

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-14


2014年9月-2019年6月, 中国科学技术大学,安全科学与工程,博士(硕博连读)
2017年9月-2018年9月, 瑞典RISE研究院,联合培养博士
2010年9月-2014年7月, 中国地质大学(北京),安全工程,学士


(1). Yongzheng Yao, Ying Zhen Li, Haukur Ingason, Xudong Cheng, Scale effect of mass loss rates for pool fires in an open environment and in tunnels with wind. Fire safety Journal, 105 (2019) 41-50. (SCI JCR二区)
(2). Yongzheng Yao, Ying Zhen Li, Haukur Ingason, Xudong Cheng, The characteristics of under-ventilated pool fires in both model and medium-scale tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 87 (2019) 27-40. (SCI JCR一区)
(3). Yongzheng Yao, Ying Zhen Li, Anders L?nnermark, Haukur Ingason, Xudong Cheng, Study of tunnel fires during construction using a model scale tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 89 (2019) 50-67. (SCI JCR一区)
(4). Yongzheng Yao, Ying Zhen Li, Haukur Ingason, Xudong Cheng, Numerical study on overall smoke control using naturally ventilated shafts during fires in a road tunnel. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 140 (2019) 491-504. (SCI JCR一区)
(5). Yongzheng Yao, Xudong Cheng, Shaogang Zhang, Kai Zhu, Heping Zhang, Long Shi, Maximum smoke temperature beneath the ceiling in an enclosed channel with different fire locations. Applied Thermal Engineering, 111 (2017) 30-38. (SCI JCR一区)
(6). Yongzheng Yao, Xudong Cheng, Long Shi, Shaogang Zhang, Kun He, Min Peng, Heping Zhang, Experimental study on the effects of initial sealing time on fire behaviors in channel fires. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 125 (2018) 273-282. (SCI JCR一区)
(7). Yongzheng Yao, Xudong Cheng, Shaogang Zhang, Kai Zhu, Long Shi, Heping Zhang, Smoke back-layering flow length in longitudinal ventilated tunnel fires with vertical shaft in the upstream. Applied Thermal Engineering, 107 (2016) 738-746. (SCI JCR一区)
(8). Yongzheng Yao, Kun He, Min Peng, Long Shi, Xudong Cheng, Heping Zhang, Maximum gas temperature rise beneath the ceiling in a portals-sealed tunnel fire. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 80 (2018) 10-15. (SCI JCR一区)
(9). YongzhengYao, Shaogang Zhang, Long Shi, Xudong Cheng, Effects of shaft inclination angle on the capacity of smoke exhaust under tunnel fire. Indoor and Built Environment, 28 (2019) 77-87. (SCI JCR四区)
(10). 张和平, 姚勇征, 程旭东, 张少刚, 朱凯, 李聪聪, 一种小尺寸多功能隧道火灾实验平台,授权发明专利, 专利号: ZL 8.5.
(11). 张和平, 姚勇征, 程旭东, 陆松, 胡杨, 张少刚, 朱凯, 侯亚楠, 一种用于光学仪器镜头的滤光片支架, 授权实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL 6.5.

1). 高效复合防排烟技术和关键装置(2016YFC**),科技部“十三五”国家重点研发计划,2016.07-2019.06 (参与)
2). 城市地下空间复杂边界条件下火灾动力学行为研究(**),国家自然科学基金专项基金,2014.01-2018.12(参与)
3). 地铁隧道/列车车厢双狭长空间内火羽流卷吸特征及烟气输运行为研究(**),国家自然科学基金面上基金,2018.01-2021.12 (参与)
4). 杭州G20峰会涉会场馆消防评估 2016. 04 - 2016. 08 评估组成员
5). 厦门金砖五国会议涉会场馆消防评估 2017. 04 - 2017. 07 评估组成员
获2020年国际火灾安全科学学会(International Association for Fire Safety Science, IAFSS)最佳学位论文奖(Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research”)。该奖每3年评选一次,每次全球评选出3名获奖者,分别来自亚洲与澳洲区、欧洲与非洲区、美洲区。

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