????? Y. Yang, B. S. Kang."Experimental Validation for the Determination of Particle Positions by the Correlation Coefficient Method in Digital Particle Holography," Applied Optics, 2008, 47(32), 5953-5960. (SCI)
??????? Y. Yang, Y. J. Choo, B.S. Kang."Application of the correlation coefficient method for determination of the focal plane to digital particle holography," Applied Optics,2008, 47(6), 817-824, (SCI)
??????? Y. Yang, S. G. Huang, B. S. Kang."Glass Polishing Technology Using MR Fluids," Journal of Rare Earths, 2007, 25(S2), 367-369.
??????? Y. Yang, S. G. Huang, B. S. Kang. "Constitutive equation of MR fluids," J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. 2007, 14(s1), 257-259. (SCI)
?????? ?Y. Yang, S. G. Huang, B. S. Kang."Research on circular plate MR fluids brake," J. Cent. South Univ. Technol.2007, 14(s1), 260-262. (SCI)
??????? Y. Yang, H. Li, B. S. Kang."Analysis of magnetorheological fluid damper," J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. 2007, 14(s1), 263-265. (SCI)
??????? Y.?Yang, C. H. Lin, H. Li, J. Zhou. "A New Mechanical Model of MR Fluids," Journals of Key Engineering Materials, 2004, 274, 965-968. (SCI)
??????? Y. Yang, J. Huang, C. H. Lin. "Analysis and Design of Circular plate MR Fluids Brake," Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. 2004, 38, 152-154. (EI)
??????????Y. Yang, Yang Hong, Li Guangyong, “Measurement of the Rotating Flow Fields by Digital Holography Particle Image Velocimetry,” Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2014.(EI)?????????????????????? Y.Yang, Jin Huang, “3D visualization of the microscopic characteristic in Magnetorheological fluids,” 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS),2013/4/7-2013/4/10, pp 1014-1017,2013,(EI)
???????? Jin Huang, Yan Yang,"Radial squeeze force of MR fluid between two cylinders",Sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics,2013
???????? Weibin Shang, Yan Yang, "3D visualization of the flow fields using digital in-line holography", icnm-VI,2013
???????? Y. Yang, B. S. Kang. "Potential of digital holography in sprays measurement," Proc. of WCICA'08, Published by IEEE,2008, 1702-1707.
?????????Y. Yang, H. L. Huang, C. H. Lin. "Design of a new SMA micro-actuator," Proc. of INEC08, Published by IEEE, 2008, 802-806.
?????????Y. Yang, B .S. Kang. "Depth of focus determination in digital particle holography," Proceedings of annual conference of ILLASS-Korea, Published by ILLASS-Korea, 2008,127-132.
???????? Y. Yang, B. S. Kang. "Focal plane location in digital holography," Proc. Of AOMATT2007, Published by SPIE, 2007, 6723, 65-68.
???????? Y. Yang, B .S. Kang. "Parametric analysis of digital particle holography for spray droplets," Proceedings of annual conference of ILLASS-Korea, Published by ILLASS-Korea, 2007,73-78.
???????? Y. Yang, B .S. Kang. "Application of Digital Holography to Sprays," Proc. of AD’07, Published by East south Univ. Press. 2007, 2050-2054.
???????? Y. Yang, B .S. Kang. "Numerical Simulation of In-line Digital Holograms," Proc. of AD’07, Published by East south Univ. Press. 2007, 2055-2058.
???????? Y. Yang, B .S. Kang. "Measurements of spray characteristics using digital particle holography," Proc. of KSME 2007 fall annual meeting, Published by KSME, 2007, 71-76.
??????? ?Y. Yang, X. Chen, C. H. Lin, B. S. Kang. "A Robot Simulation System Basing on AutoLisp," Proc. of ICIEA07, Published by IEEE, 2007, 2154-2156.
?????????Y. Yang, C. H.Lin. "Simulation and Design of SMA Muscle," Proc. of Robio 2007, Published by IEEE, 1586-1590.
?????????Y. Yang, J. Huang, B .S. Kang. "Research on Cylindrical Magnetorheological Fluids Clutch," Proc. of SMSST07, Published by Taylor and Francis, 2007, 1558-1561.
???????? Y. Yang, J. Huang,? B .S. Kang. "Analysis and Design of SMA Damper," Proc. of SMSST07, Published by Taylor and Francis, 2007, 1562-1564.
???????? Y. Yang, C. H. Lin, H. Li, J. Zhou. "The Discussion of Mechanical model of MR Fluids, " Advances in Multiphase Flows-Measurement technology, Published by IAP, Vol.1, 2004, 78-81
教 师:?朱岗
??????????? 基本信息:硕士,在读博士,机械工程学院高级实验师
??????????? 联系方式:**, ahasnake@126.com
?????????? ?胡南
??????????? 联系方式:**,chenhu2002@cqut.edu.cn
学 生:
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