1996.9-2000.7 山东聊城师范学院数学系 理学学士
2000.9-2003.5 北京科技大学应用科学学院数力系,理学硕士 导师:申亚男 专业:应用数学
2006.9-2011.1 北京科技大学机械学院热能专业,工学博士 导师:郑连存 专业:动力工程与工程热物理
[1]Limei Cao, Xinhui Si*,Liancun Zheng, Convection of Maxwell fluid over stretching porous surface with heat source/sink in presence of nanoparticles:Lie group analysis. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 37(4)(2016)433-442.
[2]Limei Cao, Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng, The flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous expanding channel: A Lie group analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation.270(, 2015)242–250.
[3]Limei Cao, Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng, Huihui Pang, Lie group analysis for MHD effects on the convectively heated stretching porous surface with the heat source/sink, Boundary Value Problems.63(2015)1-18.
[4]Limei Cao, Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng and Huihui Pang. The analysis of the suction/injection on the MHD Maxwell fluid past a stretching plate in the presence of nanoparticles by Lie group method,Open Physics 13(2015)135–141.
[5]Chao Wang ,Xinhui Si*, Yanan Shen,Liancun Zheng, Ping Lin,The exterior unsteady viscous flow and heat transfer due to a porous expanding or contracting cylinder, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 26 (2015) 279–285.
[6]Yina Sun*, Xinhui Si, Yanan Shen, DTM-BF method for the flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid over a stretching or shrinking sheet, International Journal on numerical and analytical methods in engineering, 2(1)(2013)110-118.
[7]Yina Sun, Xinhui Si*, Yanan Shen, Liancun Zheng,The analytical solution for the flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid over a nonlinearly stretching sheet, International Journal of applied mathematics and statistics 46(16),2013.
[8]Yina Sun,Xinhui Si*,Liancun Zheng, Xinxin Zhang, the analysis of the flow of a micropolar fluid between two orthogonally moving porous disks with counter rotating directions, Central European Journal of physics, 11(5),2013,601-614.
[9]Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng,Ping Lin,Xinxin Zhang, Yan Zhang, flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid in a porous channel with expanding or contracting walls, International Journal of heat and mass transfer.67(2013),885-895.
[10]Si Xinhui*,Zheng Liancun,Zhang Xinxin,Si Xinyi. Homotopy analysis method for the asymmetric laminar flow and heat transfer of viscous fluid between contracting rotating disks. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36(2012)1806-1820.
[11]Si Xinhui*,Zheng Liancun, Zhang Xinxin,et al. flow of micropolar fluid between two orthogonally moving porous disks. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 33(8)(2012)963-974.
[12]Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng, Xinxin Zhang, Ying Chao, Homotopy analysis method for the heat transfer in a asymmetric porous channel with an expanding or contracting wall,Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011)4321–4329.
[13]Si Xinhui*, Zheng Liancun, Zhang Xinxin, Yang Jianhong, Flow of a viscoelastic fluid through a porous channel with expanding or contracting walls, Chinese Physics Letters. 28(4 )(2011) 044702
[14]Xinhui Si*, Liancun Zheng, Xinxin Zhang, Ying Chao, The flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous channel with expanding or contracting walls, Cent. Eur. J. Phys., 9(3)( 2011), 825-834.
[15]Si Xinhui* , Zheng Liancun , Zhang Xinxin , Chao Ying, Homotopy analysis solutions for the asymmetric laminar flow in a porous channel with expanding or contracting walls, Acta Mechanica Sinica .27(2)(2011)208-214.
[16]Si Xinhui*,Zheng Liancun,Zhang Xinxin,Chao Ying. Existence of multiple solutions for the laminar flow in a porous channel with suction at both slowly expanding or contracting walls[J]. International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and meterials. 18(4)(2011)494-501.
[17]Si XinYi, Si xinhui*, Zheng liancun, Zhang xinxin.Homotopy analysis solution for micropolar fluid flow through porous channel with expanding or contracting walls of different permeabilities. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 32(7)(2011)859-874.
[18]Si Xinhui*,Zheng Liancun,Zhang Xinxin,Li Min, Yang Jianhong, Chao Ying. Multiple solutions for the laminar flow in a porous pipe with suction at slowly expanding or contracting wall. Applied Mathematics and Computation.218(2011)3515-3521.
2011.5.1-2013.5(YJ2011-015)涨缩渗透管道流动机理研究 冶金工程研究院基础理论研究基金
2012.1.1-2014.1.1(FRF-TP-12-108A)涨缩渗透管道流动机理研究 中央高校基本科研业务费
2013.6-2016.12 (YETP0387) 北京高等学校“青年英才计划”
2014.1-2016.12 (**) 青年科学基金项目 涨缩渗透管道流动解的存在性及稳定性研究
2015,10-2016,9 (FRFTP-15-036A3) 李群在非牛顿流体力学中的应用,中央高校基础科研业务费
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-02
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